Sunday, December 27, 2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication Nov. 04 To 11 - 2009
A. Child Health - Autism - How to Treat Autism A Nutritional Perspective
I. Definition
Nutritional supplement is also known as food supplement, it is defined as a form of foods supplement which are prepared with intention of providing nutrients for people who for what ever reason found to have nutritional supplements deficiency, such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids,amino acids, etc. Many countries define nutritional supplements as foods, while in others they are defined as drugs.
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II. Types of nutritional supplement and how they help to treat autism
A. Vitamins
a) Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps to prevent the forming of free radical and improve immune function. It is an important vitamin, because most children with autism have weakened immune system, it is said that vitamin A helps to support immune memory and improve eye contact and behaviour of children with autism, if taking together with vitamin D.
b) Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B complex is a family vitamin, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) , folic acid (B9) cyanocobalamin (B12) and choline. They work together to enhance function of the others, therefore deficiency of one B vitamin may reduce the effectiveness of the others. Vitamin B complex helps to improve function of nervous system and glands by creating enzymes needed by the brain.
i) Vitamin B1
Besides assisting the proper functioning of the heart, it also helps to improve the brain and central nerve system cells' function in transmitting information. Study shows that vitamins B1 helps to improve test scores for children with autism. It can be found in Green, leafy vegetables, including spinach and peas.
ii) Vitamin B2
Besides it is important for helps for building healthy DNA, it also helps to improve mental function and control stress by increasing the production of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase which is a rare genetic defect in some children with autism.
iii) Vitamin B3
Besides it is important for the production energy metabolism, it also helps to increases cerebral blood flow, thereby decreasing the risks of nervous symptoms such as emotional problems, irritability, memory loss, etc.
iv) Vitamin B6
It is said that vitamin B6 decreases behavioural problems, improves eye contact and attention span, and learning ability for children with autism, if working together with magnesium.
v) Folic acid
Folic acid also known as vitamin B9, it is vital in maintaining healthy brain, cell production and DNA duplication. Most children with autism are found to have folic acid deficiency, resulting in neurological problems, including slow thinking, depression, memory loss and digestive disorder.
vi) Vitamin B 12
Besides helping to improve the absorption of all essential nutrients into the body, it also enhances the proper function of the nervous system and the brain to work as they should, thereby decreasing the risks of nervous symptoms, including developmental regression, memory problems, slow thinking, anxiety and depression.
c) Vitamin C
Besides best known for its antioxidant in fighting against the forming of free radicals and bacteria and virus, it is also crucial to brain function. Some studies show that vitamin C helps to remove toxins from our body as well as heavy metals accumulated in the brain. In some studies vitamin C increases the IQ scores in normal and Down's children and decreases confusion and depression for children with autism.
d) Vitamin E
Study shows that vitamin E helps to improve verbal speech for children with autism, if taking together with Omega 3 fatty acid.
B. Minerals
a) Magnesium
Magnesium is vital for the proper functioning of brain and muscle cells. Study shows that magnesium has a significant positive effects on behavior in children with autism if taking together with vitamin B6. Magnesium can be found abundantly green vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains.
b) Zinc picolinate
Zinc is not only important for lower elevated levels of other minerals such as copper, it also helps to improve the function of nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, thereby decreasing the risk of nervous tension and increasing the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals.
c) Calcium
It besides is a very important mineral for strong bone, it also plays an important role in neurological function in transmitting messages. Deficiency of calcium causes nervous tension, resulting in unpleasant dispositions, temper tantrums, muscles twitch and spasms, restless and insomnia.
d) Selenium
Selenium besides is one of essential enzymes, preventing the forming of free radical in the brain cells, it also is vital for for the production of glutathione which helps to eliminate the toxic metals and other harmful man made chemicals in our body.
e) Sulfates
Most children with autism have low or no ability to convert compounds to sulfate, leading to inability of the body in protect itself against environmental chemicals and some chemicals produced within the body, leading to nervous tension as resulting of environment toxins accumulated in some parts of the body.
g) Iodine
Iodine is vital for regulating the normal function of thyroid gland and preventing mental retardation. Most children with autism are found to have iodine deficiency, leading to behaviour problems.
f) Potassium
Some children with autism may experience low muscle tone as resulting of deficiency of low levels of potassium in the body, or inability of the body in absorbing potassium because of low levels of magnesium.
C. Other supplements
a) Taurine
Taurine is one amino acid which not only helps to calm the brain and inhibits the excitation of nerve cells, it also helps to blocks the excito-toxic effects of glutamate and aspartate, resulting in lessening the risk of extremely hyperactive and regression.
b) Glutamine
It is a precursor to the antioxidant glutathoine. Besides helping to prevent excessive cells oxidation, thus decreasing the risk of abnormal transmitting information of brain cells due to impaired cellular membranes, it also improves the digestive enzyme and probiotics to the gastrointestinal tract, thereby restoring the integrity of the digestive system.
c) Glutathione
Glutathione is found in the liver, it helps the liver to detoxify many harmful compounds through the bile secretion. Beside helping to protect our body against cells oxygen oxidation and increase the neorological function, it also replenishes the gastrointestine tract.
d) Carosine
It is said that carosine helps to enhance neurological function, including behavior, language, eye contact and speech. Studies shows that intake of carosine helps to improve the brain in controlling emotion, epileptic activity, cognitive, expressive speech, and abstract thinking for some children with autism.
e) Melatonin
Melatonin is a type of hormone which is produced by our brain to make us falling to sleep and normally used as sleep aid medicine for children. Since most children with autism having behavior problem, including sleep disturbance, melatonin improves the combination of better sleep, better control of biological rhythms and high anti-oxidant effect. No matter how good, it is, it is still a types of hormone, please consult with the children doctors before applying.
DMSA is an oral chelating agent that helps to remove mercury and other metals from the body, including toxic heavy metals in the brain, resulting in improvement in social reciprocity for children with autism.
g) Coenzyme Q 10
Coenzyme Q 10 besides is important in maintaining a healthy immune system, it also helps improve the neurological functions by getting more oxygen to the brain and central nervous system, resulting in increasing energy as resulting of of the ATP energy cycle and improving mental alertness.
h) Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, besides helping to maintain the normal function of brain cells, and decreasing the cholesterol in the blood stream. it also places an important role in enhancing the attention spans and improving concentration for children with autism. Essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 can be found in cold water fish, flax seed oil, olive oil and nuts and seeds.
B. Child Health - Autism - How To Manage And Treat Autism In A Vitamins Perspective
A. Vitamin A
1. Immune system
Vitamin A is one of the antioxidant which helps to prevent the oxidation of cells as well as reducing the infection and inflammation caused by bacteria and virus by enhancing immune system's awareness of foreign invasion.
2. Central nervous system
After converting to beta carotene, it helps to decrease the irregular cells growth in the central nervous system, causing tumors and cancers, affecting the central nervous system in maintaining its normal function. It is proven that vitamin A helps to support the nervous system in preventing night blindness and weak eye sigh and improving immune memory, thereby improving eye contact and behaviour of children with autism, if taking together with vitamin D.
3. Circulatory system
It is said that vitamin A also helps to decrease the level of bad cholesterol, interfering with the circulatory system in transporting of nutrients and oxygen to our body's cells need, including the brain cells.
B. Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B complex is a family vitamin. They work together to enhance function of the others, therefore deficiency of one B vitamin may reduce the effectiveness of the others. It is said that Vitamin B complex helps to improve function of nervous system and glands by creating enzymes needed by the brain.
I. Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
1. Circulatory system
It is said that vitamin B1 helps to improve the circulation of blood, thereby lessening the risk of heart disease as well as increasing the absorption of oxygen and nutrients that are vital for autistic children.
2. Nervous system
a) Production of red blood cells
It is said that vitamin B1 helps to assist the production of red blood cells, thereby increasing the absorption of oxygen and nutrients for our body's cell needs, including the cells central nervous system, thus decreasing the symptoms of autism caused by nutrients deficiency.
b) Maintain normal brain function
Vitamin B1 besides is important for brain cells in information transmitting between themselves and regulating the production of certain glands, it also helps to maintain a healthy central nervous system, thereby, reducing the symptoms of nervous tension.
c) Muscle movement
Besides helping to maintain the normal function in information transmitting, it also helps to improve the brain function in controlling the movement of the body's muscles, thereby decreasing the symptoms of uncontrolled muscles movement for children with autism.
3. Immune system
Vitamin B1 is also considered as one of the antioxidant which helps to prevent the immune system abnormal allergic reaction as well as improving it's function in protecting our body against irregular cells growth.
4. Carbohydrate metabolism
It is said that vitamin B1 improve the liver function in carbohydrate synthesis and improve the digestive system in absorbing vital vitamins and minerals, thus decreasing the risk of elevating the symptoms of nervous system such as fatigue and tiredness.
Study shows that vitamins B1 helps to improve test scores for children with autism. It can be found in Green, leafy vegetables, including spinach and peas.
II. Vitamin B2
1. Red blood cell formation and oxygenation
Vitamin B2 increases the absorption of oxygen and improve the formation of red blood cells, leading to increasing the blood transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the body`s cell, resulting in lessening the risk of abnormal brain cells' function in information transmitting and glands regulating.
2. Metabolism of carbohydrates
It is said that it also helps to increase our body in synthesis carbohydrate, thus decreasing the fluctuation of the level of insulin in the blood stream, resulting in lessening the risk of nervous system in controlling the production of certain hormone, causing symptoms of depression, anxiety, tiredness and loss of energy.
3. Fat and protein metabolism
Since it helps the liver in fat and protein metabolism, it increases the function of digestive system in breaking down fat and protein to amino acids, leading to more energy for our body's need to perform daily activity, resulting in lessening the risk of nervous symptoms for children with autism.
4. Adrenal hormones
It also help to improve the nervous system in regulating the adrenal gland in secreting hormones, thus reducing the risk of nervous tension such as depression and stress.
5. Immune System
a) Anti-body production
Vitamin B2 also helps to strengthen the immune system in production of healthy anti body, thus decreasing the risk of infection and inflammation caused by foreign bacteria and virus invasion.
b) Cell regulation
It also regulates the duplication of DNA and cells growth, thereby decreasing the risk of tumors and cancers.
III. Vitamin B3
1. Circulatory system
a) blood vessels Dilation
Vitamin B3 helps to dilate the blood vessel, thereby increasing the blood flow in carrying oxygen and nutrients to the body's cell, resulting in lessening the risk of nervous tension caused by oxygen and nutrients deficiency such fatigue, tiredness and dizziness.
b) High blood pressure
It can help to reduce the high blood pressure, thus decreasing the risk of heart diseases caused by over working of the heart in pumping the blood to nourish our body's cells and organs.
c) Lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides
Since it helps to lower the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, it increases the circulatory system function in transporting oxygen and nutrients to our body's vital organs and cells.
2. Nervous system
a) Regulating blood sugar
It is said that vitamins B3 increases the function of liver in regulating the pancreas in production of insulin, thereby decreasing the risk of fluctuation of blood sugar in the blood stream, thus reducing symptoms of nervous tension caused by blood sugar irregularity.
b) Strengthening the nervous system
It also helps to strengthen the nervous system in transmitting information between themselves and the glands, leading to reducing the symptoms of nervous disorders caused hormone imbalance.
3. Immune system
In case of immunity, it increases the body function in fighting against pollutant and toxins by eliminating through kidney urinary secretion or liver waste elimination.
IV. Vitamin B6
It is said that vitamin B6 decreases behavioural problems, improves eye contact and attention span, and learning ability for children with autism, if working together with magnesium.
1. Circulatory System
a) Risk of heart disease
It is said that vitamin B6 helps to improve the heart function in transporting the blood to our body needs by lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood stream, resulting in lessening the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
b) Red blood cell formation
It is also a vital vitamin helped to increase the formation of red blood, thus increasing absorption of iron, resulting in lessening the risk of anemia.
2. Detoxification
Vitamin B6 is also a blood purifier. By helping our liver in toxins elimination, it increases the nervous function by eliminating toxic chemicals accumulated in the brain or in other organs.
3. Immune system
The immune system is vital in protecting our body against invasion of foreign bacteria and virus, vitamin B6 increases the awareness of immune system in production of antibody when it is necessary.
4. Nervous system
a) Immune enhancer
It also helps in maintaining the central nervous system and normal brain function, by regulating the function of brain cells in information transmitting and hormones production of certain glands.
c) Prostaglandins
Vitamins B6 also helps to balance the levels of fatty acid, thereby decreasing the risk of muscles spasm caused over production of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family.
V. Folic acid
Folic acid also known as vitamin B9, it is vital in maintaining healthy brain, cell production and DNA duplication. Most children with autism are found to have folic acid deficiency, resulting in neurological problems, including slow thinking, depression, memory loss and digestive disorder.
1. Circulatory system
a) Lowering homocysteine levels
High levels of homocysteine have been found to associate with an increased risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to the accumulation of fatty plaques).
b) Formation of red blood cells
Folic acid is important for helping other organs and bone narrow in formating of red blood cells, thereby, increasing the absorption of iron as well as decreasing the risks of oxygen and nutrients deficiency, causing tiredness, dizziness and loss of energy.
2. Nervous system
It is said that folic acid helps the liver in synthesis carbohydrate, thus increasing the energy for our body activity need and reducing the symptoms of loss of energy and fatigue.
3. Immune system
a) White blood cells
Folic acid also plays a vital role in regulating the production and formation of white blood cells, thus protecting our body against infection and inflammation caused by foreign bacteria and virus as well as decreasing the risk of autoimmune diseases.
b) Cell division and replication
It also helps to regulate the replication of cell division, thus decreasing the the risk of cells being oxidated, leading to decreasing the function of brain cells in information transmitting, if the brain cells are oxidated.
VI) Vitamin B 12
Besides helping to improve the absorption of all essential nutrients into the body, it also enhances the proper function of the nervous system and the brain to work as they should, thereby decreasing the risks of nervous symptoms, including developmental regression, memory problems, slow thinking, anxiety and depression.
1. Digestive system
Vitamins B12 is vital in improving the digestive system in absorbing the vital vitamins and minerals, thus decreasing the risks of abnormal brain cells' function caused by nutrients deficiency.
2. Immune system
It also helps strengthen the immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals and guarding our body from infection and inflammation.
3. Nervous system
a) Cell formation and cellular longevity
It also plays an important role in regulating the formation of cells, thereby promoting cellular longevity, resulting in decreasing the risks of nervous symptoms, including developmental regression, memory problems, slow thinking, anxiety and depression
b) Nerve damage
It also protects the nerve damage caused by invasion of free radicals as well as preventing the accumulation of toxic chemicals and heavy metals, thus improving concentration, memory
c) Energy levels
It is said that vitamins B12 helps to improve the metabolism of carbohydrate and fat and protein thereby, increasing the energy levels in our body, resulting in lessening the risk of memory loss, tiredness, fatigue, dizziness and loss of interest.
C. Vitamin C
Besides best known for its antioxidant in fighting against the forming of free radicals and bacteria and virus, it is also crucial to brain function. Some studies show that vitamin C helps to remove toxins from our body as well as heavy metals accumulated in the brain. In some studies vitamin C increases the IQ scores in normal and Down's children and decreases confusion and depression for children with autism.
1. Immune system
a) Anti-oxidant
It is one of powerful antioxidant helped to strengthen the immune system in guarding our body against invasion of bacteria and virus and forming of irregular cells.
b) Formation of collagen
Vitamin C helps to protect, grow and repair of body tissue cells, thus decreasing the risk of tissues being damaged by formation of free radical, as well as aging.
c) Infection and inflammation
Vitamin C also prevents the breaking off of the small capillaries as well as strengthening the blood vessels in our body, thus decreasing the risks of blood leaking causes of inflammation.
d) Allergic autoimmune reaction
It also increasing the awareness of immune system in recognizing the invasion of foreign substances, thus decreasing the risk of immune allergic autoimmune reaction caused by unharmful substance.
2. Nervous system
It also helps to improve the function of brain cells in regulating the adrenal gland in production of serotonin and other anti- stress hormone, thereby decreasing the risk of depression, anxiety and physical and emotional stress.
3. Circulatory system
a) Lower high blood pressure
It also helps to improve the circulatory function and the function of our heart in transporting oxygen and nutrients to our body' cells by lowering the high blood pressure, strengthening the blood vessels and reducing the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), thus decreasing the risk of heart diseases and stroke as well as decreasing the symptoms of dizziness, fatigue and tiredness.
D. Vitamin D
1. Insulin enhancer
Vitamin D is important to strengthen the function of islet cells in production of insulin, thereby increasing the function of cells to take up blood sugar, resulting in lessening the risk of nervous symptoms caused by insulin fluctuation.
2. Immune protection
It also helps to increase the function of blood cells, including the white blood cells, thus strengthening the immune system function in fighting the invasion of harmful substance, causing abnormal immune reaction.
3. Calcium and phosphorus
It is vital for improving the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, leading to strong bone and strengthening all cell protoplasm (a composed of a mixture of small molecules including ions, amino acids, monosaccharides and water, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids,etc.) and nervous tissues.
4. Thyroid gland
Thyroid gland is important in production of thyroid hormone in regulating the proper development and differentiation of all cells of our body and in protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism for energy production. Abnormal production of thyroid hormone causes hypothyroidism and depression.
E. Vitamin E
Study shows that vitamin E helps to improve verbal speech for children with autism, if taking together with Omega 3 fatty acid.
1. Immune system
One of many antioxidant helps to strengthen the immune system in fighting against the forming of free radicals, thus reducing the risks of irregular cell growth and oxidation.
2. Circulatory system
a) Heart enhancer
Vitamin E is also known in helping to make the blood thinner, thereby decreasing the risk of high blood pressure and blood clotting, resulting in lessening the risk of heart diseases and stoke and increasing the circulatory system in transporting of oxygen and nutrients.
b) Air pollution
It also helps to strengthen the lung and protect it against air pollution, leading to more oxygen circulation in the blood and decreasing the risk of symptoms of tiredness, fatigue and dizziness caused by air pollution.
3. Nervous system
a) Oxidation
Oxidation is happened every second in our body, vitamin E helps to delay this process by strengthening cell membrane and the awareness of immune system, thereby decreasing risk of cells retardation.
b) Muscle strength
It is said that vitamin E helped to improve the production of certain hormones in regulating the function of muscle movement, thus increasing the muscle strength which is important for children with autism.
c) Insulin
Insulin is required to neutralize the level of blood sugar and in processing energy. Vitamin E helps to regulate the production of insulin, raise it if it is low and reduce it when it is too high, thereby decreasing the risk of insulin fluctuation, causing nervous symptoms such as irregular hormone production, stress and depression.
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It is advice for parent with autistic child to keep a food diary and note of their child’s behaviours and symptoms alongside all the foods intake. This can help to identify the foods that cause immune allergic reaction and replay them them with other foods containing at least the same nutrients. Please consult with your dietitian or nutritional therapist before applying.
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Sunday, December 20, 2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication Oct. 28-2009
A. Children Health 01-Definition and Causes of Autism
I. Definition
Autism is one most common form of brain development disorder and one in 166 child is diagnosed with some forms of autism. Children who are diagnosed with autism tend to have weak immune system and auto immune problems. Autism is defined as medical condition in which a child has some of the following impairments
a) Speech
b) Social and communication skills
c) Limited interest
d) Repetitive behaviour
II. Causes of Autism
1. Antibiotic
The conventional medicine tends to prescribe the mild form of anti biotic for infant and young children, if they are diagnoses with infection or inflammation. The side effect of medication, if overdoses or over uses may increase the risk of nutrient deficiency as resulting of good bacteria being destroyed, causing imbalance of micro bacteria in the digestive system. Also virus tends to produce resistance to antibiotic if overuse, leading to weakened immune system in defend our children's body against other invaders.
2. Vaccination
While organic forms of mercury are more easily absorbed when ingested and some forms of mercury are eliminated from the body very slowly. Methyl Mercury in thimerosal is 50 time more toxic than its organic form. if the child can not remove it through natural secretion, it may be accumulated in the central nervous cell, leading to poisoning and damaging the nervous cells.
3. Environment toxins
There are over 5000 man made chemicals in our environment and most of them are considered very toxins to us. The immune system of our children and infant is not strong as we are, if they are unintentional exposed to highly toxic materials, they may not be able to secret them, causing toxins accumulation in the liver and brain cells, leading to poisoning.
4. Infectious diseases
There are many types of infectious diseases which can be transmitted easily to infants and children, because of imperfection of their immune system such as meningitis, causing inflammation to the central nervous system that damages the brain cells of the infants and children.
5. Food allergic reaction
For what ever reason, certain food chemical compounds which are well tolerated by most of the children, can cause central nervous system inflammation. While the inflammation caused by food allergy can easily treat, but most parents or conventional doctors have made a mistake by not detecting them early, leading to psychological effect of development disorder.
6. Biochemical Abnormality
Some infants was born with low in sulfur amino acid which are important for liver detoxification, causing weakened liver function in eliminatiing the toxins in the foods, air and drinks, leading to poison entering the blood stream and accumulating in brain, causing psychological problems.
7. Hypothyroidism
Sub clinical hypothyroidism is a type of thyroid disease which can not be detected by conventional blood test, it is often found to associate with symptoms of low temperature, accompanied by cold feet and hands, pale complexion, late teething, difficulty with focusing in school, mood swings and developmental delays or mental retardation, causing weakened immune system and nutrient deficiency, leading to autism.
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B. Children Health 02-- How to Treat Autism In Conventional Perspective
I. Definition
Conventional medicine is also known as Western medicine. It is a system of medical approach in which medical doctor and other health professionals such as nurses, medical technician and specialists and therapists, etc. use medication, radiation, medical equipments or surgery to treat symptoms of disease and diseases.
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II. How conventional medicine effects autism
A. Diagnosis
For the disease to be treated effectively, the conventional doctor first has to diagnose what causes the symptoms of the disease or diseases. It is helped by blood test, logical screen, psychological and physical examination, etc. The diagnosis of children with development disorder is always a stressful and time consuming road for both parent and children, because each doctor in conventional medicine mostly specializes in one field and can not make any suggestion outside of his or her professional judgement. You may be recommended to see other specialists if one found to be necessary. Since autism is complex disease, it requires a team of doctor before it can be diagnosed correctly and many wrong diagnosis have been done, leading to overwhelming pressure and time wasting to the parent and their children. Fortunately, many cases of autism have been correctly diagnosed and are treated accordingly.
To avoid wasting your time, here is the basic list of doctors and specialists who have been required for all children with development disorder to be diagnosed correctly.
a. Development and behaviour pediatrician
b. Paediatric neurologist
c. Children psychiatrist
d. Children psychologist
e. Speech and language pathologist
f. Occupational therapist
g. Physical therapist
h. Play therapist
i. Social worker
Some children may require more or less specialists than the list above in their road to find a cure, but we believe the list is a basic team for fast and corrected diagnosis.
B. Types of conventional treatment
1. Animal therapy
Animal therapy focus to improve in the inter action between the child and animal, thereby increasing the child confident in building relation ship as well as sensory and motor issues.
2. Auditory integration therapy
The program uses modified music and sound with an aim to correct the problems of child's in processing and understanding speech and sound.
3. Augmentative communication
Augmentative communication helps to support the child's communication output by acting as a bridge until speech develops or by providing an alternative if speech fails to develop. It includes picture exchange communication, picture and symbol displays, technological support for communication, sign language and body language.
4. Behaviour treatments
The aims of behaviour treatment is to help the autistic children to overcome the emotional , behavioural and cognitive dysfunction through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure. It is said that this types of treatment have proven to be successful in treating mood, anxiety, personality, eating, substance abuse, and psychotic disorders in some degrees.
5. Chelation
Since children with autism have a weakened secretion system, Cchelation helps to remove heavy metals accumulated in the brain through medication taken by IV or by mouth or rubbed on the skin. Although, it is a new treatment, but in theory, it decreases physical and behaviour problems.
6. Diet
Daily diet is always important for autistic or non autistic children. Since most autistic children have problem of weakened immune system and problem with toxic elimination, intake of foods which help to strengthen immune and improve toxin secretion will do no harm while avoiding intake of foods which may elevate the allergic and gastrointestinal problem are always essential.
Choosing fresh and organic foods carefully will always help to reduce metabolic conditions for autistic children.
7. Discrete trial training
Discrete trial training is a program which helps to improve the basic skills for autistic children
a) Pre learning skills such as sit, attending, look at your class mate and teacher, etc.
b) Safe skills such as know their name, address, parent phone number, etc
Before the children can proceed the more complex language, academic and social skills by beginning of with a breaking off the skills into small part and taught in repetitive drills. The process of the children is record and rewarded if the response is appropriate.
8. Facilitated communication
The program helps the non verbal students to communicate with others while someone helps to support their hands and arm.
9. Immunological treatments
The types of therapy helps to alter immune system deficit for children with autism, including steroid, infusion and intravenous munoglobulin, depending to the child's diagnosis. These treatments may carry long term health risk. There are many herbs which can help such as ginko boliba if you want to use herb or other alternative treatment for this type of disorder, please consult with your doctor before applying.
10. Medication
Medicine used by conventional medicine to treat some symptoms of autism such as hyperactive, anxiety, moodswing, seizure, gastrointestinal disorder have been proven very effective, but with some side effects, therefore it is for the child benefit to keep the dose as low as possible
a ) Tranquilizers
i) Effects
Tranquilizers include thioridazine (Mellaril), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), haloperidol (Haldol) and risperidol (Risperdal) which help to treat symptoms of behaviour problem by regulating the production of dopamine, thereby increasing their attention and concentration in school and at home thus making them more able to learn.
ii) Side effect of tranquilizers include
*Sedation or sleepiness.
** Less common side effects include changes in the function of the liver, effects on blood cells, restlessness or agitation, sensitivity of the skin to the sun, and true allergic reactions
*** Re occurrence of the symptoms if the medication is stopped
b) Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor
i) Effects
It works well for children with depression and anxiety disorders, by regulating the production of serotonin which is vital for responsible and controlling the fundamental physiological aspects of the body
ii) Side effects
*Urinary retention
** Easily agitated or upset.
*** Dizziness and Fatigue
**** Change in appetite and sleep and etc.
11. Musical therapy
Musical therapy focus in using music through singing, movement and musical instruments to assist learning of language, communication and social skills.
12. Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy is a type of program, helping to compromise physically, intellectually or emotionally to integrate coping skills into their lives in order to perform necessary tasks. but for children with autism, the main goal of occupational therapy is to integrate sensory perception through recognition and interpretation of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory, therefore it helps the child to gain a more peaceful frame of mind and concentrate on certain tasks.
13. Play therapy
Play therapy is focus in using plays to improve the language, speech, communication, emotional and social skills.
14. Physical therapy
Physical therapy is also known as physiotherapy. The main goal of this program is to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability for the children with autism, such as walking, jumping, running, etc. so that the children can increase their physical strength, balance and motility as well as better sensory integration.
15. Rapid-prompting method
Soma Mukhopadhyay is the founder of rapid-prompting method. The method involves constant, fast-paced questioning and combined with the use of a low-tech alphabet board for spelled communication to keep the students attention and prompt rapid response from the students.
16. Recreational therapy
Encouraging the child to participate in some types of sport such as swimming, gymnastic, dance etc., thereby increasing the child awareness of social interaction.
17. Relationship development intervention
Relationship development intervention believes autism children can adapt to authentic emotional relationships with others and different environments if they are given opportunity to learn them in a gradual, systematic way by using highly structured games, exercises, back and forth focused communication, share experience and plays with others of that help to build up the experience of interacting in social relationships.
18. Social skill group
Children plays together under supervision of parents and specialist such as psychologist, this helps to improve the social interaction and social skills, thereby increasing the child awareness of inappropriate behaviours and interest in playing with other children.
19. Social story
By telling simple story with lots of pictures and sometimes words, the program improves the autistic children self help and social skills and prepare the child for the change of routine and in new environment.
20. Son-rise
Son-rise is one of the method has been taught to parent with autistic children in the 70s, unfortunately there are no published independent study has tested the efficacy of the program. The program believes by accepting autistic children as they are, with no prejudgement and interacting with them with positive, enthusiastic way as well as encouraging the children in more meaningful communication of that can help the children overcome verbal and social interactive deficit.
21. Speech and language therapy
It is a program designed to improve the autistic children ability in speech production, vocal production, swallowing difficulties and language needs and the use of language. The program can be run through different contexts including schools, hospitals, and private clinic or therapist's office.
22. Treatment and education of autism and related communication-handicap
It is a class program with the aim to teach autistic children independent work, life by communication and social skills by focusing in repetitive routines, picture schedules and structural settings.
23. Verbal behaviour
It is first discovered by Skinner, a psychologist. It helps the children to language and speech by breaking off the sentence into small part and taught in systematic way by assessing the minute details of initial and progress communication skills through gaps filling. Parent are requested to response and reward their child as well. As the communicative skills progress, the children are taught to make request, ask question and engage in more complex conversation. The program is only a theory with little experimental research until recently.
24. Vision therapy
Vision therapy may be necessary, if the child is suspected to have problem of seeing or understanding and learning for what he or she see.
25. Vitamins and supplements
Since children with autism is lack of vitamin B6, vitamin E and other trace minerals, it is no harm if they are taken in small dose. If you want to use them or high doses, please consult with your child's doctor before applying.
In fact, there are no single type of treatment which is likely to be effective for all children and all families. Instead, intervention will need to be adapted to individual needs and the value of approaches.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication Oct. 21 -2009
Fertility and Ovarian Failure Syndrome In Conventional Medicine Perspective
I. Definition
Premature ovarian failure is also known as primary ovarian insufficiency. It is defined as a condition of women before age of 40 of which the brain does not response to high levels of FSH in making egg, due to an insufficiency of estrogen.
II. Diagnosis
If you have some of the symptoms below, your doctor may order a blood test for hormones and the levels of FSH hormone, if your blood test indicated a high levels of FSH (follicle Stimulating Hormone), you may suspect to have premature ovarian failure. It's usually necessary to repeat the blood test to make sure the first test was correct. Sometimes, a chomid challenging test is require to confirm the first test result.
III. Causes
The causes of POFs is known, but some researchers suspect
1. Autoimmune disorders
It is caused by abnormal function of immune system in producing antibody antigen that destroys the body tissues, leading to the destruction of ovarian function.
2. Turner syndrome
It is genetic cause of POF as resulting of a complete or near-complete loss of the second X, because it requires to have 2 functioning X chromosomes for normal ovarian function.
3. Fragile X syndrome
It is the most common cause of inherited mental impairment and associated with premutation form of the FMR1 gene, leading to increasing the risk of premature ovarian failure or early menopause.The premutation form of the FMR1 gene can be easily detected in blood or cheek cells via a DNA test.
4. Chemotherapy and radiation
It is said that chemotherapy and radiation to the pelvic region may damage the uterus, leading to abnormal function of the ovaries resulting in infertility and early menopause.
6. Surgery
Any sugery involve removal of the uterus without removing the ovaries may increase the risk of premature ovarian failure.
7. Enzymes deficiency
It is asid that women can not produce enough certain enzymes such as enzyme 17 alpha hydroxylase and 17 and 20 lesmolase may increase the risk of POF as resulting of low levels of estrogen being produced.
8. Infection
Infections such as chickenpox, malaria, tuberculosis and mumps may increase the risk of premature ovarian failure.
IV. Symptoms
Symptoms of POFs is similar to symptoms of menopause, include
1. Irregular periods (different length of bleeding or change in flow)
2. Hot flashes caused by low levels of estrogen.
3. Night sweats caused by low levels pf estrogen
4. Decrease in sexual drive caused by low levels of testosterone
5. Irritability caused by low levels of estrogen
6. Painful sex caused by thinning and drying of vagina
V. Treatments
1. Estrogen therapy
a) How it works
Estrogen therapy (ET) is a medical treatment with a medication containing only estrogen hormone. Estrogen-only therapy helps to increase the estrogen levels, thereby, stimulating the communication of the brain as the increaseing of FSH hormone to induce egg production and egg extruding. It is said that Estrogen therapy has helped many women with POF to conceive.
b) Risks
i) Heart diseases
ii) Blood clotting
iii) Breast cancer
iv) Gallbladder diseases
c) Side effects
Some women may experience the below side effects
i) Fluid retention,
ii) Bloating,
iii) Nausea,
iv) Breast tenderness
v) Mood swings
vi) Headache
2. Estradiol
a) How is works
Estradiol is actually a type of estrogen, by injecting the synthesis form of estradiol , it stimulates the brain to shut off the production of FSH leading to egg maturing and extruding into Fallopian tube for natural fertilzation.
b) Risks
i) Endometrial hyperplasia
ii) Cancer of the lining of the uterus
iii) Stroke
iv) Breast cancer
c) Side effects
i)Uterine bleeding,
ii) Breast tenderness,
iii) Nausea and vomiting,
iv) Chloasma,
v) Cholestasis,
vi) Migraine headaches
3. Hormone replacement therapy HRT
a) How HRT works
Hormone replacement therapy provide estrogen and other hormone which are necessary the natural process of menstrual cycle, by signalling the production of LH and FSH as well as signalling the release of mature egg to the Fallopian tube.
b) Risks
i) Liver disease
ii) Breast cancer
iii) Uterus cancer
iv) Blood clots in the vein, legs, or lungs
v) Gallbladder disease
vi) Heart diseases or stroke
c) Side effects
i) Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause
ii) Breast pain
iii) Nausea
iv) Bloating and fluid retention
v) Blood clots in the vein, legs, or lungs.
vi) Moodswing
4. Clomid (Clomiphene citrate)
a) How it works
Clomid stimulates the pituitary gland in secreting, leading to maturing of some eggs and ovulation.
b) Risks
i) Ovarian hyperstimulation
ii) Multiple birth
iii) Cancer
c) Side effects
i ) Hot Flashes
ii) Bloating
iii) Abdominal paid and cramps
iv) Weight gain
v) Moodswing
vi) Nausea and dizziness
vii) Abnormal menstrual bleeding
viii) Visual disturbances
6. Cytoplasm
This is a new kind of treatment, by taking DNA from your healthy egg and places it inside the nutrient components of a donor's egg as your DNA goes into the healthy egg for artificial insemination.
7. Artificial Insemination
Some doctors also try to use IVF with donor egg, while it gives the woman a baby but it dose not address the underline failure of the ovaries and other symptoms of menopause.
Unfortunately, the success rate for a happy conception for women with premature ovarian failure is about 5%.
Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
For How To Find The Best Fertility Self Help Program Click Here
To Read Older Weekly Posts Before Oct. 15 - 2009, Click Here
Author's Bio
I. Definition
Premature ovarian failure is also known as primary ovarian insufficiency. It is defined as a condition of women before age of 40 of which the brain does not response to high levels of FSH in making egg, due to an insufficiency of estrogen.
II. Diagnosis
If you have some of the symptoms below, your doctor may order a blood test for hormones and the levels of FSH hormone, if your blood test indicated a high levels of FSH (follicle Stimulating Hormone), you may suspect to have premature ovarian failure. It's usually necessary to repeat the blood test to make sure the first test was correct. Sometimes, a chomid challenging test is require to confirm the first test result.
III. Causes
The causes of POFs is known, but some researchers suspect
1. Autoimmune disorders
It is caused by abnormal function of immune system in producing antibody antigen that destroys the body tissues, leading to the destruction of ovarian function.
2. Turner syndrome
It is genetic cause of POF as resulting of a complete or near-complete loss of the second X, because it requires to have 2 functioning X chromosomes for normal ovarian function.
3. Fragile X syndrome
It is the most common cause of inherited mental impairment and associated with premutation form of the FMR1 gene, leading to increasing the risk of premature ovarian failure or early menopause.The premutation form of the FMR1 gene can be easily detected in blood or cheek cells via a DNA test.
4. Chemotherapy and radiation
It is said that chemotherapy and radiation to the pelvic region may damage the uterus, leading to abnormal function of the ovaries resulting in infertility and early menopause.
6. Surgery
Any sugery involve removal of the uterus without removing the ovaries may increase the risk of premature ovarian failure.
7. Enzymes deficiency
It is asid that women can not produce enough certain enzymes such as enzyme 17 alpha hydroxylase and 17 and 20 lesmolase may increase the risk of POF as resulting of low levels of estrogen being produced.
8. Infection
Infections such as chickenpox, malaria, tuberculosis and mumps may increase the risk of premature ovarian failure.
IV. Symptoms
Symptoms of POFs is similar to symptoms of menopause, include
1. Irregular periods (different length of bleeding or change in flow)
2. Hot flashes caused by low levels of estrogen.
3. Night sweats caused by low levels pf estrogen
4. Decrease in sexual drive caused by low levels of testosterone
5. Irritability caused by low levels of estrogen
6. Painful sex caused by thinning and drying of vagina
V. Treatments
1. Estrogen therapy
a) How it works
Estrogen therapy (ET) is a medical treatment with a medication containing only estrogen hormone. Estrogen-only therapy helps to increase the estrogen levels, thereby, stimulating the communication of the brain as the increaseing of FSH hormone to induce egg production and egg extruding. It is said that Estrogen therapy has helped many women with POF to conceive.
b) Risks
i) Heart diseases
ii) Blood clotting
iii) Breast cancer
iv) Gallbladder diseases
c) Side effects
Some women may experience the below side effects
i) Fluid retention,
ii) Bloating,
iii) Nausea,
iv) Breast tenderness
v) Mood swings
vi) Headache
2. Estradiol
a) How is works
Estradiol is actually a type of estrogen, by injecting the synthesis form of estradiol , it stimulates the brain to shut off the production of FSH leading to egg maturing and extruding into Fallopian tube for natural fertilzation.
b) Risks
i) Endometrial hyperplasia
ii) Cancer of the lining of the uterus
iii) Stroke
iv) Breast cancer
c) Side effects
i)Uterine bleeding,
ii) Breast tenderness,
iii) Nausea and vomiting,
iv) Chloasma,
v) Cholestasis,
vi) Migraine headaches
3. Hormone replacement therapy HRT
a) How HRT works
Hormone replacement therapy provide estrogen and other hormone which are necessary the natural process of menstrual cycle, by signalling the production of LH and FSH as well as signalling the release of mature egg to the Fallopian tube.
b) Risks
i) Liver disease
ii) Breast cancer
iii) Uterus cancer
iv) Blood clots in the vein, legs, or lungs
v) Gallbladder disease
vi) Heart diseases or stroke
c) Side effects
i) Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause
ii) Breast pain
iii) Nausea
iv) Bloating and fluid retention
v) Blood clots in the vein, legs, or lungs.
vi) Moodswing
4. Clomid (Clomiphene citrate)
a) How it works
Clomid stimulates the pituitary gland in secreting, leading to maturing of some eggs and ovulation.
b) Risks
i) Ovarian hyperstimulation
ii) Multiple birth
iii) Cancer
c) Side effects
i ) Hot Flashes
ii) Bloating
iii) Abdominal paid and cramps
iv) Weight gain
v) Moodswing
vi) Nausea and dizziness
vii) Abnormal menstrual bleeding
viii) Visual disturbances
6. Cytoplasm
This is a new kind of treatment, by taking DNA from your healthy egg and places it inside the nutrient components of a donor's egg as your DNA goes into the healthy egg for artificial insemination.
7. Artificial Insemination
Some doctors also try to use IVF with donor egg, while it gives the woman a baby but it dose not address the underline failure of the ovaries and other symptoms of menopause.
Unfortunately, the success rate for a happy conception for women with premature ovarian failure is about 5%.
Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
For How To Find The Best Fertility Self Help Program Click Here
To Read Older Weekly Posts Before Oct. 15 - 2009, Click Here
Author's Bio
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.
"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.
"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health and entertainment Article Writer.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication Oct. 15-2009
Overcome Infertility - PCOs In Weight Loss Perspective
We have spent most of our time in discussing the conventional medicine in treating infertility caused by polyscystic ovarian syndrome. Since it has been helpful, but you may see there are many side effects, some of them may cause lifelong suffering for women, if they decide to try them, such as cancer and etopic pregnancy. In fact, the best program is the program which you can use to treatment your syndrome naturally at comfort at your own home. I do believe there are many of them and you can find one at this site.
Since the polyscystic syndrome is caused by insulin sensitive, leading to male pattern of unwanted hair resulting of overproduction of testosterone. Weight loss has become one of very important factor. Some researchers found that even with only 5-10% of weight low will improve the chance of fertility up to 25%. How can you lose weight and maintain healthy body for conception ?
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I. What is macro nutrients
We have discuss macro nutrients in details in one of the fertility diet article, in this article, we will briefly do over it.
1. Carbohydrate
carbohydrate is defined as simple sugar and complex sugar where you can find them abundantly in food and vegetable
a) Simple sugar
It contains food with no more than 2 simple sugar connected together. It can be release quickly into your bloodstream.
b) Complex carbohydrate
It contains food with long chain of simple sugar connected together, because most of them contain high amount of fiber. Foods will be digested slowly and sugars are released slowly into your bloodstream.
2. Protein
Protein is important in building our body tissues. Its function is to carry out most of the reactions involved in metabolism and DNA replication, DNA repair, and transcription, therefore, it is important element in preparing for the growth of the bady once you are pregnant.
3. Fat
Fat besides is essential for digestive system in absorbing several types of vitamins, and in maintaining healthy skin, hair, body temperature and healthy call growth, it also can be stored as energy through its component of glycerol. Not all fats are bad, by choosing more good fat and limited intake of the bad one, you are ensure yourself for a healthy pregnancy. Fats include
saturated fat, transfat, monosaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat.
II. What is Glycemic index?
Glycemic index is a guide or table which rates all carbohydrates according to how fast they release glucose into the blood stream. The fastest release one has a high GI index. It it prefer to take only foods with low GI index than high one, if you want to lose weight.
III. Types of diet for weight loss
Most women with PCOs are likely overweight or obese according to BMI index. Since most diet plan is easy said the done, it requires the endurance of the participant and determination of the participant. Imagining "losing some weights in exchange for a healthy baby", I believe you should have no problem to do it.
1. Complex carbohydrate, low protein and only unsaturated fat diet
This is the one which I have made for my diabetic wife, it works well for her. The plan not only help to stabilize her blood sugar, but also maintain her weight within the normal range of BMI index. If you would like to try, please first consult with your doctor.
a) No Simple sugar
b) Only eat vegetables (prefer rainbow colors), nuts, seeds and limited intake of fruits containing high amount of sugar such as melon. Fruits only should be eaten as soon as after each meal.
b) Limited intake of protein to 1/3 of the amount of carbohydrate. Meat must be lean (prefer chicken breast) and eat together with vegetables and fruits to even further delay the release of sugar.
c) Only use unsaturated fat as toping. Stirring is allowed with occasional fried foods and others.
d) Drink at least 8 cups of pure water and milk ( prefer one cup of green tea and a cup of morning coffee with no sugar and a little bit milk). Since vegetables contain high amount of fiber, drinking more water can prevent constipation.
e) 1/4 table spoon of cinnamon in the morning. It is said that cinnamon stimulates the production of insulin and regulates the blood sugar in the blood stream.
The diet works well for my wife in maintaining the healthy weight and stabilizing and lowering the blood sugar. Since she does not have PCOs and problem of infertility, it is for your benefit to check with your doctor before applying.
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2. Low carbohydrate and high protein diet
This is a type of diet most recommended by dietitian for women with PCOs and wanted to get pregnant.
a) If you have symptoms of PCOs and absence of period, you must see your doctor before attempting any weight loss program.
b) If you have symptoms of PCOs and irregular menstrual period, this diet plan is helpful
The low carbohydrate diet limits daily intake of amount of carbohydrate and encourages you to take a high amount of protein without restricting yourself to the amount of fat intake. With low levels of carbohydrate in the body, you body needs to burn its fat stores for energy, leading to weight loss and lowering the levels of insulin. In theory, it works well for women with PCOs because by suppressing the levels of insulin, it helps to improve ovulation and reduce the levels of testosterone. It is also recommended that you also engage in moderate exercise to increase blood flow to the pelvic region as well.
IV. Happy ending
By stabilizing you blood sugar, it helps to balance the hormone production and stop the symptoms of male growth pattern. It is said that the diet have helped many women to lose enough weight for a successful conception.
Recommended Program
Naturally Ovarian Cysts and PCOs Relief secret
Discovers Scientifically Proven Way To Reverse And
Eliminate All Ovarian Cysts & PCOS Within 2 Months Naturally,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication Oct. 07-2009
Raw Food Diet - Can It Be Another Unexplained Cause of Infertility
The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which al least 75% of your daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 °C , including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. It believes that the greater the more raw food in your diet, the more healthy you are. While there are many benefits for people eating raw, such as increasing energy for our daily activity, improving skin appearance, assisting digestive process, stability weight loss with no risk of weight re-gaining, reducing the risk of heart and chronic diseases, because the diet contains high in trace minerals, essential vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals and less harmful substances, such as trans fat, saturated fat and salt but it interferes with the natural process of human being over thousand years of eating cooked foods, such as smaller jaws and teeth , shrinking stomachs have shrunk, and longer small intestines and lengthening the digestive surface area.
Some alternative medicine, such as Ayurveda, and traditional Chinese medicine suggested that a raw-only diet may not be appropriate for people living in colder climates, because in order to fight off the constant cold, the depletion of yang qi is inevitable. Since most raw foods eaten in typical American raw food diet are cold, they will decrease the yang qi even further, leading to colding affects in our body, resulting in certain kinds of diseases, including blood stagnation and kidney yin deficiency, causing infertility in some severe cases.
II. What is Fertility and Infertility and explained causes of infertility
A. Fertility
Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with plenty foods around. On the other hand, the reductive system may completely shut down or work at its minimum state and we produce less offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around, war, epidemic, etc. but regardless any situation. most women are capable to conceive sometimes before menopause.
B. Infertility
Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects over 5 million couples
C. The unexplained causes of infertility
Unexplained cause of infertility is defined as a condition of a healthy couple who have found no reproductive structure or medical problems, but for whatever reason, the female partner is unable to get pregnant, and modern technologies and doctors in conventional medicine fail to find the causes of infertility.
According to conventional medicine, a couple are diagnosed with explained causes of infertility can have children by going through the process of artificial insemination or other options such as adoption, or surrogation. Some women may seek help from traditional medicine, because of cost effectiveness or believing that traditional medicine can offer a more natural birth.
III. Before proceeding further, let us take a look of
What is a menstrual cycle ?
The menstrual cycle begins when the level of estrogen start to rise. At certain point, the brain stimulates hypothalamus to produce Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the Follicle stimulating hormone, leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature Ovarian follicles in the ovary. At its peak, the pituitary gland switch to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), the FSH starts to decline which stimulates the mature of follicle and the production of estradiol and thickening the uterus lining as well as promoting friendly cervical mucus, triggering ovulation, resulting in extruding egg from the ovary into the Fallopian tube and initiating the conversion of the residual follicle into a corpus luteum, the corpus luteum takes over the process, by producing progesterone in preparing the uterus lining for a possible egg implantation. If pregnancy does not occur, hormone levels plumped, and the thickened uterus limning is shed through the vaginal canal.
There are many thing involved to make the cycle regularly, but unfortunately any disruption may cause irregular menstruation and sometimes interferes the natural process of fertility.
IV. How raw food diet affects fertility in TCM perspective
While conventional medicine have never viewed irregular menstruation seriously, traditional Chinese medicine view irregular menstrual period as a tiny micro change in the female ecosystem, if not treat, it will interfere with the normal process of fertility and other women health's diseases such as nervous tension menstrual pain and cramps etc.. Especially if you are diagnosed with unexplained causes of infertility with irregular period, then your menstrual cycle may be the causes.
V. How to treat raw food diet causes of infertility in traditional Chinese perspective
A. Understand the food classification in TCM perspective
By diagnosis the underlying causes and treating each woman as an unique entity and the body as a whole. Depending in what have been diagnosed, you may given advice not to eat some kinds of food which may interfere the normal menstrual cycle and dampen your chance of fertility.
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1. Cold
Cold foods in traditional Chinese medicine are considered as a type of food which may stimulate the colding effects in your body and deplete the yang qi as resulting of our body needs to counter the colding effect with yang qi in the body. Prolong period of taking these kinds of food without balancing them with other warm or hot foods may cause yang qi and kidney yang deficiency resulting in interfering with normal function of the reproductive organ and leading to irregular period. For women who try to conceive should avoid to eat these type of raw foods or counter with at least same amount of hot foods.
a) Bamboo
b) Banana
c) Grape fruit
d) Clams
e) Seaweed
f) Watermelon
g) Bitter melon
h) Etc.
2. Cool
Same as cold food, but they are not as strong. It also depletes the yang qi but moderately, therefore eating these types of foods should counter with some warm food to avoid yang qi and kidney yang deficiency. Women who have irregular period and try to get pregnancy are advised to eat only moderate amounts and for nutrients only. Otherwise, they may dampen the chance of fertility.
a) Apple
b) Lecture
c) Cucumber
d) Pear
e) Spinach
f) Strawberry
g) Tomato
h) Etc.
3. Neutral
Although neutral foods are types of food which have no effects in ying and yang qi in the body, but it may have other side effect such as rice, gain and potato which may interfere with insulin production of the spleen as well as liver function in carbohydrate metabolism.
a) Apricot
b) Beet
c) All kinds of red meat
d) Celery
e) Honey
f) Rice
g) Bread
h) Etc.
4. Warm
Warm foods are considered as food with warming effects in the body. It is most important foods
which are used most often for pregnant women as they can help to maintain the healthy pregnancy as well as protection against miscarriage. Warm foods increase your body temperature and yang qi slightly.
a) Black tea
b) Cherry
c) Chive
d) Leek
e) Peach
f) Raspberry
g Chicken
h5.) Etc.
5. Hot
Foods with hot nature are normally good for improving immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals, bacteria and virus as well as increasing the blood flow to the body including the reproductive organs, but over eating these types of food may cause yin qi and kidney yin deficiency leading to hormone imbalance and interfering with natural process of normal menstrual cycle.
a) Garlic
b) Ginger
c) Pepper
d) Onion
e) Green onion
f) Cinnamon powder
g) Etc.
Finally, we would like you to know that most foods with bitter, sour and salty are classified as yin and hot and sweet are classified as yang.
B. How raw food diet causes infertility
Most raw foods can be either yang or yin pathogens. A typical American raw food diet is most yin and dampness pathogens.
1. Colding and cooling effects
Spleen is important to break down the food and transform them to energy for our body's daily activity. Too much raw foods weaken and slow the digestive system, leading to nutrients deficiency, including the following
a) Fatigue, tiredness and sluggishness
b) Nervous tension
c) Bloating and gas
d) Unclear thinking
e) Cloudy urine
f) Etc.
Typical raw foods diet puts more strain on the digestion. If spleen is damaged caused by prolong intake of raw food, it may weaken the digestive system in absorbing of nutrients, leading to less efficient assimilation of nutrients. In fact, traditional Chinese medicine view the process of transformation of foods and transportation of nutrients are a warm process in nature, and raw foods are more cold in nature, After entering the stomach, our body need to raise temperature before the food can be digested and absorbed.
2. Dampness affects
Raw foods interfere with the spleen in controlling the internal dampness caused by impairment of water metabolism within the body or spleen damage due to prolong in take of raw dampness hot foods, leading to impairing the spleen yang and the development of interior damp-cold, resulting in qi and blood stagnation, leading to delay menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps. Raw foods cause dampen effect including the following
i) Milk products
ii) Celery,
iii) Lettuce, alfalfa,
iv) Raw honey
v) Corn.
vi) Sage,
vii) Parsley
viii) Onion
ix) Etc.
And the symptoms include
i) Fatigue,
ii) Reduced appetite
iii) Abdominal bloating and discomfort
iv) Other related spleen deficiency symptoms
3. Kidney deficiency
Kidney yin also known primordial yin or true yin , is defined as the foundation of the yin fluid of the body, therefore it helps to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues and maintain the body fluid balance with fire of kidney yang. Raw foods are yin in nature, prolong intake of may decrease the yang qi in the kidney, leading to fluid imbalance, resulting in irregular menstruation and in serve case, causing infertility.
a) Lack of energy
Deficiency of kidney yin causes inability of kidney in stabilization of energy, leading to abnormal flow of energy, disrupting the blood flow to the body organs including ovaries in egg production resulting in distorting the normal menstrual cycle in women, leading to irregular period.
b) Blood Flow
Deficiency of kidney yin also increases the risk of irregular blood flow as the heart must work harder to provide more energy to our body needs, leading to abnormal function of capillaries and interrupting the normal function of small veins in the nervous system including dizziness, hearing problems and ringing in the ear. It also causes abnormal blood flow to the reproductive organs, distorting the menstrual cycle.
c) Digestive system
It also causes abnormal digestive system due to spleen function in absorbing vital vitamins and mineral as resulting of lack of fluid which is necessary for digestive system in stomach acid secretion, leading to constipation and abnormal pain.
d) Burning sensation
People with kidney yin deficiency feel burning sensation not only in the body including the chest, but also see bright yellow color in their urine, leading to oxidative and kidney damage. If the problem is not treated, it may disrupt natural process of normal menstrual cycle.
e) High temperature
It also increases the body temperature that interferes with egg, cervical mucus production.
4. Blood deficiency
Blood deficiency is defined as not enough blood to distribute to our body organs needs. Tradition Chinese medicine view blood deficiency is caused by weakened liver organ as resulting of a weaken spleen due to prolong period intake of raw foods, thereby reducing the liver function in blood formation, causing not enough blood to distribute to the body such as absence of (no blood for) menstruation or scanty menstruation.. It also leads to abnormal function of reproductive system in regulating menstrual cycle, that disrupts the production of egg or produces poor quality egg and makes uterine mucus hostile to sperm
There are many symptoms of blood deficiency including
1. Palpitations caused by your heart has to work harder, because of no enough blood in the body.
2. Forgetfulness and poor memory caused by not enough oxygen delivering to the nervous cells need
3. Insomnia: because of brain cells can not transmit information between themselves, leading to over production of certain hormones.
5. Shortness of breath: you lung has to harder to provide oxygen to your body needs.
6. Dizziness and fatigue is due to oxygen and energy shortage.
7. Constipation due to lack of fluid in the body
9. Pale complexion: lack of blood
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5. Blood stagnation
Blood stagnation is defined as qi stagnation or qi deficiency in the liver. In traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, leading to blood stagnation resulting in menstrual irregularities and sometimes infertility, because of blocking of the blood flow or blood become static to the reproductive organs..
a) Blood stagnation is caused by liver qi imbalance, it reduces the liver function in regulating the secretion of certain hormone in the prostaglandins family thereby, increasing the risk of abdominal cramps, thus causing blood stagnation in the abdominal region.
b) Liver also helps to regulate the secretion of insulin from the spleen, abnormal function of spleen increases the risk of diabetes, leading to blood stagnation in the reproductive organs.
c) Imbalance of liver qi also causes inability of liver in fat and protein metabolism, leading to nervous tension and increasing the risk of hormonal imbalance causing irregular menstrual cycle.
C. How raw food diet causes infertility by looking back to conventional medicine menstrual cycle in TCM Perspective
1. Estrogen
Estrogen which it is yin pathogen in TCM, is required to stimulate the brain action in production of Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) by the hypothalamus. Raw food diet increases the kidney yang function, causing hormone imbalance with low estrogen and high progesterone and testosterone. Deficiency of yang ( or high level of estrogen) obstructs each step of in the estrogen phrase of the menstrual cycle, causing irregular production of hormones from pituitary gland in secreting FSH and LH and ovaries function in production of follicles such as poor egg quality, thinner the uterine lining which can support an egg implantation and early ovulation.
In some women, it causes menstrual irregularity, but in severe case, it increases the risk of infertility. The symptoms of kidney yang deficiency include
a) White coat on tongue
b) Pale, frigid appearance
c) Achy pain in joints or muscles
d)Cold extremities
e)Poor digestion
f) Tendencies toward stagnation
g) Depression
h) Emaciation
i) Obesity
j) Etc.
2. Progesterone
Progesterone is considered as yang pathogen. Raw food diet is considered cool or cold in TCM perspective, it reduces the the yang qi to certain degree, depending on types of raw foods consuming daily by each individual. Since the second phrase of the menstrual cycle is the increased production of progesterone ( yang in TCM ), it affects the ability of egg extruding and deter the normal process of supporting the uterus lining in egg implantation as well as increasing the risk of producing cervical mucus which is hostile to sperm invasion. In severe case, it make conception difficult for some women and infertility to others. As the level of progesterone rise, blood is required to support the uterus and the uterus lining in egg implantation and embryo nourishment. Raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, leading to blood stagnation and deficiency, resulting in lessening the chance for the normal process of making a baby.
3. Testosterone
Testosterone ( yang in TCM) is produced in small quality during the progesterone phase. Deficiency of yang qi reduce the production of testosterone, leading to low sexual desire, poor muscle tone and fatigue.
4. Menstruation
In traditional Chinese medicine, raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation thereby reducing the spleen function in food transportation and weaken the liver function in blood formation, leading to blood stagnation in the productive organs including the uterus, causing not enough blood to support the process and for menstruation if pregnancy does not occur.
D. How raw food diet causes irregular period by looking back to 5 phrases menstrual cycle in TCM Perspective
The traditional Chinese medicine divide the women menstrual cycle in 5 phrases
1. The yin phrase according TCM)
In this phrase The yang ( progesterone) decreases rapidly and the yin (estrogen) starts to rise, leading to the growth of body fluids, supporting the production of blood and producing sperm friendly mucus as well as making the uterus lining thicken for egg implantation. The deficiency of yin or abundance of yang distorts the production of fluids which are necessary for moister and nourish the blood, causing shortening of yin phrase, leading to not enough time for egg to mature and uterine lining to grow thick enough for egg implantation, resulting in lessening the chance of fertility and increasing the risk of irregular period.
2. The Ovulation phase
At the estrogen (yin) at its peak, liver triggers the starts the ovulation phrase, as resulting of stimulating of the brain action in production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (FSH) by the hypothalamus of which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the follicle stimulating hormone, leading to initiating the growth and recruitment of immature ovarian follicles in the ovary. In this phrase, qi and blood moves downward to promote the implantation of the egg and nourish the uterus to support the growth of embryos. Deficiency of yin and blood stagnation caused by raw food diet shorten the ovulation phrase, leading to not enough time for egg implantation and uterus lining to support the growth of the embryo, causing infertility or miscarriage as well as irregular menstruation.
3. The Yang phrase,
During the fourth phase, yin decreases to allow growth of yang (mutual consumption of Yin and Yang). Growth of yang helps to warm the Uterus at this time. raw food diet causes yang deficiency, thus colding the Uterus that distorts the normal process of egg implantation.
4. The luteal phrase,
The luteal phase also is referred to day after ovulation to the day before period. In this phrase, a mature egg was released at ovulation as resulting of the production of progesterone from corpus luteum in preparing the body for pregnancy. Raw food diet causes yin deficiency and liver qi stagnation, leading to raising of temperature and distorting the luteal phrase process, resulting in increasing the risk of infertility or irregular menstruation.
5. Menstruation phrase
According the to traditional Chinese medicine, this phrase is dominated by the movement of blood and qi moving downward as resulting of dropping of the level estrogen and progesterone( yin and yang), since raw foods cause freeze and constrict circulation, it causes blood and qi stagnation, leading to delay menstruation, delay period and scanty period.
E. How traditional Chinese medicine helps to treat yang deficiency caused by raw food diet with diet in general approach
a) Appropriate diet
If you are raw food diet follower, make sure you increase the percentage of cooked food in your diet.
b) Moderate exercise
While raw foods interfere with the spleen function in digesting and absorbing nutrients, moderate exercise increases the digestive system in production of stomach acid and enhance blood circulation thus promoting a healthy spleen.
c) Relax and rest
Stress and rest are always a problem for people living in this fast pace society, we face stress constantly everyday, such as sickness of your child, workplace pressure, etc. You make sure that you take a lot of relaxation and rest to avoid the abnormal production of certain hormone.
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III. The summary
The raw food diet has written an important page in the America (world) health history as its contribution to make us healthier and reduce the death rate of heart diseases and stroke will never be denied. Since traditional Chinese medicine have been round over 4000 years and proven to be one most effective traditional medicine in treating the unexplained causes of infertility, its idea toward raw food diet must be right in some extent. The aim of this article is to provide reader the other point of view, with no intention to offend anyone, including the raw food advocate. If you are offended by this article, I say sorry. If you raw food diet supporter and you are diagnosed with the unexplained causes of infertility, I urge you to give them a try. Although, I don't consider myself as a raw food supporter, 50% of my daily food intake are considered raw.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication September, 30-2009
Weekly Past Issue and Publication September, 30-2009
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined physically as endocrinologic diseases caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries as resulting of enlarged ovaries, leading to hormone imbalance( excessive androgen), resulting in male pattern hair development, acne, irregular period or absence of period, weight gain and effecting fertility. It effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.
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II. Symptoms
While conventional medicine use synthetic medication to induce ovulation and assists it with artificial insemination if the medicine fail. Traditional Chinese medicine views polycystic ovarian syndrome in different approaches. Since TCM treat each woman according to the diagnosis through
Looking ( the patient physcial appearance, color, breathing, movement, tongue,etc. ), listening ( listen to patient about their emotion, physical symptoms, life style, etc.) and touching ( pulsee reading, heart beating,etc. ) before design a special treatment uniquely to each patient. Remember there are no one treatment for all in TCM. In treating the PCOs, the traditional Chinese view the program is caused by excess dampness, liver qi and blood stasis and deficiency of kidney yin, yang and spleen qi deficiency with the below symptoms.
1. Menstrual blood containing stringy issue and mucus
2. Irregular menstrual cycle
3. Acne, oily skin, or dandruff
4. Infrequent or no ovulation
5. Over weight
6. A wet and slimy tongue
7. yeast infection and vaginal itching
8. feeling tired and sluggish after a meal
9. Insulin sensitive
III. Treatments
A. Diet change
1. Losing some weight
Since most women with PCOs are overweight, the first step is losing some weight, because fat cells store estrogen and too much estrogen interferes with LH phrase for women with PCOs.
2. Liver
Since liver is important in regulating spleen in insulin metabolism, adding vitamin B complex will help to restore liver normal function in insulin balancing.
3. Insulin resistance
Lower sugar intake by avoiding intake of simple sugar that helps to prevent further impaired glucose metabolism.
a) What to avoid
i) No refined sugar and simple sugar
ii) No refined carbohydrate and artificial sweeteners
iii) No soda, fruit juice and drink that raises the blood glucose rapidly
iv) No milk product which is considered as dampness exacerbation food.
b) What is needed
i) Complex carbohydrate such as whole grain, brown rice, etc.
ii) Increase fiber intake, by eating a lots of fresh vegetables
iii) Get some moderate exercise, prefer yoga, pilates, etc.
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B. Nutritional supplements
1. Chlorophyll
Because of diet change, some women may experience symptoms of low blood sugar. In fact some women may need a short time to just to this new type of diet. It is advice to supplement your diet with chlorophyll in avoiding the above symptoms without raising your blood pressure.
2. Others Nutritional supplements for insulin resistance
a) B Vitamin
b) Magnesium
c) Chromium
d) Fish oil
e) Alpha lipoic acid
f) Etc.
The above nutritional supplements help to increase the sensitive of insulin receptor sites in reducing the fluctuation of sugar levels.
IV. Herbs
1. Agnus castus (chastetree berry)
Agnus castus helps to normalize the function of the pituitary gland, by restoring the ratio of LH and FSH, since most women with PCOs are found to have high levels of LH in blood test.
2. Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Saw palmetto helps to reduce the excess levels of testosterone, thereby, reducing the symptoms of male like parttern for women with PCOs.
3. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
It is said tht milk thistle helps to protect your liver cells against damage and to promote the healing of damaged cells, thereby increasing the liver function in carbohydrate metabolism and regulating spleen in production of insulin.
4. Gleditsia (zao jaoi ci)
It is considered as a herb for treating dampness, because it helps to dissolve the waxy stuff forming around the ovaries.
5. Leonurus seed ( chong wei zi)
It is used when a woman is diagnosis with blood stasis, because it helps to moves blood, regulate menstruation and clear the liver
V. Acupunture
A study at Goteborg University in Sweden showed that electroacupuncture may help 38% of women with PCOS women ovulate. In fact acupuncture helps to restore the ratio of LH and FSH, reduce the level of testosterone and beta-endorphin. Some studies show that acupuncture also helps to shrink of the weight of polycystic ovaries. In other word, it helps to restore the entire synpathic nervous system, leading to normalizing the hormone production in each menstrual phrases resulting in enhancing ovulation and egg implantation for a healthy baby.
You may also require to do some kinds of massage by your partner or yourself to increase blood flow to the pelvic region. Since each treatment is unique to only a woman, please do not apply them unless with the approval of your traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
For more information of the about subject, please visit
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Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
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Infertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
I. DefinitionPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined physically as endocrinologic diseases caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries as resulting of enlarged ovaries, leading to hormone imbalance( excessive androgen), resulting in male pattern hair development, acne, irregular period or absence of period, weight gain and effecting fertility. It effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.
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Naturally Ovarian Cysts and PCOs Relief secret
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II. Symptoms
While conventional medicine use synthetic medication to induce ovulation and assists it with artificial insemination if the medicine fail. Traditional Chinese medicine views polycystic ovarian syndrome in different approaches. Since TCM treat each woman according to the diagnosis through
Looking ( the patient physcial appearance, color, breathing, movement, tongue,etc. ), listening ( listen to patient about their emotion, physical symptoms, life style, etc.) and touching ( pulsee reading, heart beating,etc. ) before design a special treatment uniquely to each patient. Remember there are no one treatment for all in TCM. In treating the PCOs, the traditional Chinese view the program is caused by excess dampness, liver qi and blood stasis and deficiency of kidney yin, yang and spleen qi deficiency with the below symptoms.
1. Menstrual blood containing stringy issue and mucus
2. Irregular menstrual cycle
3. Acne, oily skin, or dandruff
4. Infrequent or no ovulation
5. Over weight
6. A wet and slimy tongue
7. yeast infection and vaginal itching
8. feeling tired and sluggish after a meal
9. Insulin sensitive
III. Treatments
A. Diet change
1. Losing some weight
Since most women with PCOs are overweight, the first step is losing some weight, because fat cells store estrogen and too much estrogen interferes with LH phrase for women with PCOs.
2. Liver
Since liver is important in regulating spleen in insulin metabolism, adding vitamin B complex will help to restore liver normal function in insulin balancing.
3. Insulin resistance
Lower sugar intake by avoiding intake of simple sugar that helps to prevent further impaired glucose metabolism.
a) What to avoid
i) No refined sugar and simple sugar
ii) No refined carbohydrate and artificial sweeteners
iii) No soda, fruit juice and drink that raises the blood glucose rapidly
iv) No milk product which is considered as dampness exacerbation food.
b) What is needed
i) Complex carbohydrate such as whole grain, brown rice, etc.
ii) Increase fiber intake, by eating a lots of fresh vegetables
iii) Get some moderate exercise, prefer yoga, pilates, etc.
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B. Nutritional supplements
1. Chlorophyll
Because of diet change, some women may experience symptoms of low blood sugar. In fact some women may need a short time to just to this new type of diet. It is advice to supplement your diet with chlorophyll in avoiding the above symptoms without raising your blood pressure.
2. Others Nutritional supplements for insulin resistance
a) B Vitamin
b) Magnesium
c) Chromium
d) Fish oil
e) Alpha lipoic acid
f) Etc.
The above nutritional supplements help to increase the sensitive of insulin receptor sites in reducing the fluctuation of sugar levels.
IV. Herbs
1. Agnus castus (chastetree berry)
Agnus castus helps to normalize the function of the pituitary gland, by restoring the ratio of LH and FSH, since most women with PCOs are found to have high levels of LH in blood test.
2. Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Saw palmetto helps to reduce the excess levels of testosterone, thereby, reducing the symptoms of male like parttern for women with PCOs.
3. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
It is said tht milk thistle helps to protect your liver cells against damage and to promote the healing of damaged cells, thereby increasing the liver function in carbohydrate metabolism and regulating spleen in production of insulin.
4. Gleditsia (zao jaoi ci)
It is considered as a herb for treating dampness, because it helps to dissolve the waxy stuff forming around the ovaries.
5. Leonurus seed ( chong wei zi)
It is used when a woman is diagnosis with blood stasis, because it helps to moves blood, regulate menstruation and clear the liver
V. Acupunture
A study at Goteborg University in Sweden showed that electroacupuncture may help 38% of women with PCOS women ovulate. In fact acupuncture helps to restore the ratio of LH and FSH, reduce the level of testosterone and beta-endorphin. Some studies show that acupuncture also helps to shrink of the weight of polycystic ovaries. In other word, it helps to restore the entire synpathic nervous system, leading to normalizing the hormone production in each menstrual phrases resulting in enhancing ovulation and egg implantation for a healthy baby.
You may also require to do some kinds of massage by your partner or yourself to increase blood flow to the pelvic region. Since each treatment is unique to only a woman, please do not apply them unless with the approval of your traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
For more information of the about subject, please visit
Recommended Program
Naturally Ovarian Cysts and PCOs Relief secret
Discovers Scientifically Proven Way To Reverse And
Eliminate All Ovarian Cysts & PCOS Within 2 Months Naturally,
Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
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