Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Dec. 07- 12 - 2009

The Unexplained Causes of Fertility - Here Is the Other Choices

When you were young, you wanted to enjoy your life, pursuited a professional career, made a lots of money and you also wanted to prevent any unwanted pregnancy when you had sex, you used pill, condom etc. By the time you are at your early thirty, your period now gets irregularly, you finally met a nice gentlemen whom you want to spend your life with. Now you are married, you have a very sound financial plan, you and your husband finally decide to have some little kids of your own, running around the house. Unfortunately, after one year of unprotected sexual intercourse, you are still not be able to conceive. You starts getting nervous, depress, anxiety, etc. You and your husband went to see your family doctor then reproductive specialists and financially you are diagnosed with unexplained causes of fertility and many attempts of artificial insemination have also been failed. I know how frustrate you are. In fact, there are as many as 10% of couple in U.S. can not conceive and only 10% seek help from professional specialists. In this article, we will discuss what is fertility diet.

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

Although you are diagnosed with unexplained causes of infertility, it doesn't mean you can not get pregnant. In fact " All women in their child bearing age can conceive sometimes, before menopause" according to traditional Chinese medicine. You are only failed by conventional medicine's inability to find the causes of infertility and that is not your false. According again to traditional Chinese medicine any microscopic or tiny change may effect the entire ecosystem of the body, leading to hormone imbalance which can not be detected by conventional medicine technology. I believe, if you can restore you normal menstrual cycle with acupuncture, life style change and sometimes herbs and exercises, you would conceive very soon. As I know, by using artificial insemination together with TCM, the rate of conception increases substantially to 75%, instead of only 20% with ART alone.

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

I will explain more how traditional Chinese medicine helps women with unexplained causes of infertility with much more details in some other articles. Remember, after restoring your body back to health, your menstrual period will become regular again, you would be able to ovulation in the expected days and you should get pregnant with out any side effects and the cost is minimum. At the mean time, enjoy reading.

Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
For How To Find The Best Fertility Self Help Program Click Here

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Dec. 01 To 06 - 2009

Child Development Disorder - Autism In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

I. Definition

Unlike conventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine defines autism as a health condition of five delays, five weakness and middle burner stagnation
1. 5 delays (wuchi) is also meant 5 kinds of retardation in which represent the delay of
a) Hair growth
b) Teeth eruption or development
c) Standing
d) Walking and
e) Speaking

2. 5 weakness (wuruan) is also meant 5 kinds of flaccidity in which represent the weakness and softness of
a) Neck
b) Mouth
c) Upper extremities
d) Lower extremities and
e) Muscles
3. Middle burner stagnation (ganji) is also meant disorders of organs which are located above the belly button and below the heart and lung, including the diaphragm and includes the spleen in which represents
a) Malnutrition and
b) Foods stagnation

II. Symptoms of Autism
Before discussing further, let us recapture the symptoms of autism.
A. Here is The Autism symptoms checklist from the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders)
A.A. A total of six (or more) items from (1), (2), and (3), with at
least two from (1), and one each from (2) and (3)

(1) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:

a) marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction

b) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level

c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)

d) lack of social or emotional reciprocity ( note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving others in activities only as tools or"mechanical" aids )

(2) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:

a) delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)

b) in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others

c) stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language

d) lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level

(3) restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:

a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus

b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional
routines or rituals

c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole body movements)

d) persistent preoccupation with parts of objects

A.B. Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:

(1) social interaction

(2) language as used in social communication

(3) symbolic or imaginative play

A.C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by Rett's Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

B. Symptoms of Autism in TCM perspective
1. Chronic bronchitis
2. Chronic gastritis
3. Chronic hepatitis
4. Distension of the chest, dizziness
5. Nausea
6. Peptic ulcer
7. Profuse phlegm
8. Schizoid personality behavior
10. Anxiety
11. Bitter taste
12. Loss of consciousness
13. Shyness
14. Slight thirst
15. Red tongue
16. Greasy-yellow coating
17. Slippery-rapid pulse
18. Rapid-wiry pulse
19. Etc.
and the list also includes the symptoms of Kidney, spleen and lung deficiency and liver heat and heart yin and qi deficiency as we will mentioned below.

III. General analysis in traditional Chinese perspective (differentiations)
1. Kidney
Kidney essence ( Jing) is vital for fetus develops properly. If the kidney essence ( in this case, it is the prenatal essence) is weak and deficient (that is the case of autism), the fetus is underdeveloped, leading to weakened constitution and internal weather and physical and mental retardation.
a) Kidney produces marrow to fill the brain, this controlling the brain in garnering the intelligence and concentration as well as in charge of a person's will and determination.
b) Kidney channels opens to the ears
Any hearing disorder can be attributed to kidney qi deficiency
c) Controlling the hair growth
The slow depletion of kidney essence is associated with aging, we have less hair as we get older.
e) In charge of fluid metabolism
The kidneys control the bladder in holding and releasing fluid and for the large and small intestines to separate pure and turbid.
Now we can see how kidney deficiency can cause symptoms of autism by comparing the function of kidney and the symptoms above.
Any disorder related to hearing is attributed to kidney deficiency

2. Spleen
Spleen is an organ responsible for qi and food absorption, transformation and distribution after food intake entering the stomach.
a) Muscles and tissues in the body
It is the organ that helps to nourish and develop the muscles and tissues in the body. Its channel open to the extremities of 4 limbs.
b) One to the mouth
Any function of the mouth is depended to the spleen qi, if the qi is weak, it may affect the blood in tongue nourishment and taste.
c) Mental related problem
It is said that the capacity of thinking and remembering is depended totally psychological activity of spleen. If the spleen can not control the qi and blood that it sends to the brain and heart, leading to forgetfulness and inability to think logically.
d) Control downward moment of the secretion of turbid of bladder, large intestine.
e) Control the upward movement of qi to supply blood and qi movement of heart and lung.

3. Heart
The heart is considered as an emperor of the body organs, because it governs the circulation of blood and qi in transporting the nutrient to the body needs. It is said that the heart control the "shen" (spirit) and open to tongue.
a) Metal activity
Deficiency of heart causes lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, despair.
b) Emotional and physical reaction
It controls the movement of body involuntary auto expression such as facial expression, gesture, sighing, body movement, etc.
c) The use of speech
As it open to the tongue.
d) Metal thinking
Such as self awareness, self control, thinking, remembering, censoring the information received.

4. Liver
Liver is considered as an organ in charge of blood formation and storing and assistance of blood circulation through its upright qi. It open to the eye, therefore any disorder of eye related symptoms can be considered as liver abnormal function.
a) Emotion
Any expression of emotion such as anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness can distort the blood flow through the blood vessel and qi flow through the channels.
b) Digestive tracts (spleen and stomach)
It also controls the downward movement of stomach and upward movement of qi of the spleen.
c) Prenatal energy
Since it links to the prenetrating and conception vessels, it nourishes the yang in men and yin in women, there by helping kidney in regulating the women menstrual cycle and menstruation.
d) Open to the eye
Any eye related disorder is considered to liver problem.
e) Logical thinking
It governs the information collection through precisely thinking before making decision.

5. Lung
Lung is considered as an organ in controlling the qi movement and respiration.
a) Regulating the downward and outward movement
It regulates the downward movement of qi and fluid sent by spleen and spread also expand them to the entire body by discharging waste through sweating.
b) Open to the nose
It controls the breathing and smelling of the human body. Disorders may cause stuffy nose, running nose and inability to smell, leading asthma, coughing, etc.
c) Controlling the skin and hair
As it expands out ward to the entire body, it moistens the hair and skin, thereby reducing the risk of skin diseases and loss of hair.
d) Constrict emotion
Such as grief, sadness, detached, etc.
As we went through the function of 5 zang organs and compare them with the symptoms as we mention in II, we can see that autism not only is caused by congenital deficiency, but also deficiency of all zang fu organs.

IV. Causes of autism
1. External causes
External causes can be classified as prenatal and postnatal causes
a) Prenatal causes
Autism can be caused by physical damage to the kidney of the unborn or emotional stress causes of kidney damage when he or she still in the womb of the mother due to intake of food additives, preservatives or environment pollution.
b) Postnatal causes
i. It may be caused by the intake of man made chemical entering the baby body such as food additives, preservatives, environment pollution, artificial ingredients, etc. and vaccinations' affects.
ii) It may be caused by the mother diet that affects the baby spleen function in food digestion and absorption, if the mother is breast feeding.
iii) It can be caused by the mother emotional stress the affect the liver qi function in the baby, leading to liver qi stagnation.
2. Prenatal deficiency
For what ever reason, traditional Chinese medicine indicates that prenatal deficiency of autism is caused by emotional stress such as seven emotions: anger, joy, pensiveness, grief, fear, shock and sadness of the mother when the baby still in the womb, leading to kidney qi deficiency and that affects all other organs of the baby before the baby is born.

3. Postnatal disorders
a) Spleen deficiency and symptoms
Since the spleen in the organ in-charge of food essence and qi absorption and qi and fluid transformation and distribution, deficiency of kidney causes excessive accumulation of fluid, leading to dampness in the digestive system that affects the function of kidney in nourishing the body muscles causing muscles underdevelopment that controls the moto skill. Excessive accumulation of dampness also increases the risk of forming of phlegm in the digestive system that causes digestive disorder and affects the stomach in vitamins and mineral absorption, causing malnutritions and foods stagnation.
Symptoms of spleen deficiency include
i) Weakness,
ii) Pale complexion, bright face
iii) Shallow breathing
iv) Low, soft voice
v) Little desire to speak
vi) Poor appetite
vii)Prolonged headache
viii) Fatigue
ix) Etc.

b) Liver heat and symptoms
Liver besides is the organ in blood formation and storing, it also is vital in assisting the heart in blood circulation. If the dampness is allowed to accumulate in a prolong period of time, it may generates liver heat, leading to blood hyperactive that affect the liver function in controlling the emotional factors such as anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness and logical thinking resulting in symptoms of metal retardation.
Symptoms of liver heat include
i) Headache
ii) Irritability
iii) Anger,
iv) Dizziness
v) Bitter taste in the mouth
vi) Red face and red eyes
vii) sleep disturbance
viii) Insomnia
xi) Constipation
xii) Etc.

c) Heart qi deficiency and symptoms
As we mentioned above, the accumulation of dampness in the baby body for a prolong period of time causes the production of phlegm accumulated in the body organs. If phlegm is accumulated in the heart organ, it may affect the function in controlling metal activity, such as lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, despair, leading to symptom of autism.
Symptoms of heart qi deficiency include
i) Shortness of breath and/or
ii) oppression in the chest,
iii) Sweating,
iv) Fatigue
v) Pale complexion,
vi) Avoid connect with people,
vii) Difficult making conversation,
viii) trouble with intentional communication
ix) Lack of emotion.
x) Etc.

d) Heart yin deficiency and symptoms
Heart yin may be deficiency if the dampness is accumulated for a prolong period of time, it causes the rise of heat or heat generated due to liver qi deficiency to move blood smoothly through the blood vessels, leading to hypertension that causes the inability in controlling self awareness, self control, thinking, remembering, censoring the information received.
Symptoms of heart yin deficiency include
i) Palpitations,
ii) Irritability, dream disturbed
iii) Sleep disturbance, easily startled,
iv) Insomnia
v) Anxiety
vi) Restless
vii) Sweating
viii) Dry mouth, throat, and lips, cankers of the tongue,
ix) Avoid public speaking,
x) Difficulty in meaningful speech
xi) Poor memory
xii) Fever
xiii) Etc.

e) Kidney deficiency and symptoms
As we mention many time, kidney is the organ that control the development of the baby. Deficiency of kidney either caused by prenatal or postnatal health conditions affect the growth of the bone and marrow of the baby, leading to delay of hair growth, teeth eruption or development, standing, walking and speaking.
Symptoms of kidney deficiency include
i) Late puberty
ii) Fatigue
iii) Weakness and dizziness,
iv) Night sweats or cold extremities
v) Delayed development in children
vi) Constitutional weakness
vii) Disorders of urination
viii) Etc.

f) Lung qi deficiency and symptoms
As the kidney no long function in moving qi and fluids upward, it affects the function of lung qi in controlling the downward movement to support the entire body system and respiration that affect the lynax function in phonetic development, leading to delay of speech. On the other hand, deficiency of lung qi can cause depletion of the fluids of the lungs or heat generated due to over accumulated of dampness, thus increasing the risk of catching cold and bacteria and virus.
Symptoms of lung qi deficiency include
i) Fatigue
ii) Asthma
iii) Cough
iv)Shortness of breath
v) Tiredness
vi) Weak and low voice
vii) Watery sputum
viii) Lack of vitality
ix) Weaken immune system
x) Etc.

V. Treatments with Chinese herbs
a) Spleen deficiency
i) Codonopsis (Dan shen)
Codonopsis is considered as a poor man's ginseng, native to Asia and neutral in nature. It besides has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in lowering or boosting the ability of the body in tolerating stress, it also used to improve spleen function in absorbing food qi by increasing the stomach function in foods digestion.

ii) Ginseng (ren shen)
Ginseng is also known as radix ginseng or Asian ginseng, native to northern China, Korea, and eastern Siberia and warm in nature. It besides has been used over thousand of years in qi tonification, it also is spleen and stomach tonic herbs by improving the qi and fluid formation and transformation in the body.

iii) Astragalus ( huang qi)
Astragalus is also known huang qi in TCM, warm in nature and native to all regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It besides has been used to promote urinary secretion, it also is a spleen and stomach tonic herb by restoring the prolapsed qi of spleen.

b) Liver heat
i) Yin chen hao (Agrostis capillaris)
Agrostic cappilaris in warm in nature and native to Eurasia. It has been used in TCM in treating
jaundice, clearing damp heat from the liver caused by excessive fluid accumulation and moving qi and blood and relieving liver congestion.
ii) Reishi mushroom
Reishi mushroom is also known as lucky fungus and neutral in nature. It has been used in TCM over thousand of years in strengthen the immune system and treating acute liver inflammation as well as protecting the liver against formation of heat.
iii) Gan cao
Gan cao also known as licorice
root and warm in nature. It has not only been used to treat digestive disorder due to spleen and stomach qi deficiency, but also for clearing liver heat and tonifying liver fire.
iv) Milk Thistle seed
milk thistle is also known as silybum marianum, its seed is a liver tonic herb, besides helping to to restore the qi stagnation caused by environment toxins, it also improves the liver function in blood and qi function by regenerating the liver's cell.

c) Heart qi deficiency
i) Huang Qi
Huang qi also known as astragalus. Besides having an effectiveness in promoting urinary and tonifying the spleen qi, it also is a common herb used to tonify heart qi and blood.

ii) Ren Shen
Renshen also known as ginseng root and warm in nature. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in promoting qi and blood circulation.

iii) Dan Shen
Dan shen is also known as red sage root or a poor man ren shen. It has been used to improve blood circulation, break up blood stasis, by promoting qi circulation.

iv) Fu Zi
Fu zi is also known as monkshood root and hot in nature. It has been used to tonify heartyang qi by unblocking vessels and improving circulation.

d) Heart yin deficiency
i) Long yan rou
Long Yan rou is also known as long yan fruit and hot in nature. It is one of many herb that helps to tonifying the heart yang by nourishing blood and improving blood circulation.

ii) Da Zao
Da Zao is also known as Chinese date or jujube. It helps to nourish the heart yin and enrich the blood and blood flow.

iii) Fu Zi
Fu zi is also known as monkshood root and hot in nature. It has been used to tonify heart yang qi by unblocking vessels and improving circulation.

e) Kidney deficiency
i) Rehmannia glutinosa (shu li huang)
Rehmannia glutinose besides has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating kidney disorder, it also helps to restore the balance of yin and yang qi of the kidney resulting in increasing the kidney function in fluid distribution and promoting healthy reproductive organs.

ii) .Morinda root ( ba ji tian)
Morinda root besides is used in traditional Chinese medicine in improving the kidney abnormal function caused kidney yang qi deficiency, thus enhancing the immune system and promoting sexual desire.

iii) Cuscuta (tu si zi)
Cuscuta is a kidney and livertonic medicine, besides helping to tonify the kidney fluid distribution through urinary secretion, it also maintaining the strong the liver qi flow, thereby decreasing the risk of blood stagnation and water retention causes of weight gain and menstrual cramps and pain.

Cinnamon bark
Cinnamon bark is qi tonic herb and hot in nature, besides helping the liver in maintaining the smoothing qi flow to the entire body, it also promotes the kidney yang qi circulation and healthy adrenal gland.

f) Lung qi deficiency
i) Ren shen (Ginseng)
Ren shen is considered as one of most powerful herbs in strengthening the original qi in the body. In lung, it enhances the lung qi by moistening the channels, thus reducing the symptoms of asthma, dry cough and preventing the rebellion qi causes of menstrual cramps and pain.

ii) Dan shen (red sage root )
Dang shen is a lung tonic herbs. It improves the lung function in moving qi smoothly through its channels and spleen function in absorbing qi after foods entering the stomach. It also helps to restore the qi which is damaged by heat caused by infection, inflammation or heat generated due to excessive fluids accumulation.

iii) Huang qi (astragalus root)
It is one of the herb that helps to increase the function of liver in generating more blood and liver qi in blood transportation due to excessive blood loss.

iv) Tai zi shen (pseudostellaria root)
Besides helping to increase the lung qi, it also improve the blood transportation and spleen and stomach in absorbing vital energy for our body cells and generates fluids to prevent the heat causes of qi stagnation.

VI. Treatment with acupuncture
a) Spleen deficiency and suggested acupuncture points include
CV12 (zhongwan), ST36(zusanli) , SP6 (sanyinjiao) , SP3 (taibai) , UB20 (pishu), REN12 (zhongwan) and UB21(weishu).

b) Liver heat and suggested acupuncture points include
BL13 (fei shu), GB34 (yang ling quan), LI3 (san jian) and LU5 (chi ze)

c) Heart qi deficiency and suggested acupuncture points include
HT5 (tong li), PC6 (nei guan), BL15 (xin shu), REN17 (shanzhong)and REN6 (qihai)

d) Heart yin deficiency and suggested acupuncture points include
HT7 (shen men), PC6 (nei guan), CV14 (ju que), CV15 (jiu wei), CV4 (guan yuan), SP6 (san yin jiao), HT6 (yin xi), KD6 (zhao hai), KD7 (fu liu) and GV20 (bai hui)

e) Kidney deficiency and suggested acupuncture points include
GV20 (bai hui), CV4 (guan yuan ), CV6 (qi hai) and CV12 (zhong wan).

f) Lung qi deficiency and suggested acupuncture points include
BL13 (fei shu), CV6 (qi hai), LU1 (zhong fu), LU9 (tai yuan) and ST36 (zu san li)
LV: Liver channel
GB: Gallbladder channel
UB: Bladder channel
CV: Conception vessel channel
SP: Spleen channels
LI: Large intestine channel
KD: Kidney channel
GV: Governing vessel channel
TH: Triple heater channel
BL (UB) Bladder
LU: Lung channel
ST: Stomach channel
PC: Pericardium channel
HT: Heart channel
REN (CV): Conception vessel channel

VII. Summary
The aim of this e book or articles is to provide reader with information in different points of view and hope this information will help parent with autistic children understanding more of some kinds of treatment. While conventional medicine emphasizing in treating symptoms with medication, diet change and many types of therapies, traditional Chinese medicine goes one step further by suggesting to treat the causes of autism instead of the symptoms with combinations of conventional therapies, diet change, acupuncture and herbs. It is for your child benefits that should tell your TCM practitioner types of medication that your child are taken, if you choose to have him /her treated by TCM.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Nov. 25 - Dec. 01 - 2009

Fertility and The Unexplained Cause of Infertility

The unexplained cause of infertility is defined as a condition of a healthy couple who have found no reproductive structure or medical problems, but for whatever reason, the female partner is unable to get pregnant, and modern technologies and doctors in conventional medicine fail to find the causes of infertility.

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Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

According to conventional medicine, a couple is diagnosed with explained causes of infertility can have children by going through the process of artificial insemination or other options such as adoption, or surrogation. Some women may seek help from traditional medicine, because of cost effectiveness or believing that traditional medicine can offer a more natural birth. In fact, I have had a chance to talk to some traditional Chinese medicine herbalists and was told the success rate for women who come to their clinic with unexplained causes of infertility is over 50%. Adding to other traditional medicine the rate is even higher.
It is not for anybody's benefit by spending much of this article in arguing which traditional medicine is the best, it is up to the couple to decide. In this article, we will discuss how you can beat the odds (if you are diagnosed with explained causes of infertility) to get pregnant.

I. Natural selection
Conventional medicine seldom think overuse of energy for whatever reason, may cause the blood transportation away from the reproductive organs, leading to reproductive system being shut off or only working in minimum state, resulting in irregular menstrual cycle or no menstruation at all.
There was one time, I received an e-mail from a woman who only ate organic natural foods including a lot of raw vegetable, fruit, milk, whole grain and only a small portion of chicken meat every day. Her daily diet is considered as very healthy, but unfortunately, she cannot get pregnant and was diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility. Since she and her husband do not have enough money to go for artificial insemination, They were suggested to see their local traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Yes within six months, she was pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
The answer
The above woman has engaged in playing tennis 2 hours everyday. She has an athletic body and well built muscles. She is healthy but with an irregular menstrual cycle. She was asked to stop playing tennis and replaced that with moderate exercise. No vitamins, herbs or other fertility assisting supplements were given by her herbalist.
She was diagnosed with infertility caused by the natural section of the reproductive organ as most of her energy was drained as a result of playing tennis. Remember, not all women playing tennis are infertile. Some women may easily get pregnant, even if they engage in some excessive exercise and sport, because each women is unique and react to the same circumstance differently.
If you are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility and you look healthy but involved in some sorts of energy draining sport, exercise or occupation, please try to slow them down a bit, it may be the cause.

II. Diets
A healthy couple who have eaten a healthy diet with occasional dine-outs and not engaging in any excessive exercise after getting married were diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility.
The female partner has irregular menstruation and feels dizziness and fatigue.
The male is OK.

1. Since she has an irregular menstruation and eating a lot of raw foods to maximize the intake of vitamins and mineral, her daily nutrient intake is considered OK. Unfortunately, the raw and cold foods may cause kidney yang deficiency, leading to irregular menstrual period, and dizziness and fatigue because it slows down the blood flow in the body including the reproductive organs.
2. Adding to her diet with some cool and hot foods may avert the problem and induce fertility.
Warm foods include cherries, peaches, leeks, and raspberry.
Hot foods include green onions, ginger, garlic, and pepper.

III. Weight
Women who are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility and who are either under or overweight may consider to gain or lose some weight so their weight can fall within the normal range of 5- 10% excess the BMI index accordingly. Traditional Chinese medicine believe the best weight for a woman to conceive, is within the normal BMI range or 5 - to 10 over the BMI normal weight, because pregnancy requires energy and the muscle readiness to support the growing fetus. It doesn't mean all pregnant women are in that weight range.
1. Gene influence
Some people may eat a lot and never gain weight while some people only overeat a little and experience some weight gain. Since genes play an important role in determining the human weight, but with the help from careful selection of diets, it can be controlled. Remember, being heavily overweight may impede the chance of fertility because as weight climbs, so do the levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 while sex binding globulin declines leading over abundance of free testosterone and their growth hormones in the ovaries that cause ovulation dysfunction, resulting in fertility.

2. Women with BMI index less than 20, may experience the primitive brain reaction in protecting the body from direct energy or blood to the reproductive organs, because of nutrients deficiency or the brain believes that the body of such women are not ready to conceive. This leads to delay of ovulation as a result of irregular menstrual period and infertility.
Therefore, if you are diagnosed with an unexplained cause of fertility and you are either under or overweight, then gaining or losing some weight accordingly may improve the chances of fertility, of course without causing nutrients deficiency.

IV. Aging
As we mentioned, before the chance of women getting pregnant decreases with age.
Here are some important statistics
For females:
a) In their late 20's and early 30's, 84% are fertile and only 16% are infertile.
b) In their mid 30's - 39 , 75 % are fertile and only 25% are infertile.
c) By age 40, 50% are fertile and 50% are infertile.

The Getting Pregnant Plan
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And Got Pregnant! You Can Too

For males:
According to the study of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, the rate of miscarriage also increases substantially when the father was over the age of 35:
1. Nearly 17 percent if the father was over 34 years old.
2. Around 20 percent if the father was between the ages of 35 and 39.
3. Over 32 percent if the father was older than 44.
As we age our reproductive organs do not function as they should because of effects of low levels of growth hormones being produced by our glands, leading to:
a) Ovarian change
Women who were born with a certain amount of eggs in the ovaries, as a woman age, it also effects the numbers of eggs in the ovaries. By their late 30's only poor quality eggs remain and that not only decreases the chance to conceive, but increases the risk of miscarriage and birth defects.
b) Medical problems increase with age.
c) It may be caused by intake of some kinds of contraceptive pills. As we know some women may need 6 months for their body to adjust and some may never see their period coming back again.
d) For some reason, delayed child bearing has been found to be associated with the risk of maternal problems even with no medical problems.
It is wise for women who want to have children to get pregnant between their late 20's to early 30's.
Since there are problems of fertility as women age, if you are in that group I believe some kidney and reproductive herbs such as false unicorn root and wild yam can helps, please talk to your local herbalist for more information.

V. Traditional Chinese medicine
As we mentioned above, traditional Chinese medicine has been proven record in treating unexplained causes of infertility with a success rate of over 50%. Many men and women who come to TCM with unexplained causes of infertility have been diagnosed with either kidney yin yang imbalance (either yin or yang deficiency) qi and blood stagnation in the reproductive organs ( liver, kidney, spleen). Since each man and woman are unique, there is no one treatment that works for everyone. You will be given certain types of treatment according what have been observed and diagnosis. Please consult with your local Chinese partitioner for more information.

VI. Psychological effects
It is understandable that a couple who were diagnosed with an unexplained cause of infertility are under constant stress. This can be treated by any holistic medicine. You may be offered different programs such as yoga, meditation, or acupuncture depending on what types of traditional medicine practitioner whom you see.
The Getting Pregnant Plan
I Created A Plan That Help Fertility
And Got Pregnant! You Can Too

Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
For How To Find The Best Fertility Self Help Program Click Here

If you want to know more about fertility and fertility, please visit my website at:

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Nov. 18-24 - 2009

Fertility and Premature Ovarian Failure In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Premature ovarian failure is defined as a condition of which the ovarian is no longer responded to the brain in production of follicle before the age of 40, leading to high levels of FSH in the bloodstream and menopause hormonal symptoms. It is caused by either the accelerated loss of eggs or follicles are become less responsive to hormone stimulation from the pituitary gland. It has been estimated that POF affects 1% of the population. While conventional medicine uses synthesis medication to stimulate the ovarian response and artificial insemination with only 5% success rate accompanying with a high medical cost, it drives many women to seek help from traditional medicine, including the traditional Chinese medicine.

Recommended Reading
Increase Sperm Count Naturally
With Male Fertility Success, No Drugs,
Surgery Or Humiliating Medical Procedures

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine views POF as an excess and deficiency pattern caused by emptiness of the penetrating and conception meridians and treatments are totally depended to her unique diagnosis, there is no one treatment for all.

I. Diagnosis
Most women with POF have some of following symptoms
1. irritability, a rapid pulse and a red tongue
2. Pale or normal tongue
3. Weak pulse
4. Weakness
5. Lethargy Pale,
6. Shallow breathing , soft voice Little desire to speak
7. Poor appetite
8. Fatigue
9. Loose stools
10. Indigestion
11. Bloating and gas
12. Reddish tongue with little or no coating
13. Dry mouth, especially at night
14. Dark, scanty urination
15. Night sweats
16. Thirst
17. Dizziness
18. Heat flushes
19. Constipation
20. Palpitations
21. Forgetfulness
22. Constipation Pale complexion
23. Pale and dry, cracked lips
24. Anxiety
25. Numbness or tingling in limbs
26. Light menses
27.Difficulty urinating, and
28. Edema
29. Cold limbs,
30. Lack of energy
31. Low sexual desire
Since each woman is diagnosed as her own entity, some symptoms may be found in some women, but not in the other, depending to the diagnosis.

I. Causes of POF in TCM perspective
A. Excessive yang
Caused by an excessive loss of vital essence and nutrient fluid, leading to dryness of skin, chapped lips, nose bleed, mouth sore, urinary burning, etc. and interfering with the kidney function in hormonal regulation, resulting in ovarian abnormal function in responding to the hormone secretion from pituitary gland.

B. Spleen qi deficiency
1. Liver
Liver has directed influentially in spleen function, without strong liver there is no treatment for spleen blockade and deficiency.

2. Diet and occupation
Since spleen prefer warm and hot foods, prolong period working in col environment and eating cold foods will effect the spleen function in synthesizing carbohydrate synthesizing, disrupting the processes in nutrients absorption, obstructing the blood flow to the abdominal region and effecting the luteal phrase, resulting in infertility

3. Life style and weakened liver
Spleen is view as the organ of digestion ( nutrients distribution ) and elimination ( eliminating the body waste ). Spleen qi deficiency is normal caused by irregular dietary habits and excessive use of mind in studying and working. Weakened liver may also increases the risk of toxins accumulation and liver qi stagnation in the body, effecting the spleen function and obstructing implantation of egg in the uterine lining.

C. Kidney yin deficiency
a) Unhealthy diet
As oppose to yang deficiency, It is caused by men who love to hot and spicy food leading to heat accumulation in the body causing yin deficiency.

b) External factor
Working in the hot environment causes the depletion of fluids in the body including the kidney leading abundant yang qi production.

c) Low sexual activity
Frequent sexual activity increases the risk of yang deficiency, low sexual activity causes energy overly accumulation in the reproductive organ, leading to yin deficiency.

D. Blood deficiency
Tradition Chinese medicine view blood deficiency is caused by weakened spleen organ, thereby, reducing the spleen function in blood formation, leading to causes not enough blood to distribute to the body such as absence of (no blood for) menstruation. Blood deficiency leads to abnormal function of reproductive system in regulating menstrual cycle, disrupting the production of egg or produces poor quality egg and makes uterine mucus hostile to sperm.

F. Kidney yang deficiency
1 Unhealthy diet
As we known, we live in the society, where everything we drink are mostly cold including milk. It has a danger effect in both female and male body as it depletes of the yang qi which is needed to counter the the cold effects of abundant yin, leading to kidney yang deficiency. If one day, our yang qi production from the kidney jing no longer working well, it will cause symptoms of infertility

2. External factors
a) Working in the cold environment such as fish, poultry and meat processing plants may deplete the kidney yang as our body require to produce yang qi constantly to counter the external cold.
b) People stay in the cold place for prolong period of time may also have the same effect as people working in cold environment.

b) Frequent sexual activity
According to traditional medical medicine, sexual intercourse helps to improve blood circulation and production of certain hormones which are necessary for our health. It also helps to balance the kidney yin qi but frequent sexual activity depletes the kidney jing which is vital for hormone and sperm production, leading to low sperm count or semen with no sperm as well as kidney diseases.

II. Treatments
1. Diet modification
a). Since most women with POF are diagnosed with excessive yang in the west caused by the typical American diet as resulting of the body evokes the response from the ovaries, it is advised that spicy and hot foods are eliminated from the diet until excessive yang can be neutralized.
b) What to avoid
i) Simple sugar and refine starches
Simple sugar and refine starches have a very high reading in the GI index list as they cause sharp rise and drop of blood sugar in the bloodstream.
a) Hormone imbalance
As the levels of insulin produced by the pancreas have to increase traumatically when the blood sugar levels rise and stop when the blood sugar drop. The imbalance of levels of sugar also cause the over production of cortisol hormone by the adrenal gland that interferes with production of sex hormone, causing infertility.
b) Vitamins
Over production of cortisol caused by intake of sugar and refine starches also increases the risk of nutrients deficiency as resulting of vitamins and minerals depletion including B vitamin and magnesium.
c) Weakened immune system
Study show that intake a teaspoon of simple sugar can weaken the immune system up to 4 hours as resulting of weakening protein functions in body defence.

ii) Saturated fat and trans fat
Saturated fat and trans fat interferes the liver function in essential fatty acid metabolism, leading to over production of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family, causing menstrual camps and pain, nervous tensions as well as irregular menstrual cycle, thereby increasing the risk of infertility.

iii) Coffee
Intake of large amount of coffee daily to fight off stress may have a negative effect in the reproductive system. As study show that women who consume 300 mg or more of caffeine take longer to conceive than women who do not or take less.

iv) Drug and alcohol
Drugs and alcohol can influence an imbalance of reproductive hormones. As drug increases the tension of the nervous system leading to hormone imbalance, excessive alcohol drinking can cause liver damage, which abnormal function of liver in all kinds of metabolism, causing blood and qi stagnation in the liver and effecting a couple's reproductive abilities. Alcohol also causes nervous tension, leading to over production of certain hormones, thereby, increasing the risk of infertility.

v) Carbonate Soda
Carbonate soda contains high amount of sweetener, caffeine and phosphate which can interfere with calcium absorption as well as stimulating the over production of certain hormone including cortisol, leading to fatigue, stress and anxiety.

vi) Most animal and dairy products
Because most animal and diary products are considered acidic which can distort the balance of pH levels in the body, making cervical mucus hostile to sperm invasion as well as preventing the implantation of egg.

2. Chinese herbs

a) Herbs for Blood Deficiency
i. He shou wu (fleeceflower root)
He shou wu is a liver tonic herb, it promotes liver function in blood formation and increase the kidney qi in assisting the liver in transporting blood to the heart for circulation, thereby reducing the blood stagnation causes of defieciency. It also improves the kidney in urinary secretion, thus decreasing the risk of blood stagnation caused by fluid retention.

ii. Shu Di Huang (Chinese foxglove root)
Sdu di huang is a blood tonic herb. Besides improving the liver in blood formation, it also increases the lives qi, by boosting the circulatory system in transport oxygen and nutrient to the body cell thus redusing the risks of symptom of dizziness, pallid complexion, palpitations and scanty menstruation.

iii. E Jiao (Donkey-Hide Glue)
E jiao is important herb in improving the liver in blood formation and liver qi in regulating the blood circulation in the body, thereby, reducing the symptoms of dizziness, sallow complexion, palpitations caused by blood deficiency.

iv. Dang gui (Chinese angelica root)
Besides best known for improving the liver function in blood formation and regulating function of the reproductive organs, it also harmonizes the production of hormones during menstrual cycle, leading to reducing cramps and pain caused blood deficiency and stagnation.

v. Bai shao (white peony root)
Bai shao besides plays an important role in nourishing the blood and regulates menstrual problems due to blood deficiency, it also harmonzies the liver and spleen to prevent the rising of blood heat causes of headache and dizziness.

There are many more Chinese herbs helping to treat blood deficiency, you make sure to work with your Chinese practitioner to find the underlining causes and treat them effectively.

b) Herbs for Kidney yin deficiency
i. Shu di huang (rehmannia glutinosa)
Shu di huang is considered as yin tonic herb with warm in nature. It has an influence in the heart-kidney-liver channels by increasing the liver blood formation and heart blood circulation as well as enriching the kidney (jing) essence, thereby decreasing the symptoms caused by kidney yin deficiency.
ii. Nu zhen zi (ligustrum lucidum)
Nu zhen zi is a kidney and liver yin tonic herb with neutral in nature. By increasing the qi flow in the channels of kidney - liver, it reduces the qi and blood stagnation caused by excessive yang in the kidney.
iii. Sang shen (morus albus)
Sang shen not only has been used in Chinese for cooking to increase the kidney function in moistening the body fluid, but also to nourish the kidney yin and and increased liver in blood storing and formation.
iv. Bai shao (white peony root )
Bai shao plays an important role in nourishing the blood and regulates menstrual problems due to blood and qi deficiency caused by excessive yang in the kidney.
v. Shan yao (ioscorea opposita)
Shan yao is also known Chinese yam in China, it is a kidney balancing herbs and neutral in nature. Besides as an important herb in increasing the yin of Spleen and lung, it also improves the kidney function by raising the kidney yin when it is deficient and reduces it when it is excessive.

In Some cases, there may be kidney yang deficiency instead of yin deficiency
c) Herbs for kidney yang deficiency
i. Lu rong
Lu rong is also known as deer antler, deer antler velvet. Besides tt is best known in enhancing the sexual activity in men, it also is a great herb that reduces the blockage of the meridian liver and kidney. Since yang qi deficiency is also caused blood deficiency, improving the body yang by strengthening the liver's function in blood formation and kidney's function in fluid distribution, it reduces the yang deficiency in the body.

ii. Du Zhong
It is also known ecommia bark, it is one the most used herb to enhance the function of meridian kidney-liver by promoting the qi and blood formation. Since the liver is a organ in charge of blood storing and blood formation and kidney is in charge of fluid regulation, it increases blood flow to the entire body and reduces fluid accumulated in the body, thus enhancing yang.

iii. Ba Ji Tian
Ba ji tian is also known as Chinese morinda root and sweet and warm in nature. It is also one the herbs used to strengthen the liver and kidney qi and blood yang by enhancing the liver in blood formation and kidney in urinary secretion, thus reducing the yang deficiency causes of abdominal distention, including cramps and pain during menstrual cycle.

iv Rou Chong Rong
Rou Chong Rong used in traditional Chinese medicine for reducing the blockage of kidney-large intestine meridian, thereby increasing the kidney function in bring blood to warm the uterus and urinary secretion and digestive system in moving waste, resulting in lessening the fluid retention and dysmenorrhea.

v. Bu Gu Zhi
Bu gu zhi is also known as psoralea fruit and used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating blockage of meridian kidney-Spleen. It tonifies the yang qi by increasing the kidney function in assisting the function of lung qi and the function of Spleen in qi distribution.

d) Herbs for qi defciency
While deficiency of blood and qi are defined as a condition of liver abnormal function in blood formation and blood transportation due to qi deficiency or the inability of qi in moving blood caused by spleen qi and lung deficiency. Therefore, by treating the stagnation of spleen and lung qi, it will improve the blood deficiency.
Herbs enhancing the qi movement include
i. Ren shen (Ginseng)
Ren shen is considered as one of most powerful herbs in strengthening the original qi in the body. * In spleen, it improves the spleen function in qi absorption, thus reducing the symptoms of distended chest and abdomen cramps and pain.
** In lung, it enhances the lung qi by moistening the channels, thus reducing the symptoms of asthma and dry cough and prevent the rebellion qi causes of menstrual cramps and pain.

ii. Xi yang shen (American ginseng)
Xi yang shen is yin in nature, besides promoting the lung and spleen qi, it also increases the digestive system in absorbing vital energy that is vital for women during menstrual cycle.
It also reduces the heat causes of qi stagnation by moistening the all qi transportation channels, escially for qi stagnation caused by deficiency of yin.

iii. Dang shen (pilose asiabell root)
Dang shen is a Spleen and lung tonic herbs. It improves the lung function in moving qi smoothly through its channels and spleen function in absorbing qi after foods entering the stomach. It also helps to restore the qi which is damaged by heat caused by infection, inflammation or heat generated due to excessive fluids accumulation.

iv. Tai zi shen (pseudostellaria root)
Beside helping to increase the spleen and lung qi, it also improve the blood transportation and spleen and stomach in absorbing vital energy for our body cells and generates fluids to prevent the heat causes of qi stagnation.

v. Huang qi (astragalus root)
It is one of the herb which helps to increase the function of liver in generating more blood formation and liver qi in blood transportation due to excessive blood during menstruation.

3. Acupuncture
a) To clean heat and relieve the stagnation of blood
Stimulating Gongsun(SP4), Neiguan Pc6, LiequeLu 7 and Qi HaiQi6
b) To supplement yin and blood
stimulating Taixi Ki3, Sanyinjiao(SP6) and Zusanli St36
c) To calm heat
Shenmen Ht7 and yintang
d) To Rectify the liver qi and heat
Xingjian Lv2, Taichong Lv3, Ququan Lv8 and Qimen Lv 14
You can download a picture for all acupuncture point from this link

" All women can conceive sometimes during their child bearing age, before menopause". If you are diagnosis with infertility caused by POf, my heart go to you. When comes to treat POf, the traditional Chinese medicine is one of the best according to unconfirmed statistics. please make sure you find a doctor who has both conventional medicine and TCM knowledges. Best luck to get pregnant soon Kyle J. Norton

Recommended Reading

Increase Sperm Count Naturally
With Male Fertility Success, No Drugs,
Surgery Or Humiliating Medical Procedures

Pregnancy Miracle
Reverse Infertility And Get Pregnant Naturally
Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

For the best pregnancy self help program review, please visit
For series of Infertility Articles, please visit
or my home page at

All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult
With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Nov. 11- 18 - 2009

Overcome Infertility - Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID)
A. In Conventional Perspective
I. Definition
Publish Post

Pelvic inflammation disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process. It affects over 1 million women in U.S. every month and most of them are in their teen and twenties and over 100,000 women become infertile in the US alone each year.

Recommended Reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders

Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

II. Types of pelvic inflammation diseases
III. Symptoms of (PID)
1. Fever
Due to infection or inflammation of the pelvic region.
2. Cervical motion tenderness
Caused by swelling of cervical inflammation area as a immune system reaction.
3. Lower abdominal pain
It is caused by sexual transmitted diseases
Chlamydia pneumoniae that infect the pelvic tissues and immune responds.
4. Abnormal discharge
Due to immune system in fighting the bacteria to protect the pelvic tissues.
5. Painful intercourse
As a result of an infected tissue has been damaged.
6. Irregular menstrual bleeding
Caused by bleeding of the infected area.

III. Causes of PID
1. Sexual transmitted diseases
Chlamydia is also known as Chlamydia pneumoniae, it is a type of organism causes sexual transmitting disease leading to infertility. In women, it may damage the Fallopian tube leading to infertility. Sexual transmitted disease happens most often to sexual active women with several partners and without understanding much of the partner's health condition. The diseases can also transmit through sexual intercourse without the use of a barrier device such as condom. Chlamydia can live in the body for months and years without causing any symptoms, but when it strikes the symptoms include
a) Pain or burning when urinating
b) Abnormal vaginal discharge
c) Bleeding between periods
d) Pain during sexual intercourse as we mentioned above.

2. Virus
It may be caused human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
3. Fungi
It is caused by infection, low levels of estrogen or allergy leading to abnormal vagina discharge. In case of frequent vaginitis, it is caused by women who is taking birth control pills, or taking antibiotics, as antibiotics kill bacteria leading to uncontrolled yeast growth). Fungi is also can be contracted through sexual intercourse.
4. Parasitic
PID is caused by a tiny parasite, known as trichomonas vaginalis.
5. Bacterial infections
Bacteria (germs) get into a woman’s internal reproductive organs such as douching or
when the cervix is opened due to menstruation or ovulation for sperm invasion.
6. Surgery
Surgeries such as C section, abortion, childbirth or insertion of an IUD may cause bacteria getting into the pelvic region, leading to infection resulting in scars in the region.
7. Cervicitis
Cervicitis is defined as a medical condition caused by inflammation or infection to the cervix leading to abnormal production of cervical mucus and increasing the risk of infertility

IV. Effects of PID
1. Chronic pelvic pain
Pelvic inflammatory disease often causes pelvic pain, it can lead to chronic pelvic pain if left untreated for too long as a result of scar building up in the pelvic region.

2. Infertility
If the scar covers a large portion of the uterus that disrupts the chance of egg to implant in the uterus or blocks the Fallopian tube, the fertilization can not travel down to the uterus for implantation.

3. Ectopic pregnancy
As a result of the end of Follopian tube that connect to the ovaries become partially or completely blocked due to forming of scars after infection.

V. Treatment of PID in conventional medicine perspective
PID have to be cured early by antibiotics, otherwise it may cause forming of large scars in the pelvic region, leading to blockage at the end of Fallopian tube and affect the uterus in egg implantation thus affecting fertility.

VI. Summary
1. PID can be prevented if a woman
a) Use condom
for an causal sex partner
b) Abstain from sexual intercourse
c) Avoid douching
2. Early treatment
An active sexual life women must check with her doctor, if some of above symptoms is found.
Recommended Reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders

Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

B. In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective
I. Definition
Pelvic inflammation disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process. It affects over 1 million women in U.S. every month and most of them are in their teen and twenties and over 100,000 women become infertile in the US alone each year.
In traditional Chinese medicine (PID) is classified as the infections of a woman reproductive system. While convention medicine focus in using antibiotics to destroy the invasion of bacteria, virus, fungi, etc, in the infection or inflammation area, traditional Chinese medicine treats the problem as some tiny changes in the women ecosystem that cause (PID) such as itching in the genital area, abnormal vaginal discharge and power abdominal cramps and pain.
Recommended Reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders

Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

II. Causes and Diagnosis of (PID) in the traditional Chinese perspective
A. Causes
Traditional Chinese medicine view (PID) as a condition of genital itching and leukorrhea (it is a medical term that denotes a thick, whitish vaginal discharge) caused by dysfunction of Liver, Kidney and Spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine believes pelvic inflammation disease is caused by damp heat moving downward and accumulated in the pelvic region as a result of liver stagnation or/and Spleen yin deficiency or and kidney deficiency, leading to blood and qi deficiency or/ and stagnation, which in turn causes genital itching and leukorrhea. Therefore treating (PID) is focused in diagnosis of vagina discharge.

B. Diagnosis and vagina discharges
1. Spleen deficiency with damp
a) Diagnosis
Normal vagina discharge is corlorless, odourless, sticky and vagina dryness, due to dampness accumulation as a result of Spleen yin deficiency, that in turns distorts the the kidney function in of fluid distribution, leading to dampness accumulation.
b) Vagina discharge
White, Watery and no smelly discharge with dull pale complexion

Normal vagina discharge is corlorless, odourless, sticky and vagina dryness, due to dampness accumulation as a result of Spleen yin deficiency, that in turns distorts the the kidney function in of fluid distribution, leading to dampness accumulation. Where there are high humidity accumulated, it generates heat.

2. Spleen deficiency with damp heat
a) Diagnosis
Where there are dampness accumulated, it generates heat as a result of high humidity accumulated in the pelvic area.
b) Vagina discharge
Discharge with discolor with foulsmelling

3. Kidney yang deficiency
a) Diagnosis
Spleen yang deficiency causes by the inability of kidney to regulating the fluid distribution, that can not control the fluid in the downward movement into the pelvic region.
b) Vagina discharge
Excessive white or pale yellow, sticky and no smelly vagina discharge

4. Kidney and liver yin deficiency
a) Diagnosis
Kidney and liver yin deficiency causes excessive yang in the liver, leading to not enough fluid to moister the liver, affecting the normal function of liver in blood formation.
b) Vagina discharge
A thick, whitish vaginal discharge, stiff and sharp back pain and vaginal dryness.

5. Damp heat accumulated in kidney channels
a) Diagnosis
If the qi run through kidney channels is blocked due to kidney qi deficiency, it causes fluid retention in the channels, leading to excessive accumulation of dampness and heat arising that affects the reproductive organs, including the pelvic region.
b) Vagina discharge
Vagina discharge is red and white

III. Chinese herbal Treatments
A. Spleen deficiency with damp
(Strengthen Spleen yang, eliminate damp)
1. Bai zhu
Bai zhu is also known as white atractylodes rhizome, It is warm in nature and used to treat the spleen deficiency yang due to fluid accumulation.

2. Shan yao
Shan yao is also known as Chinese yam, it is a neutral in nature and used to tonify Spleen yin and qi and eliminate damp.

3. Ren sheng
Ren sheng is also known as radix ginseng. It is one of most popular herbs and used over thousand of year in qi tonification and normal bleeding in the vagina due to infection and inflammation..

4. Cang zhu
Cang zhu is also known as rhizoma atractylodis, it has been used in TCM in treating of yeast infection and dries dampness and strengthening the stomach in food digestion.

5. Che qian zi
Che qian zi is also known as plantago seeds, it has a drain damp function through urination.

B. Spleen deficiency with damp heat
Treatment Strengthen Spleen yang, eliminate damp, clear heat
1. Shan yao
(See above)

2. Huang bai
Huang bai is also known as amur cork tree bark, it is bitter in nature and has been used to clear heat and dry dampness.

3. Long dan cao
Long dan cao is also known as bitter root or bitterwort, it is bitter and cold in nature and has been used in TCM in clearing damp heat and dry vagina discharge caused by painful-swollen genitals.

4. Xiang fu
Xiang fu is also known as nut grass rhizome and has been used to regulate and strengthen the qi movement and treat abnormal menstruation due to liver's abnormal function.

C. Kidney yang deficiency
(Strengthen kidney yin)
1. Zhi fu zi
Zhi fu zi is also known as radix aconiti lateralis preparata, it has been used to reinforce yang, and to dispel wind, cold and damp caused kidney yang deficiency.

2. Du zhong
Du zhong is also known as ecommia barkwarm and has been used to promote and smooth the flow of qi and blood circulation by strengthening the kidney yang.

3. Shu di huang nourish kidney
Shu di huang is also known as Chinese fox glove,it is warm in nature and used to nourish blood and tonify kidney yang and essence.

4. Shan yao
(See Above)

5. Hai piao xiao astringe discharge
Hai piao xiao is cuttlefish bone, warm in nature and has been used in TCM in stopping uterine bleeding with vaginal discharge and enhancing the kidney yang.

D. Kidney and liver yin deficiency
(Strengthen kidney and liver yang, tonify yang blood and clear heat)
1. Shu di huang
(See above)
2. Shan yao
(see above)
3. Zhi mu
Zhi mu is also known as anemarrhena rhizomec and has been used to lear empty fire from kidney caused by high humidity and liver fire.

4. Fu ling drain fire through urination
Fu ling is also known as Indian bread or matsuhodo. The herb has been used to promotes urinary secretion by draining fire through urination.

5. Ze xie is also known as water plantain
(Same function as fu ling)

E. Damp heat accumulated in liver channels
(Drain liver heat, clear damp, tonify yin blood)
1. Long dan cao :
(See above)
2. Chai hu
Chai hu is also known as Chinese thoroughwax or hare ear root, it is cool in nature and has been used to treat liver qi stagnation, clear liver heat.

3. Mu tong
Mu tong is also known as akebia caulis, it has been used to drain fire and dampness through urination.

4. Dang qui
Dang qui is also known as Chinese angelica root. It has been used over thousand year in China in treating women reproductive disorder by nourishing blood yin.

5. Qian shi
Qian shi is also known as euryale seed,and used to treat damp heat, eliminate thick, whitish vaginal discharge.

IV. Treatment with Acupuncture
Here is only some acupuncture points have been used to treat
A. Spleen deficiency with damp
SP9 (yin ling), Sp6 (san yin jiao), CV12(zhong wan), ST8 (tou wei ) and SP3 (tai bai))

B. Spleen deficiency with damp heat
SP9 (yin ling), SP6(san yin jiao), UB20(pi shu), LI11 (qu chi) and GB34 (yang ling quan)

C. Kidney yang deficiency
UB23 (shen shu), GV4 (ming men), CV4 (guan yuan), CV6 (qi hai), KD3(tai xi), KD7 (fu liu) and UB52 (zhi shi)

D. Kidney and liver yin deficiency
PC8 (lao gong) , SP2 (da du), PC7 (da ling), SP3 (tai bai), GB38 (yang fu), LV2 (xing jian), LV3 (tai chong), LV4 (zhong feng), SP6 (san yin jiao) and SP10 (xue hai)

E. Damp heat accumulated in liver channels
LV14 (qi men), GB24 (ri yue), UB18 (gan shu), UB19 (dan shu), CV12 (zhong wan), SP3 (tai bai), SP6 (san yin jiao), SP9 (yin ling quan), LV2 (xing jian), LI11 (qu chi)

V. Acupuncture channels in short letter forms
LV: Liver channel
GB: Gallbladder channel
UB: Bladder channel
CV: Conception vessel channel
SP: Spleen channels
LI: Large intestine channel
KD: kidney channel
GV: Governing vessel channel
TH: Triple heater channel
PC: Pericardium channel
ST: Stomach channel

recommended reading
Meals That Heal Inflammation
A Nutrition Based Practical Guide To
Relieving Inflammation Rooted Disorders

Pregnancy Miracle (TCM)
Unique Guide To Reverse InfertilityGet Pregnant
Naturally Using Holistic Ancient Chinese Medicine

For the best fertility self help program review click here

I hope this information will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information, please visit
For other health article, please visit