Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekly Part Issue and Publication Jan. 30 -Feb. 06 - 2010

Weekly Part Issue and Publication Jan. 30 -Feb. 06 - 2010

Fertility and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome In Conventional Medicine Perspective

I. Definition
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined as endocrinologic diseases caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries as resulting of enlarged ovaries, leading to hormone imbalance( excessive androgen), resulting in male pattern hair development, acne,irregular period or absence of period, weight gain and effecting fertility. It effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.

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II. Symptoms of PCOs
1. Irregular or absent menstrual periods
2. Male pattern hair growth
3. Acne and oily skin
4. Over weight
5. Obstructive sleep apnea
Closure of the upper airway, causing stop breathing while sleeping
6. Difficult to conceive

III. Diagnosis
If you have above symptoms, you may have PCOs. It is for your benefit to visit your doctor or gynaecologist immediately, because it may effect your chance of fertility. It is easy to identify through your medical history, physical exam and a blood test. In fact, the most effective long term treatment for PCOs can be done naturally at comfort at your own home.
The blood test includes testing of
DHEAS, testosterone, SHGB, LH and FSH ratio, TSH, IGTT level ( fasting insulin) and several other androgens are used to evaluate adrenal function. If there are abnormal secretion of certain hormones, you may be in a high risk of having PCOs. You may also require to have an ultra sound to look at your ovaries.

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IV. Causes of PCOs
The causes of polycystic ovarian syndrome is still unknown, but there are some suggestions
1. Genetic predisposition
A genetic predisposition is defined as a genetic problem of some women who were born predisposed to certain health problem. In this case, it is polycystic ovarian syndrome.

2. Insulin resistance
Insulin resistance is defined as above normal level of insulin in the blood of a person. It may be caused other health problem such as diabetes, abnormal function of pancreas or caused by low numbers of the insulin sensitivity of cells, which impairs the process of glucose in energy conversion and high blood glucose levels in the body, leading to hormone imbalance resulting in increasing the risks of cystic follicles or ovarian cysts development.

3. Obesity
Obesity is defined as a person whose BMI index is over 24. As we known, obesity women is always associated to insulin resistance, leading to the same problem as mentioning above.

4. Hyperandrogenism
Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition characterized by excessive production and/or secretion of androgens leading to male pattern hair growth.

a) Hirsutism
Hirsutism develops when follicles in androgen sensitive areas start to form thick, pigmented hair as opposed to thin, short, non-pigmented hair normally seen in those areas in women.

b) Cushing syndrome
Cushing's syndrome is a chronic illness caused by over production of cortisol hormone leading to lower sperm production in male and abnormal ovulation in women.

c) Disorders of cortisol metabolism,
Cortisol is usually referred to as the stress hormone, as it is secreted in large volume for our body to response to stress and anxiety. Disorders of cortisol metabolism is defined as a condition of which cortisol hormone has losen its function in restoring homeostasis after stress and inhibited insulin, causing blood sugar to rise.

d )Hyperprolactinemia
Prolactin is produced by the anterior pituitary gland primarily which plays important breast development during pregnancy and milk production after birth. Hyperprolactinaemia effects the normal function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, leading to ovulatory infertility, a decreasing in menstruation and sometimes lost of menstruation and lost of sexual desire.

e) Acromegaly
Acromegaly is defined as over production of growth hormones caused by a benign tumor or of the pituitary gland and in rare case, it may be caused by tumors of the pancreas, lungs, and adrenal glands, leading to excess GnRH, resulting in male pattern hair growth.

5. Environmental chemicals
Environment chemicals such as xanoestrogen can causes over production of certain hormone and reduction of others, leading to abnormal function of the reproductive organs including the development of follicles and increasing the risk of PCOs.

6. Food adulterantion
Food adulterantion is defined as admixture or substitution of inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient in foods, leading to hormone imbalance and distorting the natural process of women reproductive system.

7. Chronic inflammation
Prolonged inflammation, known as chronic inflammation, leads to a progressive shift in the type of cells which are present at the site of inflammation and is characterized by simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process.

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V. Types of Conventional treatments
1. Metformin
a) The effectiveness of metformin
It is an oral anti-diabetic drug used to treat type II diabetes. It is also used widely in treating PCOs by suppressing the production of endogenous glucose by the liver as it helps to make insulin working more effective without changing the level of insulin in the body, thereby helping to regulate the production of certain hormones resulting in ovulation and egg production. i) Gastrointestinal upset including diarrhea, cramps, nausea and vomiting.
ii) Buildup of lactic acid in the body.
iii) Abdominal pain or cramps.

2. Clomiphene (Clomid)
a) The effectiveness of chomiphere
It is considered as a fertility medication. The effectiveness of clomiphere is that it helps to induce ovulation in women who are not ovulating at all and to increase the production of egg for women with letual phrase defect by stimulate the function of pituitary gland in series of hormone production, including LH, FSH and egg follicles.

b) Side effects
i) abdominal pain and cramps.
ii) Breast tenderness.
iii) Ovaries swelling,
iv) Sleeplessness
v) Gastrointestinal disorder including nausea, and vomiting.

3. Hcg
a) The effectiveness of HCG
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HcG) is defined as a hormone secreted by specialized cells called trophoblasts and later by the placenta. Since it is similar in structure to LH, it helps to induce ovulation by stimulating the release of mature egg, approximate 36 hour after taking it. HCG not only pinpoint the best time for sexual intercourse with success conception or assisting intrauterine insemination in egg retrieval.

b) Side effects
Although side effects of HCG is not common, but some women may experience
i) Headaches
ii) Irritability
iii) Restlessness, slight
iv) Water retention
v) Breast tenderness
vi) Depression

4. Gonadotropin (HMG)
a) The effectiveness of HMG
HMG contains natural FSH and LH, is a purified form of urine of post menopausal women. By stimulating production of LH and FSH to right levels, it helps to induce ovulation and develop mature follicles. if you are found to have low natural gonadotropin or estrogen levels or you need to have multiple egg follicles for artificial insemination. The medication may be also used if chomiphere therapy and other medication have been failed to induce ovulation.

b) Risks and side effects
i) Risk of miscarriage ( Quality of egg does not address here)
ii) Ovarian enlargement ( Caused by over stimulation)
iii) Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS)
iv) Multiple pregnancy
v) Headache and abdominal pain and cramps.
vi) Breast tenderness

5. Dexamethasone
a) The effectiveness of dexamethasone
Dexamethasone is a synthetic member of the glucocorticoid class of steroid hormones and a prescribed medication for fertility but does not use frequently as the other medication. It helps to induce ovulation by suppressing the androgen levels, resulting in increasing the chance of fertility.
b) Side effects
i) Stomach upset
ii) Glucose intolerance
iii) Moodswing and irritability
iv) Depression
v) Water rentention
vi) Hypertension

6. Artificial Insemination (In Vitro Fertilization (IVF))
a) The effectiveness of IVF
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) may also be offered, if other medication treatment have failed to induce pregnancy for women with PCOS by using HCG or other medication to induce ovulation and egg retrieval.

b) Risks and side effects
a) Ovarian hyperstimulation
b) Pelvic pain and cramps,
c) Shortness of breath,
d) Blood chemistry abnormalities

7. Surgery
Surgery is not commonly performed. If necessary, PCOs can be treated by either a laparoscopic surgery also is known as ovarian drilling or wedge resection. Both methods have not proven to be effective for women with PCOs. It is your benefit to forgo this type of expensive treatment in favour of other such as IVF.

Remember the most effective long term treatment for PCOs can be done naturally at comfort at your own home.

We have spent most of our times in discussing "Fertility and PCOs in Conventional medication Perspective", we will come back with another article " Fertility and PCOs with General Perspective". At the meantime, enjoy reading.

Always keep yourself positive and work together with your doctor, you may get pregnant sooner than you think:
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 24 - Jan. 30 - 2010

How To Treat White Coat Tongue In General, Conventional and TCM Perspectives

White coat furry tongue is defined as a health condition of sticky white coat covers entire the surface of the tongue, it may cause a bitter taste due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface (in general perspective, or over growth of bacteria in the digestive system ( in conventional perspective), or Spleen, stomach and kidney qi deficiency (in traditional Chinese perspective).

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I. In general perspective
A white coat furry tongue could be caused by deficiency of nutrients due to improper diet. If there is not enough of certain vitamins and minerals it in your system, it may result in grooves accumulated in the surface of your tongue, by collecting food particles, leading to bacteria overgrowth.
A. Symptoms
1. Bad breath
Over growth bacteria give off waste.

2. Craving for sweet
Fungi need sweet to growth.

3. Bitter taste
Due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface.

4. Etc.

B. Causes
1. Improper diet
A white coat furry tongue could be caused by deficiency of nutrients due to improper diet. If there is not enough of certain vitamins and minerals it in your system, it may result in grooves accumulated in the surface of your tongue, by collecting food particles, leading to bacteria overgrowth.

2. Oral refreshing
Oral refreshing kill both good and bad bacteria in our mouth, in some case, it may cause imbalance of bacteria in the surface of our tongue, leading to over growth of bad bacteria.

3. Smoking
Smoking causes chemical attached to the surface of the tongue.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol causes fungi to grow faster.

5. Acidic metabolism
If your body is in an acidic constitution, it may cause the white coat furry tongue.

6. Etc.

C. Treatment
If the condition is caused by external factors then
C.1. Preparation
1. Some salts of any kind
2, Tooth brush
3. A cup
4. A tongue scraper

C.2. How it works
After rinsing your mouth with water
1. Place some salt on the tooth brush and brushing your tongue with them
2. Rinse with water and check to see the thick white coat on your tongue
3. If it is gone, use the tongue scraper to scrape the remainder off, if not
4. Do the step one again
5. After 2 uses, you should be able to get most of them off.
Do not try to brush your tongue more than 2 times, it may damage it.
If the white thick furry tongue comes back in a day or in a few, then it can be caused by internal factors. You may need to see your doctor for anti biotic.

II. In conventional perspective
A. Symptoms
1. Bad breath
Over growth fungi give off waste and cause infection.

2. Craving for sweet
Fungi need sweet to growth.

3. Bitter taste
Due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface and dehydration.

4. Dehydration
If you aren't drinking a sufficient amount of water, it may cause the surface of your tongue become white with furry thick coating due to dehydration.

5. Etc.

B. Causes
1. Immune system
Immune system is viatl in maintaining the balance of good and bacteria in the body, if the immune system is weakened, it can not regulate the growth of bacteria in the body including the digestive system, leading to over growth of fungi.

2. Over growth of fungi
Over growth of fungi can be caused by imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system due to damage or immune disorder.

3. Use of antibiotic
Antibiotic kills both good and bad bacteria in the digestive symptom, prolonged in use can cause imbalance of the bacteria system, leading to over growth of bad bacteria.

4. Etc.

C. treatments
there is no treatment in convention medicine, if it is not caused by over growth of fungi. If it is, then taking some anti fungi medicine for a period of over 3 months will help to get rid them completely. If your white thick coat tongue keeps coming back, it should be a best time to see your doctor.

III. In TCM perspective
According to traditional Chinese medicine, a red, pale and little white coat furry tongue is normal and a normal smoker tongue tends to have a little more white coat on the surface than non smoker. A little white coat on the surface of tongue (having roots) can NOT be got off completely, if it can, then it indicates some kinds of internal imbalance (we will not discuss it in this article).
Here is simple definition A RED ( smooth movement of blood), PALE ( Smooth movement of fluid) and WHITE COAT FURRY ON THE SURFACE OF THE TONGUE (turbid secretion from the stomach, spleen and kidney)
A. Symptoms
Beside symptoms as we mentioned in the general and conventional medicine approaches, the TCM add some more symptoms as listed below
1. Dizziness;
2. Ringing in the ears;
3. Weak or sore lower back and knees; physical and mental
4. Fatigue
5. Pale complexion
6. Frequent urination
7. Night sweats or Spontaneous sweating.
8. Frequent, and dribbling urination
9. Shortness of breath
10. Asthma
11. Feeling cold
12. Fever
13. Etc.

B. Causes
There are many causes of white coat furry tongue in traditional Chinese medicine, the below are some of them, please consult with your Chinese medicine practitioner for corrected differentiation
1. A white thin furry coat tongue coating is defined as health condition of external cold patterns 2. A thicker white furry coating is a health condition of can indicate damp-cold
3. A dry white furry coating tongue is an indication of cold turning to heat, causing dry mouth,
the 2 and 3 are due to spleen, stomach and kidney deficiency.

C. Herbal treatments
C.1. External cold pattern
External cold often arise quickly and are acute, symptoms include include chills, fever, general aches and pains, etc. It can be treated quickly with change of diet (avoid cold and raw foods and replace them with warm foods). In this case, the conventional medicine is more effective than the TCM, as you get rid off the external cold, your tongue should be back to normal.

C.2. Herbs for damp-cold
1. Tong Cao (ricepaper plant pith)
Tong cao promotes the lung and stomach channel. Deficiency of yang as a result of dampness (fluid retention) in the body, it interferes with lung function in moving and circulating structural body substances, leading to fluid accumulated in the under layer of the skin. On the other hand, it also helps to improve the spleen function in food absorption and waste secretion, thereby reducing the dampness through urinary secretion.

2. Bei Xie (dioscorea root )
The main function of bei xie is to improve the stomach function in separates the pure from the turbid when the foods enter the stomach, thereby reducing the extra dampness by expelling them through kidney urinary secretion.

3. Han Fang Ji (stephania root)
Han fang ji is one of Chinese herbs that has been used to treat fluid retention in the under layer in the skin of the lower part of body, including the abdomen.

C.3. Herbs for damp-heat
1. Mu tong (Akebia)
Mu tong besides increases the kidney in clearing dampness through urinary secretion, it also enhances the blood function by draining the blood heat caused by blood stagnation.

2. Che qian cao (Plaintain root)
Che qian cao has a vital function by eliminating the toxin accumulated in the body and promoting damp heat expelling through urinary secretion.

3. Chai hu (Buplerum)
Chai hu enhances the spleen and stomach in qi and materials digestion, thereby reducing damp heat in the abdominal region caused by liver blood stagnation.
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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 17 - Jan. 23 - 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 17 - Jan. 23 - 2010

Ovarian Cysts & Infertility - Introduction, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments In Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages, especially during a woman's childbearing years. Most ovarian cysts are functional and benign but some can become cancerous. Some ovarian cysts can cause bleeding and pain such as endometriomas/chocolate cysts and surgery is required for any cyst larger than 5 cms in diameter or if the cyst has interfered with the extruding of mature follicle. Traditional Chinese medicine defines ovarian cyst is a medical condition caused by excess-dampness (caused by blood and fluid stasis) accumulated in the abdomen and gradually coalesces into phlegm, that can manifest as that can manifest as ovarian cysts or various kinds, including chocolate cysts.

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I. Symptoms
There is ONLY A slight difference between traditional Chinese medicine and conventional medicine when comes to symptoms of ovarian cysts
1. Lower abdominal pain
2. Irregular menstrual periods
3. Pressure and pain in the abdomen
4. Long-term pelvic pain during menstrual period
5. Pelvic pain after strenuous exercise or sexual intercourse
6. Pain or pressure with urination or bowel movements
7. Nausea and vomiting
8. Vaginal pain or spots of blood from vagina
9. Infertility
10. Painful sex
11. Breast tenderness
12. dizziness
13. Fatigue and tiredness
14. Added on symptoms according to traditional Chinese medicine
a) Pale tongue
b) Poor appetite
c) Loose stool
d) Pale face and bright face
e) Sweating with little exertion
f) Shallow breathing
g) Prolonged headache
h) Chest distention
i) Hypochondriac pain
j) Diarrhea or consipation
k) Depression and mood swing
l) Etc.

II. Causes of ovarian cysts
1. Stress
Since liver is opened to the spirit factors, prolonged period working or living in high stress environment will cause abnormal function of liver in moving blood in the vessels as a result of qi stagnation, leading to blood stasis in the abdomen cavity, including the ovaries.

2. Cold and raw food diet
Cold and raw food diet damage the stomach function in food qi and essence absorption, thus decreasing the transformation of above to spleen, leading to spleen deficiency.

3. Oilly and greasy food diet
Oilly and greasy food increases the risk of accumulated of turbid and dampness in the body caused by stomach's inability to digest food properly, leading to kidney qi deficiency in distributing and moving fluid upward.

4. Environment toxin
Environment toxins decrease the body function in regulating the cells oxidation, leading to abnormal cell growth, including the ovarian cysts.

5. Artificial ingredients
Artificial ingredients are harmful to our body organs. They besides reduce our immune system in fighting against the forming of free article, but also damage the stomach function in food qi and essence distribution as well as increasing the risk of turbid accumulation.

6. Working environment
Working environment either too hot or too cod will affect the kidney function in fluid distribution, as a result of the depletion of either yin or yang in the body.

7. Excessive alcohol drinking
Excessive drinking damages the liver function in blood formation and blood storing and interferes with the stomach proper function.

8. Etc.

II. Differentiation
1. Spleen qi deficiency
Spleen is a vital organ in absorbing food essence and distributing qi and fluid to body organs. If for what ever reason (due to prolong period intake of raw and cold food or working in cold environment, etc.), causing deficiency of kidney in fluid distribution and lung and liver qi in moving blood in the vessels, leading to fluid retention and blood stagnation

2. Kidney yin or yang deficiency
As kidney no longer received enough qi to move fluids up to nourish the body organs and qi upward, it causes fluids accumulated in the admen, leading to pathogen of excess -dampness, resulting in heat being generated, leading to phlegm, the major causes of lumps and cysts.

3. Blood stasis
If liver function in blood formation and transporting blood to the heart vessels are distorted due to liver qi stagnation, then blood can not move freely and smoothly through the blood vessels, leading to blood stagnation.

IV. Treatments
A. Spleen deficiency
AA. With Chinese herbs
1. Codonopsis (Dang shen)
It is one of the most used herb that reinforces the spleen, nourishes blood.

2. Ginseng (Ren shen)
Ginseng is a very powerful qi tonic herb and used to tonify original Qi and extreme qi deficiency.

3. Astragalus (Huang qi)
it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in tonifying spleen and lung qi and raising spleen and stomach qi.

4. Jujube Dates (Da zao)
It is a good herb for tonifying spleen qi and short of breath and nourishing blood.

A.B. Acupuncture
Acupuncture suggested points
1. CV12 (Zhong wan)
2. ST36 (Zu san lin)
3. SP6 (San yin jao)
4. SP3 (Tai bai)
5. UB20 (Pi shu)
6. UB21 (Wei shu)
7. CV6 (Qi hai)
8. Etc.

3. Foods
a) Pumpkin
b) Carrot
c) Lamb
d) Ginger tea
e) Brown rice
f) Avoid intake of raw, cool, cold foods and foods with artificial ingredients.

B. Kidney deficiency
B.A. With Chinese herbs

1. Rehmannia glutinosa (shu li huang)
Rehmannia glutinose besides has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating kidney disorder, it also helps to restore the balance of yin yang qi of the kidney resulting in lessening the symptoms of water retention, weight gain for women with pre menstrual syndrome. It is said to contains substances which help to improve sexual desire before and after ovulation.

2.Morinda root ( ba ji tian)
Morinda root besides has been used in traditional medicine in treating yang kidney qi deficiency, it also helps to improve immune system before ovulation resulting in lessening the nervous tension for some women with PMS.

3. Cuscuta (tu si zi)
Cuscuta is a kidney tonic medicine, it helps to balance the yin and qi of the kidney resulting in reducing symptoms of water retention for women with PMS. It is said to help in improving the sexual desire for women caused by yang kidney qi deficiency and reducing nervous tension.

4. Cinnamin bark (rou gui)
Cinnamin bark is qi tonic herb, it helps to release the qi stagnation of our body including liver and kidney, it also promotes the kidney yang qi circulation and healthy adrenal gland resulting in lessening the symptoms of nervous tension caused by over production of certain hormone in the adrenal gland.

5. Etc.

B.B. With acupuncture

Suggested acupuncture poimts

1. BL23 (Shen shu)

2. BL25 (Da chang shu)

3. BL 52 (Zhi shi)

4. DU4 (Governing meridian 4)

5. REN4 (Conception meridian 4)

6. REN6 (Conception meridian 6)

7. KD3 (Tai xi)

8. BL60 (Kun lun)

9. Etc.

B.C. With Foods

C.C.1. Kidney yin deficiency

a) String beans

b) Celery

c) Parsley

d) Grapes

e) Plum

f) Berries

g ) Sea salt

h) Etc.

C.C.2. Kidney yang deficiency

a) Onion

b) Radish

c) Pistachio nuts

d) Walnuts

e) Leek

f) Shrimp and lobster

g) Black pepper

h) Wheat germ

i) Etc.

C. Liver qi deficiency
1. With Chinese herbs
a) Chai Hu (Buplerum)
The cool herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating menstrual disorder ( including cramps and pain), chest pain and bloating caused by liver qi stagnation and spleen and stomach deficiency.

b) Bai shao (White peony root)
Bai shao has been used in nourishing blood, regulating menses due to blood deficiency caused by liver qi deficiency and alleviating pain.

c) Zhi ke (Bitter Orange Peel)
It is one of best herb used to move qi and reduce distention with deficiency by nourishing kidney and spleen.

d) Chuan qiong (Lovage root )
This herb is special good in invigorating blood, promoting qi flow, treating irregular period and painful period by tonifying liver, gallbladder.

e) Xiang fu (Nut grass )
Xiang fu is one of the herbs used to sooth and regulate qi, especially for liver qi deficiency, reduce abdmen cramps and pain caused irregular menses.

2. With acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
a) BL18 (Gan shu)
b) CV12 (Zhong guan)
c) CV17 (Shan zhong)
d) LR3 (Taichong)
e) SP4 (Gong sun)
f) ST36 (Zu san li)
g) LI4 (He gu)
h) Etc.

3 With Diet
a) Chicken
c) Squash
4) Red and black date
5) Sweet potato
6) Garlic
7) Ginger
8. Etc.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 10 - Jan. 16 - 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 10 - Jan. 16 - 2010

Ovarian Cysts & Infertility - Introduction, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatments In Conventional Medicine Perspective

Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages, especially during a woman's childbearing years. Most ovarian cysts are functional and benign but some can become cancerous. Some ovarian cysts can cause bleeding and pain such as endometriomas/chocolate cysts and surgery is required for any cyst larger than 5 cms in diameter or if the cyst has interfered with the extruding of mature follicle. Traditional Chinese medicine defines ovarian cyst is a medical condition caused by excess- dampness (caused by blood and fluid stasis) accumulated in the abdomen and gradually coalesces into phlegm, that can manifest as that can manifest as ovarian cysts or various kinds, including chocolate cysts. In conventional medicine, ovarian cysts is defined as a collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary.

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I. Types of ovarian cysts
1. Follicular cyst:
Follicular cyst normally forms at the time of ovulation as a result of mature follicle has become involution or when ovulation does not occur. That means there is a follicle which doesn't rupture or release its egg but instead grows in the ovaries and becomes a cyst. During every month of menstrual cycle when ovulation occurs,the follicular cyst may rupture, causing severe pain on the side of the ovary.

2. Corpus luteum cyst:
After an egg has been released from a follicle, the follicle becomes a corpus luteum, if no pregnancy occurs, it normally breaks down and disappears. Unfortunately, in some women, a corpus luteum may persist on the ovary filled with fluid or blood.

3. Hemorrhagic cyst:
Hemorrhagic syst is defined as a condition of bleeding within the cyst, causing abdominal pain in the side of ovary where the cyst locates.

4. Dermoid cyst:
It is a type of benign large tumor can grow to 6 inches in diameter which affects mostly in the population of younger women.

5) Endometriomas or chocolate cysts:
Endometriomas - Chocolate Cysts are definition as a health condition of endometrial cells forming in the outside of the ovaries, leading to endometriosis on the surface of the ovaries. They also react to hormone stimulation during the menstrual cycle, by building up tissue, breaks it and eliminates it through menstrual period that causes blood spilling over the abdominal cavity, causing menstrual cramps and pain. Since chocolate cysts - endometriomas are filled with a thick chocolate-type material, they are called chocolate cysts.

6) Polycystic-appearing ovary:
Polycystic-appearing ovary is defined as a condition of enlarged size with small cysts present around the outside of the ovary. This condition is usually find in women with or without endocrine disorders.

7. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is defined as endocrinologic diseases caused by undeveloped follicles clumping on the ovaries that interferes with the function of the normal ovaries as resulting of enlarged ovaries, leading to hormone imbalance( excessive androgen), resulting in male pattern hair development, acne,irregular period or absence of period, weight gain and effecting fertility. It effects over 5% of women population or 1 in 20 women.

7) Cystadenoma:
A cystadenoma is defined as a condition of development of benign cyst which can grows to 12 inches in diameter and is filled with a mucous-type fluid material which develop from the tissues of ovary.

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II. Causes of Ovarian Cysts
1. History of previous ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts have a tendency to grow back, after surgery and treatment with traditional Chinese medicine due to stress, improper diet and other extenal or internal pathogenic factors, we will explain more detail in the next article - ovarian cysts in traditional Chinese medicine.

2. Irregular menstrual cycles
Most women with ovarian cysts also associate with irregular menstrual cycle a, leading to ovulation disorder that increases the risk of the development of ovarian cysts.

3. Increased upper body fat distribution
Suddenly onset of body fat increasing may be caused by insulin resistance, leading to developing of ovarian cysts.

4. Early menstruation
Since ovarian cysts tends to occur in younger women, early menstruation in younger age can increase the risk of this type of abnormal cell growth.

5. Infertility
If the cysts are grown large enough or become cancerous, they may block the fallopian tube, thus interfering with normal process of egg extruding from the ovary to the fallopian tube. It may also interfere with the ovulation phrase of menstrual cycle.

6. Hypothyroidism or hormonal imbalance
Hypothyroidiwm or hormone imbalance can cause irregular menstrual cycle, leading to development of follicle with in-ovulation or no ovulation occurs.

7. Tamoxifen therapy for breast cancer
researcher found that women who use tamoxifen to treat cancer are higher risk to develop ovarian cysts.

8. Painful sex
If the cysts are grow large enough, they may cause painful sex, due to the contraction of abdominal muscles.

9. Etc

III. Symptoms of ovarian cysts
1. Lower abdominal pain
2. Irregular menstrual periods
3. Pressure and pain in the abdomen
4. Long-term pelvic pain during menstrual period
5. Pelvic pain after strenuous exercise or sexual intercourse
6. Pain or pressure with urination or bowel movements
7. Nausea and vomiting
8. Vaginal pain or spots of blood from vagina
9. Infertility
10. Painful sex
11. Breast tenderness
12. dizziness
13. Fatigue and tiredness
14. Etc.

Recommended Program
Naturally Ovarian Cysts and PCOs Relief secret
Discovers Scientifically Proven Way To Reverse And

Eliminate All Ovarian Cysts & PCOS Within 2 Months Naturally,

IV. Diagnosis
1. Endo-vaginal ultrasound:
If you doctor suspects that you may have develop ovarian cysts, he or she may order ultra sound Ultrasound to exam your pelvic organs. A cyst can be diagnosed based on its appearance on the ultrasound.

2. CT scanning
If your uttrasound image has found ovarian cysts, you doctor may want to confirm it by ordering the CT scan.

3. Laparoscopic surgery:
With a woman abdomen is filled with a gas, your doctor makes small incision and a laparoscope passes into your abdomen. By examining your abdomen through the laparoscope, he or she can view the cysts and removes them or take a biopsy.

4. Serum CA-125 assay
finally if the ovarian cysts are identified, a blood test called CA-125 to checks for a substance called CA-125, which can tell your doctor if the ovarian cysts have become cancerous.The levels elevation of CA- 125 is associated with high risk of cancerous ovarian cysts.

5. Etc.

V. Types of Treatment
Since most of ovarian cysts are harmless they do not pose a threat to most women's health. Most doctors suggest to use ultrasonic observation or endovaginal ultrasound to monitor the growth of the cyst frequently, unless there is necessary then surgery may be required to remove them such as interfering with infertility.
If fertility is not a concern then
A. Oral Contraceptives
I. The good
a) Control unwanted pregnancy
The pill beside reducing the period pain, it also helps to protect woman against any unwanted pregnancy, because it stop or reduce period, creating a continual pregancy like state resulting of not letting sperm near you.

b) Control menstrual cramps
It helps to inhibit the over production of prostaglandins which cause the muscles spam contraction of ovarian muscles resulting of less period pain and period flow.

c) Reducing the rate of reproductive organ diseases
Study shows that intake of oral contraceptive combination pill helps reduce the rate of ovarian and endometrial cancer, benign breast disease, benign ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, because of stopping or reducing of period blood flow.

d) Shinking ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts no longer active, because there are no substance to activate the menstrual cycle because of pregnancy like state that shrinks the endometriosis.

e) Anemia
Since anemia is a disease of iron deficiency, intake of the pill stops or reduces the period blood, there are less iron needed to be produced by the liver or other organs.

2. The bad
a) Growth of fibroids
Fibroid starts from a single cell that grows abnormally. Fibroid occurs mostly in women after puberty puberty and shrink after menopause. Growth of fibroid is caused high level of estrogen and progesterone. The intake of the pill increase the level of both hormones resulting in increase the risk of growth of fibroid.

b) Recurrent of menstrual symptoms
Some women stop taking the pill may see all the menstrual symptoms coming back.

c) Blood clots
Intake of estrogen through the pill cause the blood getting thicker resulting in blood clots in the small vessels in the leg and the lung.

d) Stroke and heart diseases
Study shows that women who have higher natural estrogen levels may have a higher risk of stroke and heart diseases caused by estrogen in the pill that blocks that hormonal action in some parts of the body, while increasing its effects in the heart and others

e) Hormonal imbalance
The pill may influence the imbalance hormones of estrogen and progestone. Normally, It require six months for the body to adjust to the intake of oral contraceptive pill.

f) Depression and mood swing
The intake of the pill at the beginning may cause abnormal fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone elevate both physical and psychological stress, eventually resulting in both depression and mood swing. If depression and mood swing continue over six months period, it is for your own good to talk to your doctor for other pills.

g) Infertility
Prolong used of oral contraceptive combination pill may cause loss of period in some women. Some women may take months or year to get their period back. resulting of infertility.

3. The ugly
a) Bleeding and spotting
Bleeding and spotting is normal for the first six months for women starting any oral contraceptive combination pill because our body needs time to adjust to the new medication.

b) Lost interest in sex
Women who take the contraceptive pill are in danger of permanently lost their interest in sex because the oral contraceptive pill inhibits testosterone, the hormone that drives sexual desire even aftyer if they stop the pill.

c) Chloasma or melasma
It caused by hormonal changes, as in pregnancy and intake of estrogen in the oral contraceptive pill.

d) Nutritional deficiency
Oral contraceptive pill causes vitamin and mineral imbalances or deficiencies. It depletes magnesium for healthy heart, coenzyme Q10 for healthy heart muscles, folic acid for preventing cervical abnormalities, vitamin B6, B2, B3, zinc, etc.

If fertility is a concern, please read the below carefully
B. Oophorectomy
If both ovaries are removed, you can not get pregnant again, if only one side of ovary is removed, then it does not affect your future pregnancy, therefore the procedure is considered as a last-resort option in cases of ovarian cysts and ovarian cancer.
I. Definition
Also known as ovariotomy, oophorectomy is a medical procedure to have one ovary removed, if ovarian cysts have become cancerous. After oophorectomy, the woman will continue to have menstrual cycle and can not become pregnant, if both ovaries are removed.

II. How it work
General anesthesia is needed and the operation is done in the hospital.
a) Normally, Unilateral oophorectomy is done with a laparoscopic procedure as we mentioned in previous article. Laparoscope is a thin tube containing a tiny lens and light that inserts through a small incision in the navel with a camera on the other end that allows your doctor to see the abdominal cavity on a video monitor. After the ovary is detached, it is removed though a small incision at the top of the vagina.
b) Vertical incisions
Vertical incisions give the doctor better view of of the abdominal cavity but it will leave some notable scar. If cancer is detected, a vertical abdominal incision is needed. After the incision the ovary is removed
c) Horizontal incision
If the ovary is removed by horizontal incisions it will leave a less notable scar.

III. Risk and side effects
a) Heavy blood loss caused by medical instrument used during surgery.
b) Heaving bleeding during or after operation
c) Infection of the incision area, may be caused by bacteria or medical instruments.
d) Needed to stay to hospital for 2 - 5 days
e) Time to recover is longer. It may take 3- 6 weeks to return to normal activity.

IV. Other medical term
a) Bilateral oophorectomy
Both ovaries are removed
b) Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Remove one Fallopian tube and one ovary in the same side
c) Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Remove both Fallopian tubes and ovaries.

If fertility is a concern
3. Cystectomy
This operation may be helpful if the ovarian cysts have not become cancerous and fertility is a concern, because a cystectomy is effective in treating non cancerous ovarian cysts by removing only part or all of the bladder, gallbladder or any cyst in the pelvic region, including ovarian cysts but not interfering with women's future ability to have children.

Recommended Program
Naturally Ovarian Cysts and PCOs Relief secret
Discovers Scientifically Proven Way To Reverse And

Eliminate All Ovarian Cysts & PCOS Within 2 Months Naturally,

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