Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 24 - Jan. 30 - 2010

How To Treat White Coat Tongue In General, Conventional and TCM Perspectives

White coat furry tongue is defined as a health condition of sticky white coat covers entire the surface of the tongue, it may cause a bitter taste due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface (in general perspective, or over growth of bacteria in the digestive system ( in conventional perspective), or Spleen, stomach and kidney qi deficiency (in traditional Chinese perspective).

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I. In general perspective
A white coat furry tongue could be caused by deficiency of nutrients due to improper diet. If there is not enough of certain vitamins and minerals it in your system, it may result in grooves accumulated in the surface of your tongue, by collecting food particles, leading to bacteria overgrowth.
A. Symptoms
1. Bad breath
Over growth bacteria give off waste.

2. Craving for sweet
Fungi need sweet to growth.

3. Bitter taste
Due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface.

4. Etc.

B. Causes
1. Improper diet
A white coat furry tongue could be caused by deficiency of nutrients due to improper diet. If there is not enough of certain vitamins and minerals it in your system, it may result in grooves accumulated in the surface of your tongue, by collecting food particles, leading to bacteria overgrowth.

2. Oral refreshing
Oral refreshing kill both good and bad bacteria in our mouth, in some case, it may cause imbalance of bacteria in the surface of our tongue, leading to over growth of bad bacteria.

3. Smoking
Smoking causes chemical attached to the surface of the tongue.

4. Alcohol
Alcohol causes fungi to grow faster.

5. Acidic metabolism
If your body is in an acidic constitution, it may cause the white coat furry tongue.

6. Etc.

C. Treatment
If the condition is caused by external factors then
C.1. Preparation
1. Some salts of any kind
2, Tooth brush
3. A cup
4. A tongue scraper

C.2. How it works
After rinsing your mouth with water
1. Place some salt on the tooth brush and brushing your tongue with them
2. Rinse with water and check to see the thick white coat on your tongue
3. If it is gone, use the tongue scraper to scrape the remainder off, if not
4. Do the step one again
5. After 2 uses, you should be able to get most of them off.
Do not try to brush your tongue more than 2 times, it may damage it.
If the white thick furry tongue comes back in a day or in a few, then it can be caused by internal factors. You may need to see your doctor for anti biotic.

II. In conventional perspective
A. Symptoms
1. Bad breath
Over growth fungi give off waste and cause infection.

2. Craving for sweet
Fungi need sweet to growth.

3. Bitter taste
Due to over growth of bacteria in the tongue surface and dehydration.

4. Dehydration
If you aren't drinking a sufficient amount of water, it may cause the surface of your tongue become white with furry thick coating due to dehydration.

5. Etc.

B. Causes
1. Immune system
Immune system is viatl in maintaining the balance of good and bacteria in the body, if the immune system is weakened, it can not regulate the growth of bacteria in the body including the digestive system, leading to over growth of fungi.

2. Over growth of fungi
Over growth of fungi can be caused by imbalance of bacteria in the digestive system due to damage or immune disorder.

3. Use of antibiotic
Antibiotic kills both good and bad bacteria in the digestive symptom, prolonged in use can cause imbalance of the bacteria system, leading to over growth of bad bacteria.

4. Etc.

C. treatments
there is no treatment in convention medicine, if it is not caused by over growth of fungi. If it is, then taking some anti fungi medicine for a period of over 3 months will help to get rid them completely. If your white thick coat tongue keeps coming back, it should be a best time to see your doctor.

III. In TCM perspective
According to traditional Chinese medicine, a red, pale and little white coat furry tongue is normal and a normal smoker tongue tends to have a little more white coat on the surface than non smoker. A little white coat on the surface of tongue (having roots) can NOT be got off completely, if it can, then it indicates some kinds of internal imbalance (we will not discuss it in this article).
Here is simple definition A RED ( smooth movement of blood), PALE ( Smooth movement of fluid) and WHITE COAT FURRY ON THE SURFACE OF THE TONGUE (turbid secretion from the stomach, spleen and kidney)
A. Symptoms
Beside symptoms as we mentioned in the general and conventional medicine approaches, the TCM add some more symptoms as listed below
1. Dizziness;
2. Ringing in the ears;
3. Weak or sore lower back and knees; physical and mental
4. Fatigue
5. Pale complexion
6. Frequent urination
7. Night sweats or Spontaneous sweating.
8. Frequent, and dribbling urination
9. Shortness of breath
10. Asthma
11. Feeling cold
12. Fever
13. Etc.

B. Causes
There are many causes of white coat furry tongue in traditional Chinese medicine, the below are some of them, please consult with your Chinese medicine practitioner for corrected differentiation
1. A white thin furry coat tongue coating is defined as health condition of external cold patterns 2. A thicker white furry coating is a health condition of can indicate damp-cold
3. A dry white furry coating tongue is an indication of cold turning to heat, causing dry mouth,
the 2 and 3 are due to spleen, stomach and kidney deficiency.

C. Herbal treatments
C.1. External cold pattern
External cold often arise quickly and are acute, symptoms include include chills, fever, general aches and pains, etc. It can be treated quickly with change of diet (avoid cold and raw foods and replace them with warm foods). In this case, the conventional medicine is more effective than the TCM, as you get rid off the external cold, your tongue should be back to normal.

C.2. Herbs for damp-cold
1. Tong Cao (ricepaper plant pith)
Tong cao promotes the lung and stomach channel. Deficiency of yang as a result of dampness (fluid retention) in the body, it interferes with lung function in moving and circulating structural body substances, leading to fluid accumulated in the under layer of the skin. On the other hand, it also helps to improve the spleen function in food absorption and waste secretion, thereby reducing the dampness through urinary secretion.

2. Bei Xie (dioscorea root )
The main function of bei xie is to improve the stomach function in separates the pure from the turbid when the foods enter the stomach, thereby reducing the extra dampness by expelling them through kidney urinary secretion.

3. Han Fang Ji (stephania root)
Han fang ji is one of Chinese herbs that has been used to treat fluid retention in the under layer in the skin of the lower part of body, including the abdomen.

C.3. Herbs for damp-heat
1. Mu tong (Akebia)
Mu tong besides increases the kidney in clearing dampness through urinary secretion, it also enhances the blood function by draining the blood heat caused by blood stagnation.

2. Che qian cao (Plaintain root)
Che qian cao has a vital function by eliminating the toxin accumulated in the body and promoting damp heat expelling through urinary secretion.

3. Chai hu (Buplerum)
Chai hu enhances the spleen and stomach in qi and materials digestion, thereby reducing damp heat in the abdominal region caused by liver blood stagnation.
Please consult with yorur Chinese medicine practitioner before applying

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