Monday, July 20, 2009

Past Weekly Health Articles Publication

"Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You" Kyle J. Norton

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Feb, 14-2009
You may find Kyle J. Norton Articles at 10,000 other sites

How to lose Weight with Foods Substitution

The healthiest weight is determine by height to weight ratio or Body Mass Index (BMI) and the amount of fat in your body. Unfortunately over 60% of the North American population is considered to be overweight, according to the BMI index. We also have discussed the negative weight loss in the article "Foods make you lose weight". In this article we will to discuss how to lose weight with food substitutions in your diets.

1. Dip fried food is crunchy and tasty, but it contains lots of saturated fat that causes arteries to build up with cholesterol, heart disease and unhealthy weight gain. You can avoid these by steaming, stirring and consuming more cold water fish.

2. Adding one teaspoon of hot pepper and mustard to every meal will raise metabolic rate by as much as 25 percent.

3. Replace the cream in your recipe with low fat sour cream or low fat evaporated milk.

4. Don't smother your baked potato with butter or sour cream. Replace it with salsa or low fat chili.

5. Use olive oil or canola oil instead of animal oils or vegetable oils.

6. Add nuts in your diet. Nuts tend to be high in fat and nutrition, so include them in your diet but do not overdo it.

7. Substitute mungbean paste for butter in peanut butter cookies to lower fat and increase fiber.

8. Serve meat or poultry with cranberry sauce, salsa and skip the gravy.
Click Here for Strip that Fat

9. If you don't eat your foods while walking, driving or watching television, you will eat less and enjoy your foods

10. Put spinach on your sandwich instead of lettuce, since spinach is more nutritious.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information of the above subject, please visit:

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Feb, 07 -2009
You may find Kyle J. Norton Articles at 10,000 other sites

How to Find The Best Endometriosis Self Help Program

Written by Kyle J. Norton

Endometriosis is a Chronic condition that afflicts over 5 millions women between 20- 40 years old age group in the US alone and increases rapidly in the world population, especially in Asia. It is caused by environmental toxins, unhealthy diet, and recent economical prosperity. During menstruation, the menstrual lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues growing somewhere else in the body causes endometriosis.
Endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side. Here are some essential conditions to find the best endometriosis self help program.

1. Qualification of the writer
Since conventional treatment has some success in treating endometriosis but without some side effects, qualification of the author becomes importance. It not only gives you the confidence to follow the program, but it also let's you know that the author also understands the conventional treatment and its side effect. I, myself prefer people with extensive experience in fields of diets and have been working for years with conventional medication and specializing in endometriosis such as dietitian, RN specializing in nutritional supplements, and alternative medicine.

2. Program written must pin point the treatment
The program should pin point the author intentions. How exactly will the program help ??
How long will it take ?? What types of treatment will you get??

3. Details of diagnosis
The program must also pin point each symptoms and causes. Since each woman experiences endometriosis uniquely, the treatment must also be designed specifically and uniquely for each of them.

4. Exact dosage must be given

Most endometriosis health sites only provide general information and for education purposes, it is hard to find any of them with specific dosage of treatment. For paid self help programs, it should provide exactly how much you should take and when is the best time to take them.

5. Must not alter much of the living style
Starting a new program is not easy. Some self help programs require you to change your diet or life style completely, this is a no-no for a self help program. Since our body requires time to adjust for any changes in the diet, abruptly changing your diet may do more harm than good. The best program should be one that makes you understand how the change will do in treating your disease and give you time to achieve that goal slowly.

6. Diet must be included in the treatment program
Using nutritional supplements or herbs are helpful in treating endometriosis. Without daily intake of healthy food, the program may not work effectively and the time required for the treatment may take longer.

7. Side effects must be included in the treatment
Some herbs may have some mild side effects, if taken in large doses or for a prolong period of time. The best self help program should also address that as well.

8. Given time length for improvement
Nutritional supplements and herbs may need time to take effect, but you will feel improvement within few days of treatment. The author should be able to tell you that.

9. Program must be written in daily English and is understandable for the purchaser
Program should be written in easy understanding daily English, you don't want to have a dictionary with you every time you read the program. Technical and medical term should only be used when it is necessary.

10. Refund policy
Even with the best self help program, it may not work for all women. Be sure you buy from one that has been in business for many years, with good reputations and offers at least 8 weeks refund guaranteed.

I hope this information will help and good luck on your treatment.

For the best treating endometriosis self help program click here

Weekly Past Issue and Publication Jan. 31-2009

You may find Kyle J. Norton Articles at the following sites
Articles Written and Public at Steady Health Only

Tips to Trick your Body Into Losing Weight

For a healthy person weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you consume. Your healthiest weight is determine by height to weight ratio or Body Mass Index (BMI) and the amount of fat in your body. Unfortunately over 60% of the North American population are considered to be overweight according to the BMI index because of unhealthy diet with foods high in saturated fat and trans fat, causing many diseases and becoming a heavy burden to our national heath care system.
For many people losing weight is easy, but keeping that lost weight is the big problem. In fact if you have a permanent weight loss plan, you will have no problem maintaining that lost weight.
Here are some tips that may help and you might want to keep them in mind in daily diets.

1.Replace high density with Low nutrition density foods
Low density food such as fruits and vegetables are bulky, filling and contains less calories meaning it can help you lose weight and control your hunger. By consuming fewer calories, you can lose weight over time and keep it off forever.

2. Fluff up your foods
Food with extra air whipped has fewer calories. Study shows that people drinking longer air whipped milkshake consume 28% less calories than normal milkshakes, because milkshake blended longer adds air and volume.

3. Foods to avoid
Avoid eating foods that are high in saturated and trans fat. Dip fried foods can contain high calories and any extra fat will be stored away for future use, causing weight gain. Also saturated fat and trans fat might cause arteries to clogg up with bad cholesterol, resulting in heart diseases.

4. Limit food variety
An overload of food will make you go beyond fullness just because you want to taste everything. Limit only a few selection of snacks in your house so you will eat less, because you will get tired of the same old foods.

5. Replace high calorie drink with low calorie beverages or water
Study shows that you can put on weight without realizing by drinking high calorie beverages, because high calories beverages go right through your stomach with out registering it. Therefore you might intake a lot of calories, but your stomach will still feel hungry.

I hope that this information will help, if you need more information of above subject please visit my home page:

Weekly Part Issue and Publication Jan, 23 -2009

Diabetics Tips--- Lose weight and Reduce Glucose Healthily

If you are diabetic and over weight, there is a good chance that you have tried many kinds of diet programs. I hope by the time you read this article, you have already got your weight and glucose under control. If not, you might try some of the suggestions below.

1. Before you start, cleanse your body system of toxins and get rid of all parasites and plagues.
Bowel detoxification with liquid clay and ground fax seeds are particularly helpful for improving body conditions, because the clay absorb toxins while the seeds expands in water and brush the intestine clean. Also bowel detoxification with ground dandelion leaves and apple juice help the liver to cleanse toxins rapidly.The next approach now is how to eliminate the parasites and plagues.
Harmful parasites: if left to live and breed inside your stomach, small and large intestines and your colon will then use your body as a food store house so they can live and breed by the millions. They will eventually cause you to get sick.
Plague: If let alone, it will cause you to get sick more often.

Vermifuge, taenifuges, anti fungals are natural remedies helpful to get rid of these harmful parasites and plagues.
2. Put extra protein in your diet, but reduce daily intake of red meats.
By substituting your daily intake of red meat by cold water fish that has plenty of proteins and omega 3 fatty acid. Omega 3 fatty acid helps to lower triglycerides without causing the rise of glucose in your bloodstream.

3. Increase intake of food with high fiber.
Fiber helps to reduce the amount of insulin released by the pancreas by slowing down the breakdown of carbohydrates into glucose entering the bloodstream. Fiber also absorb water, causing it to swell. This gives a nice feeling of fullness that many weight loss programs do not provide. Food with high fiber such as broccoli, berries, peanut, spinach, whole grain, etc. lower cholesterol, triglycerides and improve diabetes.

4. Add some foods that reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Most foods that reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure have a profit of lower glucose in your bloodstream. Omega-3 fatty acids have the uncanny ability to
break down cholesterol in the lining of blood vessels and also serve as a solvent
for saturated fats and eventually lower your blood pressure.

5. Foods help to reduce glucose in your blood stream.
1/2 table spoon of cinnamon and cactus tea everyday could be enough to help control your blood sugar. Cinnamon can help your fat cell recognize and response to insulin better. Other natural remedies such as garlic, ginger, bitter melon and etc. also have the same ability to lower blood sugars as well.

Quit smoking and reduce alcohol intake.

7. Exercise.
Physical activity improves insulin sensitivity, allowing your body to make better use of its own insulin.

8. Water and green leaf
Drink at least 8 ounces of water everyday to avoid brain dehydration and help the kidney to cleanse through the urine produced.
Green leaf vegetable has vitamins A, C, E and other minerals that help to replace vitamins and minerals of juices. You can enjoy leafy green vegetables every day without having to worry about them raising your glucose levels.
Click Here for How to cleanse all parasites and plagues.
Click Here for Master Cleanse Secrets 10 Day Diet.

I hope that this information will help, if you are interested about knowing more of acne and acne care treatments, please visit:

Weekly Part Issue and Publication Jan, 17 -2009

You may find Kyle J. Norton Articles at the over 10,000 sites

Diabetes--What is the Healthy Weight

Since Type II diabetes are caused by unhealthy diet that are high in saturated fat, most diabetics are overweight and obese, therefore weight loss becomes an important factor with even a few pounds being significant. Losing 20- 30 pounds in 3-4 months will improve health of diabetics remarkably, because the glucose in the bloodstream will drop and the cholesterol and triglycerides will go down.
The improvement of all the above will give diabetics more energy and better health.
But what is the ideal weight for diabetics?
Here is an easy way for diabetics to guess a good target weight by using this simple formula:
weight when you were age 20 X 1.2= target weight

In order to achieve the target diabetics usually follow some kind of diet program that we have discussed in many articles. In this article, we will try to approach this subject differently.
1. Eat less food
* Use a small plate instead of the large dinner plate. This makes it look like you are getting more
*Eat small servings.
*Eat low calorie soup before meal.
* Eat small portions of fruits or vegetables before you have a meal or snack.
2. Eat less fat
* trim the fat of meat.
*do not eat fried foods.
*Use little oil when you cook.
*Take off the skin of chicken.
3. Eat regular meals
Eat your meals at the same time everyday, do not skip any meals. Skipping meals will only make you hungrier and eat more at the next meal.
4. Try to eat different colors of fruits and vegetables for your meal, because different colors of fruits and vegetables contain many different kinds of vitamins and minerals.
5. Eat fewer sweets and desserts.
6. Exercise:
Exercise everyday will help to increase your physical activity as well as reducing body weight.

I hope the above information will help you to lose weight, if you want to read more, please visit

Click Here for A Comprehensive Guide To Beating Diabetes
Click Here for Bowel Detoxification Weight Loss

Weekly New Issue and Publication Jan, 11 -2009
You may find Kyle J. Norton Articles at the over 10,000 sites

Foods Make You Lose Weight and Fat

If you are over weight, you should consider to lose some weight, so you can
*live longer
* be disease free and feel great
*enjoy quality of life
*Stay fit, feeling good, looking younger and more "vitalized" than ever
*Get rid of any conditions
Click here for looking younger secret

Foods Make You Loss Weight and Fat;

These foods causes you to lose weight because they contains such a small amount of calories that it takes more calories to digest them, then the food itself contains. An example would be a food that contains 25 calories, but takes 50 calories for you body to break down and digest.

First if you’ve ever eaten celery you know it takes some work to chew, and with 1 stalk containing just 5 calories the chewing alone will probably burn more calories then the celery contains

Ice Water
Ice water is significantly cooler than your normal body temperature so drinking ice water instead of regular tap water will cause your body to burn extra calories in order to bring its temperature back to normal.

A medium sized tangerine is a sparse 37 calories.

Kumquat fruit
Each kumquat fruit is 13 calories

Iceberg lettuce is just 6 calories per 1 cup serving.
Romaine lettuce is 10 calories per 1 cup serving.

1 cup of Spinach contains 7 calories

Cherry Tomato
3 Cherry Tomatoes contain 6 calories.

1 cup of mushrooms is 15 calories
Click here for healthy weight loss Secret

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