Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication July, 29-2009

Fertility/Infertility --Diagnosis of Infertility With Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse or can not carry the pregnancy to full term. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world, because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. In fact, More than 40% of infertility of a couple is caused by male inability to fertilize. Diagnosis is a analytics approach, after initial consultation and medical history and personal information have been taken from a patient or couple. The main objective of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis is to find the causes of infertility, while the conventional medicine fails. We will try to give you the definitions of type of diagnosis in alphabet order with TCM perspective.

Women who seek help for conception with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) may require to bring in all records of diagnosis, otherwise, you may have to go through some conventional diagnosis, if necessary. In fact, most women come to TCM may have already run through all types of conventional treatment without success or with unexplained causes.
Besides personal medical history and medical exam, some conventional diagnosis may be required, you may view them at this link

I. Personal medical history and medical exam
Addition to the conventional personal medical history and medical exam, TCM diagnoses may contain the following
1. General appearance
It is amazing that most TCM practitioner can feel some types of deficiency in your body by fust looking at your facial appearance.
a) Facial appearance
b) Hair distribution
c) Your voice
d) Body build
e) Secondary sex characteristics

2. Your body fat and fat distribution including fat around your breast
3. Thyroid enlargement
4. Irregular test and penis
5. Infection and inflammation including epididymis and prostate gland
6. Varicoceles
7. External genitalia
8. etc.

II. Diagnosis with TCM Perspective
A. Classical TCM viewpoint and the concept yin, yang and qi
Chinese medicine has been around more than 4000 years with proven record in treating all kind diseases including infertility based the 5 element theories and the concept of yin, yan and qi. Any interruption of the 5 elements and yin, yang and qi increase the risk of disease and infertility in men and women alike.
Since the 5 element theories are very complex and not easy to explain to the patient, most Chinese practitioner adapt this viewpoint with more classical types of how disease and dysfunction develop in the patient including infertility. The five classical viewpoint in TCM including
1. Wind
It is defined as qi obstruction in the body causing pain such as headache.

2. Cold
Expose yourself to cold may increase the risk of qi slowdown and reduce the energy flow in the body. Patient who is considered cold if they are diagnosis with slow qi and lack of energy flow such as slower heart beat, weaken immune system, kidney deficiency.

3. Heat
Expose yourself in heat may increase the risk of energy overflow as well as speed up your body function leading to infection and inflammation. Patient is considered heat are diagnosis with over flow of energy, skin diseases, qi interruption or inability of the body's organs to discharge enough toxins.

4. Dry
It is considered as dehydration and significant dry skin. It may be caused by internal imbalances between qi, blood flow, yin, yang, and blockages of different energy pathways within the body.

5. Damp
Dampness is the indication of fluid and water retention in the body. It is considered as a common outcome of digestion that isn't so efficient causing diarrhea and interfering with the natural downward movement of the contents of the stomach leading to heartburn and excessive saliva production. Dampness is normally caused by spleen qi deficiency

6. Combination of tow or more above such as wind-damp, wind-cold etc.

B. Diagnose internal organs related reproductive function
TCM consider kidney, liver and spleen are 3 main organs which have directed effect in the reproductive system. Any deficiency of above organ may causes ying and yang, qi imbalance
1. Kidney
Kidney influences the function of sexual desire and regulate the adrenal gland in hormone production. Deficiency of kidney qi causes libido and irregular menstrual cycle and abnormal menstruation.

2. Liver
In women, according to TCM liver is a vital organ in maintaining the levels of estrogen and progesterone thereby, leading to normal ovulation and increasing the ability to release the healthy egg. Stagnation of liver qi also causes nervous systen disorder including anxiety, stress and depression causing hormone imbalance and leading to infertility.

3. Spleen
Liver has directed influentially in spleen function, without strong liver there is no treatment for sleen blogkage and deficiency leading to abnormal implantation of egg in the uterus lining.

Since TCM view our body as a whole,treating part of the problem is no, no unless there is necessary. The traditional Chinese medicine infertile treatment normally focus on promoting the balance between organs, glands and all other elements in the body.

C. Diagnosis of female infertility in TCM
1. Deficiency kidney yin
Women with abnormal menstruation including light discharge such as red and without clots, emaciation, dizziness, red tongue with little fur, insomnia and rapid pulse are considered as deficiency of kidney yin.

2. Deficiency kidney yang
Women with prolong menstrual cycle, no menstrual discharge, lower back pain, lack of sexual desire and slow pulse are considered as deficiency of kidney yang.

3. Blood deficiency
According to traditional Chinese medicine, blood stagnation is caused by weakened spleen organ, thereby, reducing the spleen fucntion in blood formation causing not enough distributing to the body leading to no blood for menstruation. Women with symptoms of late menstruation with pale and scanty or absence of menstruation, dizziness, dry skin, pale tongue, pain in abdomen after menstruation and weak pusle.

4. Blood stagnation
Blood stagnation is normally caused by qi stagnation or qi deficiency in the liver leading to abdominal pain, clotted and dark menstrual flow, nerous tension, premenstrual breast tederness, a slight purple-tongue and wiry pulse.

D. Diagnosis of male infertility in TCM
1. liver qi stagnation
Liver meridian blockage in the local area (genital) makes it difficult to ejaculate, related with impotence and low libido

2. kidney deficiency
a) Kidney Yang deficiency
Men are considered kidney yang deficiency if they have symptom of low sexual desire, weak ejaculation, impotence, seminal emission, low sperm count, slow sperm mobility.

b) Kidney yin deficiency
According to TCM kidney if vital to maintain a healthy reproduction system in men and women alike. Infertility caused by kidney yin deficiency including symptoms seminal emission, slow sperm mobility, low sperm count.

3. Stagnation of qi and blood
Stagnation of qi and blood is normally caused by weakened liver in fat and protein metabolism leading nervous symptoms including worriness, over-thinking, stress, chronic illness and in helping the in spleen blood formation causing impotence, low sperm count, short sperm life, slow sperm mobility.

4.Heat and dampness accumulation in the lower burner
Male suffered from heat and damp diseases is normally caused by over alcohol drinking and unhealthy diet including high in saturated and trans fat and spicy food leading to generally overweight, sperm count is low, may be sperm deformities

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