Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication June, 19-2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication June, 19-2009

Causes of Infertility In alphabets Order - Letter C to D

The Getting Pregnant Plan
I Created A Plan That Help Fertility
And Got Pregnant! You Can Too

Pregnancy Without Pounds
Avoid Gaining Extra Pregnancy Weight
Learn What Foods You & Your Baby Need For Optimal Health

A. Letter C
15. Caffeine
Moderate intake of caffeine does not causes either infertility or miscarry, but over dose of caffeine liking drinking a lot of coffee will increase the risk of infertility and miscarry because caffeine is stimulant causing over production of certain hormones which affect ovulation and hamper conception.

16. Cervical polyp
A cervical polyp is a benign polyp or tumour on the surface of the cervical canal, it is caused ny infection, inflammation or abnormal response to high levels of estrogen leading to abnormal bleeding, if not treated, it will gradually grow up and obstruct the cervical opening leading to fertility and miscarry.

17. Cervical problems
Cervical problems are caused by abnormal formation of cercix at birth or after medical sugery leading to interferes with sperm invasion through the cervix into the uterus resulting of thicken mucus or mucus hostile to sperm.
a) Congenital problem
The abnormal formation of cervix is caused by medication taking by the mother during pregnancy resulting in effecting the mucus production thereby, increasing the risk of infertility and miscarry.

b) Medical problem
Damage to cervix is caused medical surgery such as several abortions leading to abnormal function of cervix such as not open for sperm invasion or closed to allowing pregnancy to proceed to term resulting in miscarry and infertility.

c) Hormone problem
It is caused by not enough estrogen to stimulate the production of cervical mucus which are friendly to sperm invasion.

18. Cervical stenosis
Cervical stenosis is defined as a blockage or narrowing of the cervical canal, it is caused by birth defect or medical surgery thereby, limiting the chance of sperm invasion to the uterus causing infertility.

19. Cervicitis
Cervicitis is defined as a medical condition caused by inflammation or infection to the cervix leading to abnormal production of cervical mucus and increasing the risk of infertility.

20. Chemicals
Chemicals such as DDT, PCP, furans and men made estrogen reduce the quality and lower the sperm count in men leading to infertility. In women, such chemicals may cause child defect and miscarry because of it's toxic effect.

21. Chlamydia
Chlamydia also known as Chlamydia pneumoniae, it is a type of organism causes sexual transmitting disease leading to infertility. In men, it causes infection leading to urethritis and interferes with sperm ejaculation. In women, it may damage the Follopian tube leading to infertility.

22. Chocolate cyst
chocolate cyst also known as endometrioma, caused by endometrial adhesion and implants attached to the ovaries leading to abnormal function of avaries and interfering with production of mature eggs.

23. Cocaine
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant, it not only damages to the function of nervous system, but also decreases the production of testosterone in men leading to lowering sperm production and sexual desire.

24. Coffee
Coffee contains caffeine, moderate drinking coffee helps to improve the nervous system function including alertness, sharpness, but overdose of caffeine in coffee may causes abnormal production of certain hormones which effect ovulation resulting in infertility.

25. Congenital abnormality
Abnormalities present at birth may interfere with the fertility and carry the pregnancy to term.
a) In men
Epididymis, crytorchidism, etc.
b) In women
Abnormal formation of cervix, cervical canal, septate uterus, etc.

26. Crytorchidism
Crytorchilism also known as un desenced testicles, It use to happen to premature child. If it is not repaired by age six, it may causes permanent infertility because of no sperm in the semen.

27. Cushing's syndrome
Cushing's syndrome is a chronic illness caused by over production of cortisol hormone leading to lower sperm production in male and abnormal ovulation in women.

28. Cystic fibrosis
It is a genetic disease present at birth. Men with cystic fibroisis was born with absence of the vas deferens where it connect the testicle and epididymis to the ejaculating duct leading to infertility as resulting of impossible for sperm to pass through the penis.

B. Letter D
29. Depression
Depression increases the production of certain hormone in the nervous system and the glands leading to hormone imbalance and interfering the normal procedure of menstrual cycles in women and lowering sperm count in men, leading to infertility.

30. Diabetes
Diabetes is defined as inability to produce insulin by pancreas or inability of cells to use insulin efficiently. It may cause clot to blood vessel as resulting of high levels of glucose in the bloodstream leading to impotence and retrograde ejaculation in men. In women with insulin resistant, high levels of insulin in the bloodstream interferes with normal function of menstrual cycle as resulting hormone imbalance leading to infertility.

31. Dietthylstilbestrol (DES)
Dietthylstilbestrol is one the medicine used in the 50 -60 to prevent miscarriage. women intake of above medicine increases the risk of deformities to the child reproductive organs including abnormal cervix, uterus and blockage of the des deferens, etc.

32. Douching
Douching may be used to prevent infection caused bacteria in or around the women vagina, but it also toxic to the sperm and affect the cervical mucus, therefore women who try to get pregnant should avoid douching all together.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weekly Part Issue and Publication June, 12-2009

Causes of Infertility In alphabets Order - Letter A to B

The Getting Pregnant Plan
I Created A Plan That Help Fertility
And Got Pregnant! You Can Too

Pregnancy Without Pounds
Avoid Gaining Extra Pregnancy Weight
Learn What Foods You & Your Baby Need For Optimal Health

A. Letter A
1. Adenomyosis
Adenomyosis happens most likely in the late of woman life and who has had several pregnancy. It is classified as a medical condition of endometrial cell grows within the muscular walls of the uterus causing symptoms similar to those of endometriosis. It may interferes with the embryo implantation if the uterine tissue extends through entire region of the uterine wall resulting in miscarriage.

2. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
As a genetic passing through condition, congenital adrenal hyperplasia is present at birth and can affect both boy and girl alike. It is caused the lack an enzyme which is vital for the adrenal gland to make the hormones cortisol and aldosterone resulting in higher than normal testosterone hormone in the body. While girl is born with muscular appearance with high levels of testosterone hormone, it leads to abnormal menstrual period and causing infertility. The disease may be difficult to diagnosis in boy, but it may interfere with the growth and normal function of the reproductive organ including the test and penis leading to infertility.

3. Alcohol
Moderate drinking helps to improve blood circulation to the reproductive organ leading to increase the chance of fertility of men and women alike. Excessive drinking in women may increase the production of hormone prolactin which interferes which the ovulation leading to infertility. In men, alcohol interferes with production of testosterone leading low quality of sperm and sexual desire causing male infertility.

4. Anabolic steriods
Anabolis steriods are steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone. They help enhance the muscular appearance and physical performance causing shrinking of testicle and lower the production of sperm leading to infertility in men. IN women, it increase the levels of testosterone leading to abnormal function of the reproductive system in managing menstrual cycle including decline in serum levels of LH, FSH, estrogens and progesterone, leading to infertility.

5. Androgens
Androgen is also an steroid hormone which helps to control the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. In women, it is necessary in estrogen synthesis, increasing sexual desire and preventing of bone loss, as well as sexual desire and satisfaction, over production of androgen causes male like pattern, irregular menstrual cycle or absence of menstrual cycle leading to infertility. In Men, over production androgen by test causes lower quality of sperm and sperm production leading to male infertility.

6. Anejaculation
Anejaculation is a medical condition and defined as inability to ejaculate. It is caused by physical and psychological problem including sexually frigid, pharmacological inhibition, retrograde ejaculation and nervous system malfunction resulting in infertility.

7. Antisperm antibody
Antibody is an chemical made by our body to helps the immune system to identify the froreign invasion such as bacteria and virus. In case of antisperm antibody, the immue system attacks fetus and the sperm which interferes the sperm quality, movement and sperm cervical invasion resulting in increasing the risk of infertility for women and men alike.

8. Asherman's syndrome
Asherman's syndrome is a condition characterized by the presence of scars within the uterine cavity. It is caused by scars after a D&C is performed on a recently pregnant uterus including a missed or incomplete miscarriage, birth, or elective termination in removing retained products of conception and placental remains causing endometrium inability to response to the estrogen during menstrual cycle leading to infertility.

9. Aspirin overdose
Samll dose helps to increase infertility in women by increasing the coagulant effects and decreasing the risk of antibody attacking the fetus. Over dose of aspirin damage the kidney function in regulating the reproductive system resulting in sexual libido and increasing the risk of infertility both men and women alike according to traditional Chinese medicine.

10. Azoospermia
Azoospermia is the medical condition of a male not having any measurable level of sperm in his semen caused by blocking of the reproductive tract including blocking of the epididymis, seminal vesicles and ejaculation ducts resulting in infertility.

B. Letter B

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1. Bicornate uterus
Bicornate uterus also known as heart-shaped uterus caused by abnormal formation of mullerrian duct, thereby increasing the risk of premature born baby or miscarry due to small than normal uterus.

2. Biking
Biking may cause the scrotum problem including low sperm count.It is advice for people who like to bike in off road mountain to take precaution to avoid swelling, pain or damaging the reproductive system leading to infertility.

3. Blood pressure medication
Medication used to treat high blood pressure may interferes with kidney function in controlling sexual desire and sexual function in sperm ejaculation leading to infertility. Changing the medicine or dose will decrease the risk of kidney damage and reverse the effects.

4. Brucellosis
Brucellosis is defined as a bacterial disease transmitted to humans by ingestion of unpasteurized milk and infected milk products from animal. It increases the risk of inflammation of testicle causing flu like symptoms and leading to infertility in case of orchitis.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication June, 04-2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication June, 04-2009

A.Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Low Levels of Serotonin to Causes PMS

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome happens in one or two weeks before menstruation and then declining when the period starts. It is said the symptoms can be so severe that between 10-15% of women have to take time off work, costing businesses millions of dollars a year. In this article, we will discuss what exhibits low levels of serotonin to causes PMS .

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1. Adrenaline
Adrenaline is also produced by adrenal gland when we come under stress. Over production of adrenaline blocks the our body in utilizing progesterone, no matter how much progesterone in progesterone receptors resulting in lower levels of serotonin.

2. High levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone
Right levels of estrogen and progesterone is important to maintain healthy function of our body. Over production of estrogen causes lower levels of progesterone which is necessary for adrenal gland in manufacturing serotonin resulting in lower levels of serotonin in the bloodstream. Also high levels of estrogen causes low levels of serotonin as resulting of vitamin b6 being inhibited.

3. Problem with low glucose levels
Women with
low glucose levels before menstruation may see low levels of serotonin caused by over secretion of glucose and adrenaline resulting in low levels of serotonin.

4. Vitamin B6 deficiency
Vitamin B6 is vital in assisting the production of serotonin from adrenal gland. Deficiency causes abnormal function of adrenal gland resulting in low levels of serotonin leading to pre menstrual syndrome.

5. Essential Fatty acid -typtophan and Omega 3
Typtophan is important to raise blood glucose and increase levels of serotonin in the brain. Low levels of typtophan has an opposite effects. Omega 3 is also important in helping adrenal gland in secreting right levels of serotonin, low levels of Omega fatty acid 3 causes low levels of serotonin being produced.

B.Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Stress To Cause PMS

1. Vitamins and mineral deficiency
Vitamins B6, B5 and zinc are important when stress is a problem, because they help to increase function of adrenal gland in secreting the right levels of serotonin and adrenaline which help to cope with stress. Vitamin C is also important to make the healthy adrenal by increasing the immune system fighting against any infection.

2. imbalance of levels of fatty acids
Strong liver is vital in fatty acids synthesis. Imbalance of levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids interfere with function of the liver resulting in over production of levels of estrogen leading to nervous tension and stress for women with PMS.

3. Hormone imbalance
Hormone imbalance always is a major problem for women with PMS, because over and under production of certain hormones increase nervous tension leading to symptoms of PMS including stress.

4. Abnormal adrenal gland function
For what ever reason, before menstruation, some women are very good in coping with stress, but some are not, it may be caused by weakening adrenal gland.

5. Immune system
Strong immune system not only helps to fight against foreign invasion and forming of free radical, it also decrease the risk of gland infection leading to abnormal function in hormone secretion and stress.

6. Excessive drinking
Excessive drinking not only reduces the function of liver in fat and protein metabolism, but also increase the nervous tension resulting in increasing the risk of unbalance of production of certain hormones causing stress.

C. Pre Menstrual Syndrome and Blood Sugar

1. Abnormal liver function
For what ever reasons, women with per menstrual syndrome are found to have sluggish liver in carbohydrate metabolism. This causes unbalance of sugar levels in the bloodstream as resulting of liver inability in stimulating the pancreas function of secreting insulin leading to sugar graving between meals.

2. Stress
We face stress in our daily life, women with PMS are more sensitive to stress than women without it, it is caused by over secreting adrenaline hormones. As levels of adrenaline hormone increase, it depresses the levels of progesterone in the body resulting in hormone imbalance and leading to food and sugar graving.

3. Adrenaline hormone
Research found that some women with pre menstrual syndrome have abnormal surge of adrenaline hormone between meals. it is caused either over active nervous system in facing stress or inability of liver in regulating the function of pancreas in insulin production resulting in sugar craving tiredness and fatigue.

4. Excessive alcohol drinking
Moderate drinking helps to improve blood circulation and increase the immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals, bacteria and virus, excessive drinking damages the live organ resulting in lessening the liver in pancreas regulating in insulin secretion that causes unbalance of sugar levels in the bloodstream resulting in more severe PMS.

5. Medication
Using some kind of medication such as beta blocker,
Bactrim, Septra and etc. may cause low levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream leading to over production of adrenaline hormone resulting in pre menstrual syndrome. It is wise to talk to your doctor if you have PMS.

Since PMS is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have PMS, please look on the bright side. FOR EMOTIONAL STRESS RELIEF SELF HELP COURSE

Weekly Past Issue and Publication May, 29-2009

A. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Low Thyroid Function to Causes PMS

I. Definition
Hypothyroidism is either caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis as
hypothyroidism or by a lack of the thyroid gland or a deficiency of hormones from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary.

II. What exhibit hypothyroidism to cause Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
1. Diet
Hypothyroidism can be caused by low levels of Iodine in the diet causing
high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone resulting in swelling or hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.

2. Sporadic inheritance
Hypothyroidism can pass through from generation to generation caused by genetic defects including recessive, dominant and sporadic inheritance patterns.

3. Postpartum thyroiditis
Postpartum thyroids is a resulted of inflammation of thyroid gland as resulting of fluctuating thyroid function after childbirth for some women. This inflammation may significant damage to the thyroid and hence the hyperthyroid phase will be followed by the development of hypothyroidism.

4. Wolf-Chaikoff effects
Hyperthyroidism also can be caused temporarily intake of high amount of Iodine in treating hyperthyroidism.

6. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
Also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, it is caused by malfunction of immune system resulting in the body own T cells attack the thyroid cells or a lack of the thyroid gland or hormones deficiency from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.

B. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Too Much Androgen to Cause PMS

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1. Tumors
Tumous in the adrenal glands and ovaries can cause overproduction of androgens and lead to male body characteristics in women

2. Abnormal function of pituitary gland
Abnormal function of pituitary gland caused by Cushing's disease, increases amounts of androgen being produced.

3. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Too much adrogen is also caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia as resulting of genes mutation for enzymes which mediate the biochemical step in production cortisol from the adrenal gland resulting in more endorgen being produced.

4. Abnormal blood sugar
Imbalance of sugar levels in the bloodstream and high levels of stress stimulate the risk of over production of testosterone from the ovaries and adrenal gland. It is for your own benefit to keep your blood sugar in check and maintain a healthy adrenal gland.

5. High levels of estrogen
Bad estrogen produced by our body depressing the production of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which is produced by liver in fat and protein metabolism resulting in exhibiting testosterone causing high levels of androgen and leading to PMS.

Since PMS is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have PMS, please look on the bright side. FOR EMOTIONAL STRESS RELIEF SELF HELP COURSE

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication May, 22-2009

A.Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibit Low Levels of Estrogen to Cause PMS

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. The occurrence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) have more than doubled over the past 50 years due to the acceptance of it as a medical condition that is caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss What Exhibit low levels of estrogen to cause PMS.

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1. Hormonally active environmental chemicals
Researchers found that certain levels of environment chemicals accumulated in the body may cause lower levels of cortisol produced by women reproductive system during menstrual cycle resulting in low levels of estrogen and symptoms of PMS.

2. Excessive exercises
Moderate exercise helps to improve function of adrenal gland in production of adrenaline, excessive exercise causes over production of adrenaline resulting in high levels of testosterone and low levels of estrogen causing pre menstrual syndrome.

3. Peri menopause
Women enter peri menapause state may not ovulate regularly. It is caused by low function of the body including the ovaries in production of estrogen resulting in pre menstrual syndrome.

4. Inheritance
It is hard to believe that pre menstrual syndrome is genetic passing through from generation. If a woman mother has pre menstrual syndrome caused by low levels of estrogen then she may has it as well.

5. Contraceptive pills
Some contraceptive pill may have a effects in the levels of estrogen in the women body during menstrual cycle. By suppressing the levels of estrogen during menstrual cycle causing low levels of estrogen resulting in PMS.

6. Estradiol
Estradiol is the primary human estrogen and when the ovaries begin to fail , the levels of estrogen also fall resulting in pre menstrual syndrome for some women.

7. Thyroid disease
Some women with thyroid disease may see lower than normal levels of estrogen before period as resulting of imbalance of levels of thyroxine and thyrotrophin leading to pre menstrual syndrome.

Since PMS is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have PMS, please look on the bright side.

B.Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibit High Levels of Progesterone To Cause PMS

1. Medication
Clomiphene besides is one of many prescription medication that has been used in treating women with infertility problem by stimulating the ovulation and the production of eggs each month in the ovaries, it has a side effect that causes high levels of progesterone resulting in pre menstrual symptoms for some women before menstruation.

2. Endogenous factors
High levels of progesterone may be caused by adrenal hyperplasia. It is conditions involved excessive or deficient production of sex steroids hormone leading to symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome.

3. Over active ovaries
For what ever reason, some women with pre menstrual syndrome are found to have an over active ovaries. It may be genetic passing through from generation to generation or caused by other factors resulting in over production of progesterone.

4. Exogenous factor
Over dose of progesterone replacement therapy pill increase the risk of more progesterone in the blood stream leading to pre menstrual syndrome.

5. Emotional factors
Emotional stress increases the production of adrenaline leading to progesterone imbalance, therefore, women who are under constant stress are more likely to develop pre menstrual syndrome caused by unbalance of levels of progesterone.

C. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Too Much Adrenaline To Causes PMS

1. Excessive exercise
Mild exercise may increase the levels of adrenaline which helps nervous system in maintaining stress levels in our daily life. Excessive exercise causes high levels of adrenaline resulting in increasing the risk of Pre menstrual syndrome including anxiety, headache and palpitation.

2. Stress
Adrenal gland plays an important role in short term stress. When under stress, the brain signals the adrenal glands to secret adrenaline to react to the situation such as anger, aggression but under stress over a long period of time may cause over production of adrenaline resulting in symptoms of pre menstrual syndrome such as irritably and anxiety.

3. Caffeine
Intake of caffeine may increase the risk of over production of adrenaline. Caffeine may make you feel alert in the short run by stimulating the nervous system alertness, but over consumption of caffeine for women before period may increase the risk of over production of adrenaline which causes fatigue and depression and anxiety

4. Problem with glucose tolerance
Increasing levels of glucose in the blood stream increases the risk of over production of glucocorticoids and adrenaline resulting in pre menstrual syndrome.

5. Liver abnormal function
Most women with pre menstrual syndrome are found to have sluggish liver function before menstruation that causes abnormal function of liver in carbohydrate metabolism, leading to high levels of glucose in the bloodstream, stress and over production of adrenaline resulting in pre menstrual syndrome.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication May, 16-2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication May, 16-2009

A. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Causes PMS Depression

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. The occurrence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) have more than doubled over the past 50 years due to the acceptance of it as a medical condition that is caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts. In this article, we will discuss what causes PMS depression.

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Depression is mostly caused by hormone imbalance for women with PMS, including

1. Aldosterone
Aldosterone produced by adrenal gland, besides helping the kidney in regulating water retention in the body tissues by releasing potassium in the kidney, it also acts on the nervous system in controlling anxiety, fear and stress. Women with pre menstrual syndrome are found to have high levels of aldsterone resulting in increasing emotional and physical stress.

2. Glucocorticoids
Glucocorticoids is also produced by adrenal gland, besides helping liver in regulating the glucose metabolism and immune system in fighting against foreign invasion such as bacteria and virus, it also have an negative effect on central nervous system. Over production of glucocorticoids cause stress.

3. Cortisol
Women with pre menstrual syndrome are found to have high levels of cortisol, it is either caused by inability to cope with daily stress, hormone imbalance or nutrients deficiency before menstruation.

4. Serotonin
Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system. Unbalancing of levels of serotonin before menstruation causes nervous tension, water retention, anger, aggression and lost of concentration and stress.

5. Androgen
Androgen is a steroid hormone, it helps to stimulates or controls the development and maintenance of masculine in the body. Unbalancing of androgen can influence our behaviour, such as emotional and physical stress, because our nervous system is sensitive to steroid hormones.

B. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibit High Levels of Estrogen to Cause PMS

1. Unbalance of levels of fatty acids
Fatty acids besides are very important for liver in fat and protein metabolism in providing nutrients for the cells in the brain,they also help to maintain strong liver in inhibiting bad estrogen in the women body before menstruation. Unbalance of the levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acid causes high levels of estrogen resulting in pre menstrual syndrome.

2. Sluggish Liver
Sluggish liver decreases the normal function of liver in regulating the levels of estrogen before menstruation. Building up of high levels of estrogen causes even weaker liver resulting in abnormal bile secretion, inability to get rid of toxins.

3. Vitamin deficiency
For whatever reasons, women with pre menstrual syndrome are found to have low levels of vitamin B6 resulting in higher levels of estrogen and lower levels of progesterone.

4. Genetic passing through
Research shows that women who have her mother or sister having pre menstrual symptoms caused by high levels of estrogen before menstruation is more likely to have same problem as well.

5. Environment toxins
Environment toxins accumulated in our body causes abnormal function of liver for some women in carbohydrate synthesis and fat and protein metabolism leading higher levels of estrogen for some women before menstruation resulting in pre menstrual syndrome.

C. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits the Problem With Glucose Tolerance to Cause PMS

1. Abnormal Liver function
Strong liver is very important for reproductive menstrual cycles, because it not only helps to inhibit the bad estrogen produced by the body before menstruation but also helps in regulating the insulin in the blood stream by working together with the pancreas in carbohydrate metabolism. Without strong liver, it increases the risk of sugar craving and problem with glucose tolerance.

2. Stress
Over stress in the menstrual cycle and before menstruation causes the over production of serotonin resulting in in creasing the risk of problem with glucose tolerance.

3. Decrease adrenal function
If adrenal gland is under stress, it may cause high levels of glucocorticoids which is used by the body in regulating glucose metabolism resulting in increasing problem with glucose tolerance.

4. Excessive alcohol drinking
Normal drinking helps to improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of blood and qi stagnation
that help to enhance the normal production of estrogen and progesterone before period, excessive drinking is harmful to the liver and increase tension of nervous system resulting in exhibiting the problem with glucose tolerance.

5. Prostaglandins hormone
Prostaglandins hormone besides helps in regulating the muscles movement of the uterus, it also helps in regulating the liver in protein and fat metabolism. Over production of certain hormones in prostaglandins family causes problem with glucose tolerance as resulting of imbalance of the levels of fatty acids.

6. High levels of estrogen
Over production of estrogen levels before period may be caused by sluggish liver in carbohydrate synthesis leading to the problem with glucose tolerance and food craving as resulting of over consumption of saturated and trans fat and toxins accumulated in our body.