Saturday, August 8, 2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication June, 04-2009

Weekly Past Issue and Publication June, 04-2009

A.Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Low Levels of Serotonin to Causes PMS

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their diet. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) occurrence have more than double over past 50 years due to the acceptance of its as medical condition and caused by unhealthy diet with high in saturated food. Premenstrual syndrome is defined as faulty function of ovaries related to women menstrual cycle, it effects the women physical and emotional state and sometimes interference with daily activities as resulting of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome happens in one or two weeks before menstruation and then declining when the period starts. It is said the symptoms can be so severe that between 10-15% of women have to take time off work, costing businesses millions of dollars a year. In this article, we will discuss what exhibits low levels of serotonin to causes PMS .

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1. Adrenaline
Adrenaline is also produced by adrenal gland when we come under stress. Over production of adrenaline blocks the our body in utilizing progesterone, no matter how much progesterone in progesterone receptors resulting in lower levels of serotonin.

2. High levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone
Right levels of estrogen and progesterone is important to maintain healthy function of our body. Over production of estrogen causes lower levels of progesterone which is necessary for adrenal gland in manufacturing serotonin resulting in lower levels of serotonin in the bloodstream. Also high levels of estrogen causes low levels of serotonin as resulting of vitamin b6 being inhibited.

3. Problem with low glucose levels
Women with
low glucose levels before menstruation may see low levels of serotonin caused by over secretion of glucose and adrenaline resulting in low levels of serotonin.

4. Vitamin B6 deficiency
Vitamin B6 is vital in assisting the production of serotonin from adrenal gland. Deficiency causes abnormal function of adrenal gland resulting in low levels of serotonin leading to pre menstrual syndrome.

5. Essential Fatty acid -typtophan and Omega 3
Typtophan is important to raise blood glucose and increase levels of serotonin in the brain. Low levels of typtophan has an opposite effects. Omega 3 is also important in helping adrenal gland in secreting right levels of serotonin, low levels of Omega fatty acid 3 causes low levels of serotonin being produced.

B.Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Stress To Cause PMS

1. Vitamins and mineral deficiency
Vitamins B6, B5 and zinc are important when stress is a problem, because they help to increase function of adrenal gland in secreting the right levels of serotonin and adrenaline which help to cope with stress. Vitamin C is also important to make the healthy adrenal by increasing the immune system fighting against any infection.

2. imbalance of levels of fatty acids
Strong liver is vital in fatty acids synthesis. Imbalance of levels of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids interfere with function of the liver resulting in over production of levels of estrogen leading to nervous tension and stress for women with PMS.

3. Hormone imbalance
Hormone imbalance always is a major problem for women with PMS, because over and under production of certain hormones increase nervous tension leading to symptoms of PMS including stress.

4. Abnormal adrenal gland function
For what ever reason, before menstruation, some women are very good in coping with stress, but some are not, it may be caused by weakening adrenal gland.

5. Immune system
Strong immune system not only helps to fight against foreign invasion and forming of free radical, it also decrease the risk of gland infection leading to abnormal function in hormone secretion and stress.

6. Excessive drinking
Excessive drinking not only reduces the function of liver in fat and protein metabolism, but also increase the nervous tension resulting in increasing the risk of unbalance of production of certain hormones causing stress.

C. Pre Menstrual Syndrome and Blood Sugar

1. Abnormal liver function
For what ever reasons, women with per menstrual syndrome are found to have sluggish liver in carbohydrate metabolism. This causes unbalance of sugar levels in the bloodstream as resulting of liver inability in stimulating the pancreas function of secreting insulin leading to sugar graving between meals.

2. Stress
We face stress in our daily life, women with PMS are more sensitive to stress than women without it, it is caused by over secreting adrenaline hormones. As levels of adrenaline hormone increase, it depresses the levels of progesterone in the body resulting in hormone imbalance and leading to food and sugar graving.

3. Adrenaline hormone
Research found that some women with pre menstrual syndrome have abnormal surge of adrenaline hormone between meals. it is caused either over active nervous system in facing stress or inability of liver in regulating the function of pancreas in insulin production resulting in sugar craving tiredness and fatigue.

4. Excessive alcohol drinking
Moderate drinking helps to improve blood circulation and increase the immune system in fighting against forming of free radicals, bacteria and virus, excessive drinking damages the live organ resulting in lessening the liver in pancreas regulating in insulin secretion that causes unbalance of sugar levels in the bloodstream resulting in more severe PMS.

5. Medication
Using some kind of medication such as beta blocker,
Bactrim, Septra and etc. may cause low levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream leading to over production of adrenaline hormone resulting in pre menstrual syndrome. It is wise to talk to your doctor if you have PMS.

Since PMS is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have PMS, please look on the bright side. FOR EMOTIONAL STRESS RELIEF SELF HELP COURSE

Weekly Past Issue and Publication May, 29-2009

A. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Low Thyroid Function to Causes PMS

I. Definition
Hypothyroidism is either caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis as
hypothyroidism or by a lack of the thyroid gland or a deficiency of hormones from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary.

II. What exhibit hypothyroidism to cause Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
1. Diet
Hypothyroidism can be caused by low levels of Iodine in the diet causing
high levels of thyroid stimulating hormone resulting in swelling or hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.

2. Sporadic inheritance
Hypothyroidism can pass through from generation to generation caused by genetic defects including recessive, dominant and sporadic inheritance patterns.

3. Postpartum thyroiditis
Postpartum thyroids is a resulted of inflammation of thyroid gland as resulting of fluctuating thyroid function after childbirth for some women. This inflammation may significant damage to the thyroid and hence the hyperthyroid phase will be followed by the development of hypothyroidism.

4. Wolf-Chaikoff effects
Hyperthyroidism also can be caused temporarily intake of high amount of Iodine in treating hyperthyroidism.

6. Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
Also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, it is caused by malfunction of immune system resulting in the body own T cells attack the thyroid cells or a lack of the thyroid gland or hormones deficiency from either the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.

B. Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS )- What Exhibits Too Much Androgen to Cause PMS

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1. Tumors
Tumous in the adrenal glands and ovaries can cause overproduction of androgens and lead to male body characteristics in women

2. Abnormal function of pituitary gland
Abnormal function of pituitary gland caused by Cushing's disease, increases amounts of androgen being produced.

3. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Too much adrogen is also caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia as resulting of genes mutation for enzymes which mediate the biochemical step in production cortisol from the adrenal gland resulting in more endorgen being produced.

4. Abnormal blood sugar
Imbalance of sugar levels in the bloodstream and high levels of stress stimulate the risk of over production of testosterone from the ovaries and adrenal gland. It is for your own benefit to keep your blood sugar in check and maintain a healthy adrenal gland.

5. High levels of estrogen
Bad estrogen produced by our body depressing the production of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which is produced by liver in fat and protein metabolism resulting in exhibiting testosterone causing high levels of androgen and leading to PMS.

Since PMS is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and a self help course, if you have PMS, please look on the bright side. FOR EMOTIONAL STRESS RELIEF SELF HELP COURSE

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